House of Medakan zMUD Scripts

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Re: HoM zMUD Scripts

Post by Taziar »

Type helpMounts to view help file in client.

Untested version...

Code: Select all

#CLASS {Mounts}
#ALIAS helpMounts {
		#SHOW {%crlf <C dodgerblue>"-----Mounts Help File-----"<C/>}
		#SHOW {" Mounts script adds numbers to aid in mount targeting when using the look command or entering a room."}
		#SHOW {"  Note: colors the entire line whenever you see a mount that is not being ridden."}
		#SHOW {"   "<C @mountColorHorse>|1| A warhorse is here~, stamping his feet impatiently.</C>}
		#SHOW {"   "<C @mountColorSeanchan>|2| An armoured black stallion paws the ground.</C>}
		#SHOW {"     Note: armoured Deathwatch horse has SS color, but runs off horse keyword list."}
		#SHOW {""}
		#SHOW {" Separate colored number lists for shadow stallions, raken, and torm."}
		#SHOW {" "<C @mountColorSeanchan>|R1| A grey-skinned winged animal is here.</C>}
		#SHOW {" "<C @mountColorSeanchan>|T1| A sleek well-trained torm glares fiercely about.</C>}
		#SHOW {" "<C @mountColorShadow>|1| A black shadow stallion paws the ground here~, fiery-red eyes shining with evil.</C>}
		#SHOW {""}
		#SHOW {" When you ride a mount only the number is colored:"}
		#SHOW {" "<C @mountColorHorse>|1|</C> A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently, being ridden by you.}
		#SHOW {" "<C @mountColorShadow>|1|</C> A black shadow stallion paws the ground here, fiery-red eyes shining with evil, being ridden by you.}
		#SHOW {""}
		#SHOW {" When you see someone else ride a mount, the mount name and number is colored."}
		#SHOW {" "Taziar Medakan, Sun Captain is standing here, riding <C @mountColorHorse>|2| bloodstock stallion</C>}
		#SHOW {" "~*<C red>Rig</C>~* is here~, fighting Reen mending a weapon, riding <C @mountColorShadow>|2| shadow stallion</C>}
		#SHOW {""}
#ALIAS mountClanSub {
	#MATH mountCountHorse @mountCountHorse+1
	#IF (%ends("%1","being ridden by you.")) {
		#PSUB {<C @mountColorClan>|@mountCountHorse| %1} %x1
		} {
		#PSUB {<C @mountColorClan>|@mountCountHorse| "%1"</C>} %x1
#ALIAS mountHorseSub {
	#MATH mountCountHorse @mountCountHorse+1
	#IF (%ends("%1","being ridden by you.")) {
		#PSUB {<C @mountColorHorse>|@mountCountHorse| %1} %x1
		} {
		#PSUB {<C @mountColorHorse>|@mountCountHorse| "%1"</C>} %x1
#VAR mountColorClan {goldenrod}
#VAR mountColorHorse {cyan}
#VAR mountColorSeanchan {purple}
#VAR mountColorShadow {darkred}
#VAR mountCountHorse {0} {0}
#VAR mountCountRaken {0} {0}
#VAR mountCountShadow {0} {0}
#VAR mountCountTorm {0} {0}
#VAR mountList {black stallion|bloodstock stallion|brown horse|brown stallion|chestnut stallion|Domani razor|draft horse|dun mare|dust-colored gelding|gray palfrey|Illianer steed|playful colt|prancing palomino mare|roan charger|shaggy brown mare|spotted horse|warhorse|white-maned pony|wild stallion}
#VAR mountClanList {battle-trained gray destrier|white destrier}
#TRIGGER "mountExitsTrigger" {^~[ obvious exits: *~]$} {
	#T+ {Mounts|MountTriggers}
	#T+ {mountPromptTrigger}
	#VAR mountCountHorse {0}
	#VAR mountCountRaken {0}
	#VAR mountCountShadow {0}
	#VAR mountCountTorm {0}
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "mountPromptTrigger" {^{o|*} * > } {
	#T- {mountPromptTrigger}
	#T- {Mounts|MountTriggers}
	#VAR mountCountHorse {0}
	#VAR mountCountRaken {0}
	#VAR mountCountShadow {0}
	#VAR mountCountTorm {0}
	} "" {disable|nocr|prompt}
#CLASS {Mounts|MountTriggers} {disable}
#TRIGGER "mountRideShadow" {, riding a shadow stallion.$} {
	#MATH mountCountShadow @mountCountShadow+1
	#SUB {, riding <C @mountColorShadow>|@mountCountShadow| shadow stallion</C>}
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "mountShadow" {^(A black shadow stallion paws the ground here, fiery-red eyes shining with evil*)$} {
	#MATH mountCountShadow @mountCountShadow+1
	#IF (%ends("%1","being ridden by you.")) {
		#PSUB {<C @mountColorShadow>|@mountCountShadow| %1} %x1
		} {
		#PSUB {<C @mountColorShadow>|@mountCountShadow| "%1"</C>} %x1
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "mountRideRaken" {, riding a raken.$} {
	#MATH mountCountRaken @mountCountRaken+1
	#SUB {, riding <C @mountColorSeanchan>|%concat(R,@mountCountRaken)| raken</C>}
