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Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2015 4:49 pm
by Hiroko
I hear that VIP is very close to ZMUD. One of our new players was looking for something to manage communications so it didn't get lost in spam. Apart from moving it to a different window, I thought the comms script might do the trick. If anyone has any experience with VIP and has suggestions, I'd be glad to hear them. In the meantime, I'm just pasting the ZMUD script here in the off chance it works for him.

Code: Select all

[size=85]#CLASS {ComHistory}
#ALIAS narrh {
  #IF ((%numparam > 0)&(%isnumber( %1))) {
    nnewhowmany = %1
    #ECHO narrHistory set to the last @nnewhowmany narr~(s~).
    nhowmany = @nnewhowmany
    } {
    #IF ((%numparam > 0)&(%1 == "clear")) {
      #VAR narrhistory ""
      #ECHO narrHistory cleared.
      } {
      #ECHO --- Last @nhowmany narr~(s~) received---
      #LOOP %numitems( @narrhistory)-@nhowmany,%numitems( @narrhistory) {#ECHO %item( @narrhistory, %i)}
#ALIAS chath {
  #IF ((%numparam > 0)&(%isnumber( %1))) {
    cnewhowmany = %1
    #ECHO chatHistory set to the last @cnewhowmany chat~(s~).
    chowmany = @cnewhowmany
    } {
    #IF ((%numparam > 0)&(%1 == "clear")) {
      #VAR chathistory ""
      #ECHO chatHistory cleared.
      } {
      #ECHO --- Last @chowmany chat~(s~) received---
      #LOOP %numitems( @chathistory)-@chowmany,%numitems( @chathistory) {#ECHO %item( @chathistory, %i)}
#ALIAS tellh {
  #IF ((%numparam > 0)&(%isnumber( %1))) {
    tnewhowmany = %1
    #ECHO tellHistory set to the last @tnewhowmany tell~(s~).
    thowmany = @tnewhowmany
    } {
    #IF ((%numparam > 0)&(%1 == "clear")) {
      #VAR tellhistory ""
      #ECHO tellHistory cleared.
      } {
      #ECHO --- Last @thowmany tell~(s~) received---
      #LOOP %numitems( @tellhistory)-@thowmany,%numitems( @tellhistory) {#ECHO %item( @tellhistory, %i)}
#ALIAS sayh {
  #IF ((%numparam > 0)&(%isnumber( %1))) {
    snewhowmany = %1
    #ECHO sayHistory set to the last @snewhowmany say~(s~).
    showmany = @snewhowmany
    } {
    #IF ((%numparam > 0)&(%1 == "clear")) {
      #VAR sayhistory ""
      #ECHO sayHistory cleared.
      } {
      #ECHO --- Last @showmany say~(s~) received---
      #LOOP %numitems( @sayhistory)-@showmany,%numitems( @sayhistory) {#ECHO %item( @sayhistory, %i)}
#ALIAS shouth {
  #IF ((%numparam > 0)&(%isnumber( %1))) {
    ssnewhowmany = %1
    #ECHO shoutHistory set to the last @ssnewhowmany shout~(s~).
    sshowmany = @ssnewhowmany
    } {
    #IF ((%numparam > 0)&(%1 == "clear")) {
      #VAR shouthistory ""
      #ECHO shoutHistory cleared.
      } {
      #ECHO --- Last @sshowmany shout~(s~) received---
      #LOOP %numitems( @shouthistory)-@sshowmany,%numitems( @shouthistory) {#ECHO %item( @shouthistory, %i)}
#ALIAS yellh {
  #IF ((%numparam > 0)&(%isnumber( %1))) {
    ynewhowmany = %1
    #ECHO yellHistory set to the last @ynewhowmany yell~(s~).
    yhowmany = @ynewhowmany
    } {
    #IF ((%numparam > 0)&(%1 == "clear")) {
      #VAR yellhistory ""
      #ECHO yellHistory cleared.
      } {
      #ECHO --- Last @yhowmany yell~(s~) received---
      #LOOP %numitems( @yellhistory)-@yhowmany,%numitems( @yellhistory) {#ECHO %item( @yellhistory, %i)}
#ALIAS immh {
  #IF ((%numparam > 0)&(%isnumber( %1))) {
    inewhowmany = %1
    #ECHO ImmHistory set to the last @inewhowmany Speak~(s~).
    ihowmany = @inewhowmany
    } {
    #IF ((%numparam > 0)&(%1 == "clear")) {
      #VAR immhistory ""
      #ECHO immHistory cleared.