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "mountRaken" {^(A grey-skinned winged animal is here*)$} {
	#MATH mountCountRaken @mountCountRaken+1
	#IF (%ends("%1","being ridden by you.")) {
		#PSUB {<C @mountColorSeanchan>|%concat(R,@mountCountRaken)| %1} %x1
		} {
		#PSUB {<C @mountColorSeanchan>|%concat(R,@mountCountRaken)| %1</C>} %x1
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "mountRideTorm" {, riding a torm.$} {
	#MATH mountCountTorm @mountCountTorm+1
	#SUB {, riding <C @mountColorSeanchan>|%concat(T,@mountCountTorm)| torm</C>}
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "mountTorm" {^(A sleek well-trained torm glares fiercely about*)$} {
	#MATH mountCountTorm @mountCountTorm+1
	#IF (%ends("%1","being ridden by you.")) {
		#PSUB {<C @mountColorSeanchan>|%concat(T,@mountCountTorm)| %1} %x1
		} {
		#PSUB {<C @mountColorSeanchan>|%concat(T,@mountCountTorm)| %1</C>} %x1
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "mountRideDeathwatch" {, riding an armoured black stallion.$} {
	#MATH mountCountHorse @mountCountHorse+1
	#SUB {, riding <C @mountColorSeanchan>|@mountCountHorse| armoured black stallion</C>}
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "mountDeathwatch" {^(An armoured black stallion paws the ground*)$} {
	#MATH mountCountHorse @mountCountHorse+1
	#IF (%ends("%1","being ridden by you.")) {
		#PSUB {<C @mountColorSeanchan>|@mountCountHorse| %1} %x1
		} {
		#PSUB {<C @mountColorSeanchan>|@mountCountHorse| %1</C>} %x1
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "mountRideHorse" {, riding {a|an} (*).$} {
	#IF (%ismember(%1,@mountList)) {
		#MATH mountCountHorse @mountCountHorse+1
		#SUB {, riding <C @mountColorHorse>|@mountCountHorse| %1</C>}
		} {
		#IF (%ismember(%1,@mountClanList)) {
			#MATH mountCountHorse @mountCountHorse+1
			#SUB {, riding <C @mountColorClan>|@mountCountHorse| %1</C>}
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "mountGray" {^(A gray palfrey prances skittishly nearby*)$} {
	#MATH mountCountHorse @mountCountHorse+1
	#IF (%ends("%1","being ridden by you.")) {
		#PSUB {<C @mountColorHorse>|@mountCountHorse| %1} %x1
		} {
		#PSUB {<C @mountColorHorse>|@mountCountHorse| "%1"</C>} %x1
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "mountWarhorse" {^(A warhorse is here, stamping his feet impatiently*)$} {
	#MATH mountCountHorse @mountCountHorse+1
	#IF (%ends("%1","being ridden by you.")) {
		#PSUB {<C @mountColorHorse>|@mountCountHorse| %1} %x1
		} {
		#PSUB {<C @mountColorHorse>|@mountCountHorse| "%1"</C>} %x1
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "mountWild" {^(A wild stallion bucks madly*)$} {
	#MATH mountCountHorse @mountCountHorse+1
	#IF (%ends("%1","being ridden by you.")) {
		#PSUB {<C @mountColorHorse>|@mountCountHorse| %1} %x1
		} {
		#PSUB {<C @mountColorHorse>|@mountCountHorse| "%1"</C>} %x1
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "mountDraft" {^(A draft horse is here*)$} {
	#MATH mountCountHorse @mountCountHorse+1
	#IF (%ends("%1","being ridden by you.")) {
		#PSUB {<C @mountColorHorse>|@mountCountHorse| %1} %x1
		} {
		#PSUB {<C @mountColorHorse>|@mountCountHorse| "%1"</C>} %x1
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "mountShaggy" {^(A shaggy brown mare stands here*)$} {
	#MATH mountCountHorse @mountCountHorse+1
	#IF (%ends("%1","being ridden by you.")) {
		#PSUB {<C @mountColorHorse>|@mountCountHorse| %1} %x1
		} {
		#PSUB {<C @mountColorHorse>|@mountCountHorse| "%1"</C>} %x1
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "mountIllianer" {^(An Illianer steed stands here proudly, its black mane glistening*)$} {
	#MATH mountCountHorse @mountCountHorse+1
	#IF (%ends("%1","being ridden by you.")) {
		#PSUB {<C @mountColorHorse>|@mountCountHorse| %1} %x1
		} {
		#PSUB {<C @mountColorHorse>|@mountCountHorse| "%1"</C>} %x1
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "mountDun" {^(A dun mare is here, snorting angrily*)$} {
	#MATH mountCountHorse @mountCountHorse+1
	#IF (%ends("%1","being ridden by you.")) {
		#PSUB {<C @mountColorHorse>|@mountCountHorse| %1} %x1
		} {
		#PSUB {<C @mountColorHorse>|@mountCountHorse| "%1"</C>} %x1
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "mountTall" {^(A tall dust-colored gelding prances in a circle here*)$} {
	#MATH mountCountHorse @mountCountHorse+1
	#IF (%ends("%1","being ridden by you.")) {
		#PSUB {<C @mountColorHorse>|@mountCountHorse| %1} %x1
		} {
		#PSUB {<C @mountColorHorse>|@mountCountHorse| "%1"</C>} %x1
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "mountBloodstock" {^(A Tairen bloodstock stallion stands here, tail swaying with the breeze*)$} {
	#MATH mountCountHorse @mountCountHorse+1
	#IF (%ends("%1","being ridden by you.")) {
		#PSUB {<C @mountColorHorse>|@mountCountHorse| %1} %x1
		} {
		#PSUB {<C @mountColorHorse>|@mountCountHorse| "%1"</C>} %x1
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "mountPalomino" {^(Prancing about on dainty feet, a palomino mare stands here*)$} {
	#MATH mountCountHorse @mountCountHorse+1
	#IF (%ends("%1","being ridden by you.")) {
		#PSUB {<C @mountColorHorse>|@mountCountHorse| %1} %x1
		} {
		#PSUB {<C @mountColorHorse>|@mountCountHorse| "%1"</C>} %x1
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "mountBlack" {^(A black stallion prances about*)$} {
	#MATH mountCountHorse @mountCountHorse+1
	#IF (%ends("%1","being ridden by you.")) {
		#PSUB {<C @mountColorHorse>|@mountCountHorse| %1} %x1
		} {
		#PSUB {<C @mountColorHorse>|@mountCountHorse| "%1"</C>} %x1
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "mountRazor" {^(Eyes keen, a Domani razor stands here swishing its tail*)$} {
	#MATH mountCountHorse @mountCountHorse+1
	#IF (%ends("%1","being ridden by you.")) {
		#PSUB {<C @mountColorHorse>|@mountCountHorse| %1} %x1
		} {
		#PSUB {<C @mountColorHorse>|@mountCountHorse| "%1"</C>} %x1
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "mountBrown" {^(A brown horse is here, nipping at a tuft of grass*)$} {
	#MATH mountCountHorse @mountCountHorse+1
	#IF (%ends("%1","being ridden by you.")) {
		#PSUB {<C @mountColorHorse>|@mountCountHorse| %1} %x1
		} {
		#PSUB {<C @mountColorHorse>|@mountCountHorse| "%1"</C>} %x1
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "mountChestnut" {^(A chestnut stallion trots about*)$} {
	#MATH mountCountHorse @mountCountHorse+1
	#IF (%ends("%1","being ridden by you.")) {
		#PSUB {<C @mountColorHorse>|@mountCountHorse| %1} %x1
		} {
		#PSUB {<C @mountColorHorse>|@mountCountHorse| "%1"</C>} %x1
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "mountSpotted" {^(A spotted horse wanders skittishly around here*)$} {
	#MATH mountCountHorse @mountCountHorse+1
	#IF (%ends("%1","being ridden by you.")) {
		#PSUB {<C @mountColorHorse>|@mountCountHorse| %1} %x1
		} {
		#PSUB {<C @mountColorHorse>|@mountCountHorse| "%1"</C>} %x1
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "mountTremalking" {^(A sturdy white-maned pony tosses its head here*)$} {
	#MATH mountCountHorse @mountCountHorse+1
	#IF (%ends("%1","being ridden by you.")) {
		#PSUB {<C @mountColorHorse>|@mountCountHorse| %1} %x1
		} {
		#PSUB {<C @mountColorHorse>|@mountCountHorse| "%1"</C>} %x1
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "mountColt" {^(A playful colt is running about here*)$} {
	#MATH mountCountHorse @mountCountHorse+1
	#IF (%ends("%1","being ridden by you.")) {
		#PSUB {<C @mountColorHorse>|@mountCountHorse| %1} %x1
		} {
		#PSUB {<C @mountColorHorse>|@mountCountHorse| "%1"</C>} %x1
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "mountRoan" {^(A sturdy roan colored horse stands alert*)$} {
	#MATH mountCountHorse @mountCountHorse+1
	#IF (%ends("%1","being ridden by you.")) {
		#PSUB {<C @mountColorHorse>|@mountCountHorse| %1} %x1
		} {
		#PSUB {<C @mountColorHorse>|@mountCountHorse| "%1"</C>} %x1
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "mountClanHand" {^(A battle-trained destrier stands here*)$} {
	#MATH mountCountHorse @mountCountHorse+1
	#IF (%ends("%1","being ridden by you.")) {
		#PSUB {<C @mountColorClan,|@mountCountHorse| %1} %x1
		} {
		#PSUB {<C @mountColorClan,|@mountCountHorse| "%1"</C>} %x1
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "mountLionWarden" {^(A white destrier stands here proudly, alert for battle*)$} {
	#MATH mountCountHorse @mountCountHorse+1
	#IF (%ends("%1","being ridden by you.")) {
		#PSUB {<C @mountColorClan,|@mountCountHorse| %1} %x1
		} {
		#PSUB {<C @mountColorClan,|@mountCountHorse| "%1"</C>} %x1
	} "" {case}
Last edited by Taziar on Tue May 04, 2021 10:38 pm, edited 17 times in total.
House of Medakan cMUD Scripts: Table of Contents