      } {
      #ECHO --- Last @ihowmany Speak~(s~) received---
      #LOOP %numitems( @immhistory)-@ihowmany,%numitems( @immhistory) {#ECHO %item( @immhistory, %i)}
#ALIAS whisperh {
  #IF ((%numparam > 0)&(%isnumber( %1))) {
    wnewhowmany = %1
    #ECHO whisperHistory set to the last @wnewhowmany whispers~(s~).
    whowmany = @wnewhowmany
    } {
    #IF ((%numparam > 0)&(%1 == "clear")) {
      #VAR whisperhistory ""
      #ECHO WhisperHistory cleared.
      } {
      #ECHO --- Last @whowmany whisper~(s~) received---
      #LOOP %numitems( @whisperhistory)-@whowmany,%numitems( @whisperhistory) {#ECHO %item( @whisperhistory, %i)}
#ALIAS drawlh {
  #IF ((%numparam > 0)&(%isnumber( %1))) {
    dnewhowmany = %1
    #ECHO drawlHistory set to the last @dnewhowmany drawl~(s~).
    dhowmany = @dnewhowmany
    } {
    #IF ((%numparam > 0)&(%1 == "clear")) {
      #VAR drawlhistory ""
      #ECHO drawlHistory cleared.
      } {
      #ECHO --- Last @dhowmany drawls~(s~) received---
      #LOOP %numitems( @drawlhistory)-@dhowmany,%numitems( @drawlhistory) {#ECHO %item( @drawlhistory, %i)}
#ALIAS hissh {
  #IF ((%numparam > 0)&(%isnumber( %1))) {
    hnewhowmany = %1
    #ECHO HissHistory set to the last @hnewhowmany hiss~(es~).
    hhowmany = @hnewhowmany
    } {
    #IF ((%numparam > 0)&(%1 == "clear")) {
      #VAR hisshistory ""
      #ECHO hissHistory cleared.
      } {
      #ECHO --- Last @hhowmany hiss~(es~) received---
      #LOOP %numitems( @hisshistory)-@hhowmany,%numitems( @hisshistory) {#ECHO %item( @hisshistory, %i)}
#VAR nhowmany {50}
#VAR narrrec {I take you to be my mentor, Valanar!}
#VAR nnewhowmany {50}
#VAR ncurtime {16:23:29}
#VAR nenterthis {(@ncurtime): Seen narrated: @narrrec}
#VAR narrhistory {} {}
#VAR chowmany {30}
#VAR chatrec {things too}
#VAR cnewhowmany {30}
#VAR ccurtime {16:43:16}
#VAR centerthis {(@ccurtime): Bandall chats: @chatrec}
#VAR chathistory {} {}
#VAR thowmany {20}
#VAR tellrec {oh. haha}
#VAR tnewhowmany {20}
#VAR tcurtime {16:43:02}
#VAR tenterthis {(@tcurtime): Wyll tells you: @tellrec}
#VAR tellhistory {} {}
#VAR showmany {20}
#VAR sayrec {brb}
#VAR snewhowmany {20}
#VAR scurtime {16:24:27}
#VAR senterthis {(@scurtime): Arashi said: @sayrec}
#VAR sayhistory {} {}
#VAR sshowmany {10}
#VAR shoutrec {The Tower must put down the false dragon, Gothos!}
#VAR ssnewhowmany {10}
#VAR sscurtime {11:09:29}
#VAR ssenterthis {(11:09:29): Mosvani said: The Tower must put down the false dragon, Gothos!}
#VAR shouthistory {} {}
#VAR yhowmany {20}
#VAR yellrec {We are patrolling the streets at In The Park!}
#VAR ynewhowmany {20}
#VAR ycurtime {16:39:31}
#VAR yenterthis {(@ycurtime): Sandair yelled: @yellrec}
#VAR yellhistory {(16:39:31): ratter yelled: Paying out for scalps of the shadow at Outside Wall of the Palace Library.|(16:39:31): Sandair yelled: We are patrolling the streets at In The Park!} {}