House of Medakan zMUD Scripts: Table of Contents
Posts: 157
Joined: Tue Apr 07, 2015 8:24 pm
Location: Seattle

Re: House of Medakan zMUD Scripts

Post by Taziar »

Type helpTarget to view help file in client.


Type helpTargetButton to view Target Button Help Options.


Type helpTargetMacro to view Target Macro Help Options.


Type helpTargetCrossRace to view Target CrossRace Help Options.


Type helpTargetWanted to view Target WANTED Help Options.


Download file extract the folder and place a copy inside the WoTMUD folder in your zMUD directory. If your game settings folder is not titled WoTMUD then you will need to edit the file path for each button in the script to have the images display.

Direct Download Link: TargetHoM.txt
Direct Download Link:

Active Triggers: 8/19
Input Triggers: 2

Code: Select all

#CLASS {Target}
#ALIAS helpTarget {
		#SAY {%crlf "-----Target Help File-----"}
		#SAY {"     [Updated: 8/3/2018]"}
		#SHOW {" Manually set targets 1-4 with the following commands:"}
		#SHOW {"  Type tg1 <name> to set <name> as @target1."}
		#SHOW {"  Type tg2 <name> to set <name> as @target2."}
		#SHOW {"  Type tg3 <name> to set <name> as @target3."}
		#SHOW {"  Type tg4 <name> to set <name> as @target4."}
		#SHOW {"   Example: tg1 austin will set @target1 to Austin"}
		#SHOW {""}
		#SHOW {" Target special abilities:"}
		#SHOW {"  @target1 is designated kill and used to spam, targets 2-4 use cycle command function."}
		#SHOW {"  Press CTRL-F1 to cycle through and set target1 from target2, target3, or target4."}
		#SHOW {"   Note: can also cycle and set by typing tg1 without a target name."}
		#SHOW {"    Hint: CTRL-F2, CTRL-F3, and CTRL-F4 sets @target1 to current @target2-4 respectively."}
		#SHOW {""}
		#SHOW {"  @target2 fills automatically when detecting a proper case, single word name in prompt."}
		#SHOW {"   Examples: * HP:Healthy MV:Fresh - Austin: Critical > "}
		#SHOW {"     * HP:Battered MV:Full - the blighted tree: Critical - Austin: Battered > "}
		#SHOW {""}
		#SHOW {"  @target3 fills automatically when detecting most recent WANTED."}
		#SHOW {"   Notes: @target3 changes whenever a WANTED enters, flees, or leaves the room"}
		#SHOW {"     and the first WANTED name in the room contents list when entering or looking."}
		#SHOW {""}
		#SHOW {"  @target4 is a multi functional target:"}
		#SHOW {"   Typing k <name> to attack something auto sets <name> as @target4 variable."}
		#SHOW {"    Notes: ki <name>, kil <name>, and kill <name> do NOT change the @target4 variable"}
		#SHOW {"     @target4 auto populates when a player's condition in the prompt is Critical."}
		#SHOW {""}
		#SHOW {" CrossRace and WANTED names capture automatically to targets 5 through 12."}
		#SHOW {"  Note: targets 5-12 use the cycle command function."}
		#SHOW {""}
		#SHOW {" Type helpTargetButton to view Target Button Help Options."}
		#SHOW {" Type helpTargetMacro to view Target Macro Help Options."}
		#SHOW {" Type helpTargetCrossRace to view Target CrossRace Help Options."}
		#SHOW {" Type helpTargetWanted to view Target WANTED Help Options."}
		#SHOW {""}
#ALIAS helpTargetButton {
		#SAY {%crlf "-----Target Button Help Options-----"}
		#SHOW {" Type toggle14 to toggle main target buttons on/off."}
		#SHOW {" Type toggle58 to toggle crossRace target buttons 5-8 on/off."}
		#SHOW {" Type toggle912 to toggle WANTED target buttons 9-12 on/off."}
		#SHOW {" Type toggle1316 to toggle macro buttons on/off. (ADD|DIV|MULT|SUB)"}
		#SHOW {""}
		#SHOW {" Type btnColor <button> <color> to change the color of a button."}
		#SHOW {"  Note: button color uses ansi foreground and background mapping as set in Prefs."}
		#SHOW {"   To set color add foreground color number with background color number."}
		#SHOW {"    Examples: btnColor F1 15 to set F1 to white foreground and black background."}
		#SHOW {"     Hint: btnColor all <color> to change all buttons to the same color."}
		#SHOW {"  Button color can also be changed individually inside the settings window editor."}
		#SHOW {""}
		#SHOW {" Available buttons: F1|F2|F3|F4|F5|F6|F7|F8|F9|F10|F11|F12|MULT|DIV|SUB|ADD"}
		#SHOW {""}
		#SHOW {" Type btnColorDS <color> to change the color of DS captured name in buttons F5-F8."}
		#SHOW {"  Note: default set as red text with black background (btnColorDS 12)"}
		#SHOW {""}