#VAR ihowmany {10}
#VAR immrec {Later friendsss!}
#VAR inewhowmany {10}
#VAR icurtime {23:58:20}
#VAR ienterthis {(@icurtime): Tlaloc spoke: @immrec}
#VAR immhistory {} {}
#VAR whowmany {10}
#VAR whisperrec {Your balance is the equivalent of 9738 copper.}
#VAR wnewhowmany {10}
#VAR wcurtime {0:54:33}
#VAR wenterthis {(@wcurtime): banker whispers to you: @whisperrec}
#VAR whisperhistory {} {}
#VAR dhowmany {10}
#VAR drawlrec {Argh!}
#VAR dnewhowmany {10}
#VAR dcurtime {22:11:10}
#VAR denterthis {(@dcurtime): dam drawled: @drawlrec}
#VAR drawlhistory {} {}
#VAR hhowmany {10}
#VAR hissrec {This is the will of the Great Lord.}
#VAR hnewhowmany {10}
#VAR hcurtime {16:04:32}
#VAR henterthis {(@hcurtime): fade hissed: @hissrec}
#VAR hisshistory {} {}
#TRIGGER {(%w) narrates '(*)'$} {
  #IF (%numitems( @narrhistory) = 100) {#DELNITEM narrhistory 1} {#NOOP}
  #VARIABLE narrrec "%2"
  #VARIABLE narrrec %replace( @narrrec, ~(, ~{)
  #VARIABLE narrrec %replace( @narrrec, ~", ~')
  #VARIABLE narrrec %replace( @narrrec, ~), ~})
  #VARIABLE ncurtime %time( "h:nn:ss")
  #VARIABLE nenterthis %expand( "~(@ncurtime)~: %1 narrated: @narrrec")
  #VARIABLE narrhistory %additem( @nenterthis, @narrhistory)
#TRIGGER {(%w) chats '(*)'$} {
  #IF (%numitems( @chathistory) = 100) {#DELNITEM chathistory 1} {#NOOP}
  #VARIABLE chatrec "%2"
  #VARIABLE chatrec %replace( @chatrec, ~(, ~{)
  #VARIABLE chatrec %replace( @chatrec, ~", ~')
  #VARIABLE chatrec %replace( @chatrec, ~), ~})
  #VARIABLE ccurtime %time( "h:nn:ss")
  #VARIABLE centerthis %expand( "~(@ccurtime)~: %1 chats: @chatrec")
  #VARIABLE chathistory %additem( @centerthis, @chathistory)
#TRIGGER {(%w) tells you '(*)'$} {
  #IF (%numitems( @tellhistory) = 100) {#DELNITEM tellhistory 1} {#NOOP}
  #VARIABLE tellrec "%2"
  #VARIABLE tellrec %replace( @tellrec, ~(, ~{)
  #VARIABLE tellrec %replace( @tellrec, ~", ~')
  #VARIABLE tellrec %replace( @tellrec, ~), ~})
  #VARIABLE tcurtime %time( "h:nn:ss")
  #VARIABLE tenterthis %expand( "~(@tcurtime)~: %1 tells you: @tellrec")
  #VARIABLE tellhistory %additem( @tenterthis, @tellhistory)
#TRIGGER {(%w) says '(*)'$} {
  #IF (%numitems( @sayhistory) = 100) {#DELNITEM sayhistory 1} {#NOOP}
  #VARIABLE sayrec "%2"
  #VARIABLE sayrec %replace( @sayrec, ~(, ~{)
  #VARIABLE sayrec %replace( @sayrec, ~", ~')
  #VARIABLE sayrec %replace( @sayrec, ~), ~})
  #VARIABLE scurtime %time( "h:nn:ss")
  #VARIABLE senterthis %expand( "~(@scurtime)~: %1 said: @sayrec")
  #VARIABLE sayhistory %additem( @senterthis, @sayhistory)
#TRIGGER {(%w) shouts '(*)'$} {
  #IF (%numitems( @shouthistory) = 100) {#DELNITEM shouthistory 1} {#NOOP}
  #VARIABLE shoutrec "%2"
  #VARIABLE shoutrec %replace( @shoutrec, ~(, ~{)
  #VARIABLE shoutrec %replace( @shoutrec, ~", ~')
  #VARIABLE shoutrec %replace( @shoutrec, ~), ~})
  #VARIABLE sscurtime %time( "h:nn:ss")
  #VARIABLE ssenterthis %expand( "~(@sscurtime)~: %1 said: @shoutrec")
  #VARIABLE shouthistory %additem( @ssenterthis, @shouthistory)
#TRIGGER {(%w) bellows '(*)'$} {
  #IF (%numitems( @yellhistory) = 100) {#DELNITEM yellhistory 1} {#NOOP}
  #VARIABLE yellrec "%2"
  #VARIABLE yellrec %replace( @yellrec, ~(, ~{)
  #VARIABLE yellrec %replace( @yellrec, ~", ~')
  #VARIABLE yellrec %replace( @yellrec, ~), ~})
  #VARIABLE ycurtime %time( "h:nn:ss")
  #VARIABLE yenterthis %expand( "~(@ycurtime)~: %1 yelled: @yellrec")
  #VARIABLE yellhistory %additem( @yenterthis, @yellhistory)
#TRIGGER {(%w) speaks from the %w '(*)'$} {
  #IF (%numitems( @immhistory) = 100) {#DELNITEM immhistory 1} {#NOOP}
  #VARIABLE immrec "%2"
  #VARIABLE immrec %replace( @immrec, ~(, ~{)
  #VARIABLE immrec %replace( @immrec, ~", ~')
  #VARIABLE immrec %replace( @immrec, ~), ~})
  #VARIABLE icurtime %time( "h:nn:ss")
  #VARIABLE ienterthis %expand( "~(@icurtime)~: %1 spoke: @immrec")
  #VARIABLE immhistory %additem( @ienterthis, @immhistory)
#TRIGGER {(%w) answers your prayer '(*)'$} {
  #IF (%numitems( @immhistory) = 100) {#DELNITEM immhistory 1} {#NOOP}
  #VARIABLE immrec "%2"
  #VARIABLE immrec %replace( @immrec, ~(, ~{)
  #VARIABLE immrec %replace( @immrec, ~", ~')
  #VARIABLE immrec %replace( @immrec, ~), ~})
  #VARIABLE icurtime %time( "h:nn:ss")
  #VARIABLE ienterthis %expand( "~(@icurtime)~: %1 answered: @immrec")
  #VARIABLE immhistory %additem( @ienterthis, @immhistory)
#TRIGGER {(%w) whispers to you '(*)'$} {
  #IF (%numitems( @whisperhistory) = 100) {#DELNITEM whisperhistory 1} {#NOOP}
  #VARIABLE whisperrec "%2"
  #VARIABLE whisperrec %replace( @whisperrec, ~(, ~{)
  #VARIABLE whisperrec %replace( @whisperrec, ~", ~')
  #VARIABLE whisperrec %replace( @whisperrec, ~), ~})
  #VARIABLE wcurtime %time( "h:nn:ss")
  #VARIABLE wenterthis %expand( "~(@wcurtime)~: %1 whispers to you: @whisperrec")
  #VARIABLE whisperhistory %additem( @wenterthis, @whicperhistory)
#TRIGGER {(%w) drawls '(*)'$} {
  #IF (%numitems( @drawlhistory) = 100) {#DELNITEM drawlhistory 1} {#NOOP}
  #VARIABLE drawlrec "%2"
  #VARIABLE drawlrec %replace( @drawlrec, ~(, ~{)
  #VARIABLE drawlrec %replace( @drawlrec, ~", ~')
  #VARIABLE drawlrec %replace( @drawlrec, ~), ~})
  #VARIABLE dcurtime %time( "h:nn:ss")
  #VARIABLE denterthis %expand( "~(@dcurtime)~: %1 drawled: @drawlrec")
  #VARIABLE drawlhistory %additem( @denterthis, @drawlhistory)
#TRIGGER {(%w) hisses '(*)'$} {
  #IF (%numitems( @hisshistory) = 100) {#DELNITEM hisshistory 1} {#NOOP}
  #VARIABLE hissrec "%2"
  #VARIABLE hissrec %replace( @hissrec, ~(, ~{)
  #VARIABLE hissrec %replace( @hissrec, ~", ~')
  #VARIABLE hissrec %replace( @hissrec, ~), ~})
  #VARIABLE hcurtime %time( "h:nn:ss")
  #VARIABLE henterthis %expand( "~(@hcurtime)~: %1 hissed: @hissrec")
  #VARIABLE hisshistory %additem( @henterthis, @hisshistory)
#CLASS 0[/size]