		#SHOW {" Type btnColorLS <color> to change the color of LS captured name in buttons F5-F8."}
		#SHOW {"  Note: default set as cyan text with black background (btnColorLS 11)"}
		#SHOW {""}
		#SHOW {" Type btnColorW <color> to change the color of WANTED captured names in buttons F9-F12."}
		#SHOW {"  Note: default set as magenta text with black background (btnColorW 13)"}
		#SHOW {""}
#ALIAS helpTargetMacro {
		#SAY {%crlf "-----Target Macro Help Options-----"}
		#SHOW {" Target command cycle alias:"}
		#SHOW {"  targetCycleAction cycles through target command actions list."}
		#SHOW {"  targetCycleWeave cycles through target command weaves list."}
		#SHOW {"   Hint: place above alias in a macro for quick command cycling"}
		#SHOW {""}
		#SHOW {"  listTarget <type> shows list of current target cycle commands."}
		#SHOW {"   Types: action, weave"}
		#SHOW {""}
		#SHOW {"  addTarget <type> <command> to add a command to the specified list."}
		#SHOW {"   Example: addTarget action throw (adds throw to list of action commands)"}
		#SHOW {""}
		#SHOW {"  subTarget <type> <command> to remove a command from the specified list."}
		#SHOW {"   Example: subTarget weave blind (removes blind from list of weave commands)"}
		#SHOW {""}
		#SHOW {"  setTarget <command> to manually set cycle target command."}
		#SHOW {"   Hint: for weaves use ' around weave name as normal."}
		#SHOW {"    Examples: setTarget channel 'ice spikes'"}
		#SHOW {"              setTarget bash"}
		#SHOW {""}
		#SHOW {"  Macros (ADD|DIV|END|HOME|MULT|PGDN|PGUP|SUB) variables are located in the script: Characters."}
		#SHOW {""}
		#SHOW {"  F-Key Macros automatically set to activate buttons (F1|F2|F3|F4|F5|F6|F7|F8|F9|F10|F11|F12)"}
		#SHOW {"   Note: to bypass Fkeys and use your own macros or alias use: targetF# (targetF1, targetF2, ect...)"}
		#SHOW {""}
#ALIAS helpTargetCrossRace {
		#SAY {%crlf "-----Target CrossRace Help Options-----"}
		#SHOW {" Colored names inside asterisks automatically captured as they come across the screen."}
		#SHOW {"  Note: sets the next available crossRace target with the crossrace name."}
		#SHOW {""}
		#SHOW {" Target buttons 5 through 8 are reserved for crossRace name capture."}
		#SHOW {"  Note: once buttons fill with targets, starting at 5 and continuing to 8,"}
		#SHOW {"   new names no longer capture and buttons must be reset to change targets."}
		#SHOW {""}
		#SHOW {" Type reset58 to reset crossRace target buttons 5 through 8 to defaults."}
		#SHOW {""}
		#SHOW {" Type btnColorDS <color> to change the color of DS captured name in buttons F5-F8."}
		#SHOW {"  Note: default set as red text with black background (btnColorDS 4 or btnColorDS black,red)"}
		#SHOW {""}
		#SHOW {" Type btnColorLS <color> to change the color of LS captured name in buttons F5-F8."}
		#SHOW {"  Note: default set as blue text with black background (btnColorLS 3 or btnColorLS black,blue)"}
		#SHOW {""}
#ALIAS helpTargetWanted {
		#SAY {%crlf "-----Target WANTED Help Options-----"}
		#SHOW {" Viewing the who list will automatically save current online WANTED names."}
		#SHOW {"  Note: WANTED tag in who list are colored in the current @wantedColor."}
		#SHOW {"   Who list does not set any targets, only stores current list of WANTEDs."}
		#SHOW {""}
		#SHOW {" Manual addition of names to WANTED list:"}
		#SHOW {"  Type addWanted <name> to add a name."}
		#SHOW {"  Type subWanted <name> to remove a name."}
		#SHOW {"  Type listWanted to see list of added names."}
		#SHOW {""}
		#SHOW {" Where command output (WANTED names) colored in the current @wantedColor."}
		#SHOW {"  Note: sets the next available WANTED target(9-12) with WANTED name"}
		#SHOW {""}
		#SHOW {" Entering or looking in a room will color WANTED names in the current @wantedColor."}
		#SHOW {"  Note: sets the next available WANTED target(9-12) with WANTED name and,"}
		#SHOW {"   sets the @target3 variable with the first detected name in room list."}
		#SHOW {""}
		#SHOW {" Whenever a WANTED enters, attempts to flee, or leaves the room it sets @target3."}
		#SHOW {""}
		#SHOW {" Type colorWanted <color> [bcolor] to set WANTED color."}
		#SHOW {"  Current WANTED color: " @wantedMXPcolor(@wantedColor)}
		#SHOW {"   Note: background color is optional"}
		#SHOW {""}
		#SHOW {" Target buttons 9 through 12 are reserved for WANTED name capture."}
		#SHOW {"  Note: once buttons fill with targets, starting at 9 and continuing to 12,"}
		#SHOW {"   new names no longer capture and buttons must be reset to change targets."}
		#SHOW {""}
		#SHOW {" Type reset912 to reset WANTED target buttons 9 through 12 to defaults."}
		#SHOW {""}
		#SHOW {" Type btnColorW <color> to change the color of WANTED captured names in buttons F9-F12."}
		#SHOW {"  "Note: current WANTED button color is set to <color @btnColorW>@btnColorW</color>.}
		#SHOW {""}
#ALIAS toggle14 {
	#IF (@showButton14) {
		#VAR showButton14 {0}
		#SAY {%crlf Target Buttons 1-4 enabled.}
		#LOOP 1,4 {#T+ {%concat(buttonF,%i)}}
		} {
		#VAR showButton14 {1}
		#SAY {%crlf Target Buttons 1-4 disabled.}
		#LOOP 1,4 {#T- {%concat(buttonF,%i)}}
#ALIAS toggle58 {
	#IF (@showButton58) {
		#VAR showButton58 {0}
		#SAY {%crlf Target Buttons 5-8 enabled.}
		#LOOP 5,8 {#T+ {%concat(buttonF,%i)}}
		} {
		#VAR showButton58 {1}
		#SAY {%crlf Target Buttons 5-8 disabled.}
		#LOOP 5,8 {#T- {%concat(buttonF,%i)}}
#ALIAS toggle912 {
	#IF (@showButton912) {
		#VAR showButton912 {0}
		#SAY {%crlf Target Buttons 9-12 enabled.}
		#LOOP 9,12 {#T+ {%concat(buttonF,%i)}}
		} {
		#VAR showButton912 {1}
		#SAY {%crlf Target Buttons 9-12 disabled.}
		#LOOP 9,12 {#T- {%concat(buttonF,%i)}}
#ALIAS toggle1316 {
	#IF (@showButton1316) {
		#VAR showButton1316 {0}
		#SAY {%crlf Buttons 13-16 enabled.}
		#FORALL {ADD|DIV|MULT|SUB} {#T+ {%concat(button,%i)}}
		} {
		#VAR showButton1316 {1}
		#SAY {%crlf Buttons 13-16 disabled.}
		#FORALL {ADD|DIV|MULT|SUB} {#T- {%concat(button,%i)}}
#ALIAS reset58 {
	#T+ {targetDarkTrigger}
	#T+ {targetHumanTrigger}
	#LOOP 5,8 {#VAR %concat(target,%i) {}}
	#LOOP 5,8  {#CALL {%btncol(%concat(buttonF,%i),15)}}
	#VAR targetCrossList {}
#ALIAS reset912 {
	#LOOP 9,12 {#VAR %concat(target,%i) {}}
	#LOOP 9,12  {#CALL {%btncol(%concat(buttonF,%i),@btnColorW)}}
	#VAR wantedButtonList {}
#ALIAS tg1 {
	#IF (%null(%1)) {
		#IF (@targetCycleCount=2) {
			#VAR target1 {@target2}
			#VAR targetCycleCount {3}
			} {
			#IF (@targetCycleCount=3) {
				#VAR target1 {@target3}
				#VAR targetCycleCount {4}
				} {
				#IF (@targetCycleCount=4) {
					#VAR target1 {@target4}
					#VAR targetCycleCount {2}
					} {}
		} {
		#VAR target1 {%proper(%1)}
		#SAY {@target1 is now set as your target1.}
#ALIAS tg2 {
	#IF (%null(%1)) {
		#VAR target2 {2}
		#SAY {%crlf No target name detected, @target2 is now reset.}
		} {
		#VAR target2 {%proper(%1)}
		#SAY {@target2 is now set as your target2.}
#ALIAS tg3 {
	#IF (%null(%1)) {
		#VAR target3 {3}
		#SAY {%crlf No target name detected, @target3 is now reset.}
		} {
		#VAR target3 {%proper(%1)}
		#SAY {@target3 is now set as your target3.}
#ALIAS tg4 {
	#IF (%null(%1)) {
		#VAR target4 {4}
		#SAY {%crlf No target name detected, @target4 is now reset.}
		} {
		#VAR target4 {%proper(%1)}
		#SAY {@target4 is now set as your target4.}
#ALIAS btnColor {
	#IF (%null(%1)) {
		#SHOW {%crlf "Usage: btnColor <button> <color> (use [all] in <button> field for all buttons)"}
		} {
		#IF (%null(%2)) {
			#SAY {%crlf What color is that?...}
			} {
			#IF (%ismember(%upper(%1),@btnList)) {
				#CALL {%btncol(%concat(button,%1),%2)}
				#SAY {%crlf Button %upper(%1) color set to %2.}
				} {
				#IF (%upper(%1)=ALL) {#FORALL @btnList {#CALL {%btncol(%concat(button,%i),%2)}}} {}
				#SAY {%crlf All Button color's are set to %2!}
#ALIAS btnColorDS {
	#IF (%null(%1)) {
		#SHOW {%crlf "Usage: btnColorDS <color>"}
		} {
		#VAR btnColorDS {%1}
		#SAY {%crlf DS buttons capture color set to %1.}
#ALIAS btnColorLS {
	#IF (%null(%1)) {
		#SHOW {%crlf "Usage: btnColorLS <color>"}
		} {
		#VAR btnColorLS {%1}
		#SAY {%crlf LS buttons capture color set to %1.}
#ALIAS btnColorW {
	#IF (%null(%1)) {
		#SHOW {%crlf "Usage: btnColorW <color>"}
		} {
		#VAR btnColorW {%1}
		#SAY {%crlf WANTED buttons capture color set to %1.}
#ALIAS targetF1 {kill @target1}
#ALIAS targetF2 {@targetCommand @target2}
#ALIAS targetF3 {@targetCommand @target3}
#ALIAS targetF4 {@targetCommand @target4}
#ALIAS targetF5 {
	#IF (%null(@target5)) {
		#SAY {%crlf "No *CrossRaceName* has been captured for target5"}
		} {
		@targetCommand @target5
#ALIAS targetF6 {
	#IF (%null(@target6)) {
		#SAY {%crlf "No *CrossRaceName* has been captured for target6"}
		} {
		@targetCommand @target6
#ALIAS targetF7 {
	#IF (%null(@target7)) {
		#SAY {%crlf "No *CrossRaceName* has been captured for target7"}
		} {
		@targetCommand @target7
#ALIAS targetF8 {
	#IF (%null(@target8)) {
		#SAY {%crlf "No *CrossRaceName* has been captured for target8"}
		} {
		@targetCommand @target8
#ALIAS targetF9 {
	#IF (%null(@target9)) {
		#SAY {%crlf "No WANTED name has been captured for target9"}
		} {
		@targetCommand @target9
#ALIAS targetF10 {
	#IF (%null(@target10)) {
		#SAY {%crlf "No WANTED name has been captured for target10"}
		} {
		@targetCommand @target10
#ALIAS targetF11 {
	#IF (%null(@target11)) {
		#SAY {%crlf "No WANTED name has been captured for target11"}
		} {
		@targetCommand @target11
#ALIAS targetF12 {
	#IF (%null(@target12)) {
		#SAY {%crlf "No WANTED name has been captured for target12"}
		} {
		@targetCommand @target12
#ALIAS targetADD {@charADD}
#ALIAS targetDIV {@charDIV}
#ALIAS targetMULT {@charMULT}
#ALIAS targetSUB {@charSUB}
#ALIAS addTarget {
	#IF (%null(%1)) {
		#SAY {%crlf Usage: addTarget <type> <command>}
		#SHOW {%lf Available types: action, weave}
		} {
		#IF (%proper(%1)=Action) {
			#ADDITEM targetActionList {%-2}
			#SAY {%crlf %-2 saved to target %lower(%1) commands.}
			} {
			#IF (%proper(%1)=Weave) {
				#ADDITEM targetWeaveList {%-2}
				#SAY {%crlf %-2 saved to target %lower(%1) commands.}
				} {
				#SAY {%crlf Invalid type! Types: action, weave}
#ALIAS listTarget {
	#IF (%proper(%1)=Action OR %proper(%1)=Weave) {
		#SAY {%crlf Current saved %lower(%1) commands:}
		#FORALL %concat("@target",%1,List) {#SHOW {%lf %i}}
		} {#SAY {%crlf Invalid type! Available types: action, weave}}
#ALIAS setTarget {
	#IF (%null(%1)) {
		#SAY {%crlf Usage: setTarget <command>}
		} {
		#VAR targetCommand {%-1}
		#SAY {%crlf %-1 set as target command.}
#ALIAS subTarget {
	#IF (%null(%1)) {
		#SAY {%crlf Usage: subTarget <type> <command>}
		#SHOW {%lf Available types: action, weave}
		} {
		#IF (%proper(%1)=Action) {
			#IF (%ismember("%-2",@targetActionList)) {
				#DELITEM targetActionList {%-2}
				#SAY {%crlf %-2 deleted from target action commands.}
				} {
				#SAY {%crlf Invalid action, not found in list.}
			} {
			#IF (%proper(%1)=Weave) {
				#IF (%ismember("%-2",@targetWeaveList)) {
					#DELITEM targetWeaveList {%-2}
					#SAY {%crlf %-2 deleted from target weave commands.}
					} {
					#SAY {%crlf Invalid weave, not found in list.}
				} {
				#SAY {%crlf Invalid type! Available types: action, weave}
#ALIAS targetCycleAction {
	#IF (%numitems(@targetActionList)>%ismember(@targetAction,@targetActionList)) {
		#VAR targetAction {%eval(%item(@targetActionList,%ismember(@targetAction,@targetActionList)+1))}
		} {
		#VAR targetAction {%item(@targetActionList,1)}
	#VAR targetCommand {@targetAction}
	#SAY %crlf Targets action command set to: @targetAction
#ALIAS targetCycleWeave {
	#IF (%numitems(@targetWeaveList)>%ismember(@targetWeave,@targetWeaveList)) {
		#VAR targetWeave {%eval(%item(@targetWeaveList,%ismember(@targetWeave,@targetWeaveList)+1))}
		} {
		#VAR targetWeave {%item(@targetWeaveList,1)}
	#VAR targetCommand {%concat(channel," ","'",@targetWeave,"'")}
	#SAY %crlf Targets channel command set to: @targetWeave
#VAR btnColorDS {red}
#VAR btnColorLS {dodgerblue}
#VAR btnColorW {darkorange}
#VAR btnList {ADD|DIV|F1|F2|F3|F4|F5|F6|F7|F8|F9|F10|F11|F12|MULT|SUB}
#VAR showButton1316 {1}
#VAR showButton14 {1}
#VAR showButton58 {1}
#VAR showButton912 {1}
#VAR target1 {1}
#VAR target10 {}
#VAR target11 {}
#VAR target12 {}
#VAR target2 {2}
#VAR target3 {3}
#VAR target4 {4}
#VAR target5 {}
#VAR target6 {}
#VAR target7 {}
#VAR target8 {}
#VAR target9 {}
#VAR targetAction {backstab}
#VAR targetActionList {backstab|bash|charge|kill}
#VAR targetCommand {kill}
#VAR targetCrossList {}
#VAR targetCycleCount {2}
#VAR targetPlayerName {} {}
#VAR targetWeave {blind}
#VAR targetWeaveList {blind|call lightning|ice spikes}
#TRIGGER "targetExitsTrigger" {^~[ obvious exits: *~]$} {
	#T+ {targetPrompt}
	#T+ {targetRoomDS}
	#T+ {targetRoomLS}
	#T+ {wantedRoomTarget}
	#T+ {wantedRoomTrigger}
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "targetDarkTrigger" {~*%e[31m([A-Z]%w)%e[0m~*} {
	#IF (%ismember(%1,@targetCrossList)) {} {
		#ADDITEM targetCrossList {%1}
		#LOOP 5,8  {#CALL {%btncol(%concat(buttonF,%i),@btnColorDS)}}
		#IF (%numitems(@targetCrossList)<5) {
			#VAR %concat(target,%eval(%ismember(%1,@targetCrossList)+4)) {%1}
			} {}
	} "" {case|color}
#TRIGGER "targetHumanTrigger" {~*%e[36m([A-Z]%w)%e[0m~*} {
	#IF (%ismember(%1,@targetCrossList)) {} {
		#ADDITEM targetCrossList {%1}
		#LOOP 5,8  {#CALL {%btncol(%concat(buttonF,%i),@btnColorLS)}}
		#IF (%numitems(@targetCrossList)<5) {
			#VAR %concat(target,%eval(%ismember(%1,@targetCrossList)+4)) {%1}
			} {}
	} "" {case|color}
#TRIGGER "targetRoomDS" {%e[33m~*%e[31m([A-Z]%w)%e[33m~*} {
	#IF (%ismember(%1,@targetCrossList)) {} {
		#ADDITEM targetCrossList {%1}
		#LOOP 5,8  {#CALL {%btncol(%concat(buttonF,%i),@btnColorDS)}}
		#IF (%numitems(@targetCrossList)<5) {
			#VAR %concat(target,%eval(%ismember(%1,@targetCrossList)+4)) {%1}
			} {}
	} "" {case|color|disable}
#TRIGGER "targetRoomLS" {%e[33m~*%e[36m([A-Z]%w)%e[33m~*} {
	#IF (%ismember(%1,@targetCrossList)) {} {
		#ADDITEM targetCrossList {%1}
		#LOOP 5,8  {#CALL {%btncol(%concat(buttonF,%i),@btnColorLS)}}
		#IF (%numitems(@targetCrossList)<5) {
			#VAR %concat(target,%eval(%ismember(%1,@targetCrossList)+4)) {%1}
			} {}
	} "" {case|color|disable}
#TRIGGER "targetPlayerNamePrompt" {^{o|*} * - ([A-Z]%w): ([A-Z]%w) >} {
	#IF (%1=@targetPlayerName) {} {
		#VAR targetPlayerName {%1}
		#VAR target2 {%1}
	#IF (%2=Critical) {#VAR target4 {%1}} {}
	} "" {case|nocr|prompt}
#TRIGGER "targetPlayerAssistPrompt" {^{o|*} * - *: %w - ([A-Z]%w): ([A-Z]%w) >} {
	#IF (%1=@targetPlayerName) {} {
		#VAR targetPlayerName {%1}
		#VAR target2 {%1}
	#IF (%2=Critical) {#VAR target4 {%1}} {}
	} "" {case|nocr|prompt}
#TRIGGER "targetPrompt" {^{o|*} * >} {
	#IF (%class(wantedWhoTrigger)=1) {#VAR wantedList {%sort(@WantedList)}}
	#T- {targetPrompt}
	#T- {targetRoomDS}
	#T- {targetRoomLS}
	#T- {wantedRoomTarget}
	#T- {wantedRoomTrigger}
	#T- {wantedTavernTrigger}
	#T- {wantedWhereTrigger}
	#T- {wantedWhoTrigger}
	#T- {wantedWhoManual}
	#T- {wantedTavernManual}
	} "" {case|disable|nocr|prompt}
#ONINPUT {^k &target4$} {kill @target4}
#KEY CTRL-F1 {tg1}
#KEY CTRL-F2 {#VAR target1 {@target2}}
#KEY CTRL-F3 {#VAR target1 {@target3}}
#KEY CTRL-F4 {#VAR target1 {@target4}}
#BUTTON {1} "@target1" {targetF1} {} {} {} {} {wotmud\Key16\F1Key16.bmp} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {push} {} {Target} {} {F1} {buttonF1} {4}
#BUTTON {2} "@target2" {targetF2} {} {} {} {} {wotmud\Key16\F2Key16.bmp} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {push} {} {Target} {} {F2} {buttonF2} {4}
#BUTTON {3} "@target3" {targetF3} {} {} {} {} {wotmud\Key16\F3Key16.bmp} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {push} {} {Target} {} {F3} {buttonF3} {4}
#BUTTON {4} "@target4" {targetF4} {} {} {} {} {wotmud\Key16\F4Key16.bmp} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {push} {} {Target} {} {F4} {buttonF4} {4}
#BUTTON {5} "@target5" {targetF5} {} {} {} {} {wotmud\Key16\F5Key16.bmp} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {push} {} {Target} {} {F5} {buttonF5} {4}
#BUTTON {6} "@target6" {targetF6} {} {} {} {} {wotmud\Key16\F6Key16.bmp} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {push} {} {Target} {} {F6} {buttonF6} {4}
#BUTTON {7} "@target7" {targetF7} {} {} {} {} {wotmud\Key16\F7Key16.bmp} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {push} {} {Target} {} {F7} {buttonF7} {4}
#BUTTON {8} "@target8" {targetF8} {} {} {} {} {wotmud\Key16\F8Key16.bmp} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {push} {} {Target} {} {F8} {buttonF8} {4}
#BUTTON {9} "@target9" {targetF9} {} {} {} {} {wotmud\Key16\F9Key16.bmp} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {push} {} {Target} {} {F9} {buttonF9} {4}
#BUTTON {10} "@target10" {targetF10} {} {} {} {} {wotmud\Key16\F10Key16.bmp} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {push} {} {Target} {} {F10} {buttonF10} {4}
#BUTTON {11} "@target11" {targetF11} {} {} {} {} {wotmud\Key16\F11Key16.bmp} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {push} {} {Target} {} {F11} {buttonF11} {4}
#BUTTON {12} "@target12" {targetF12} {} {} {} {} {wotmud\Key16\F12Key16.bmp} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {push} {} {Target} {} {F12} {buttonF12} {4}
#BUTTON {13} "@charDIV" {targetDIV} {} {} {} {} {wotmud\Key16\DIVKey16.bmp} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {push} {} {Target} {} {DIV} {buttonDIV} {4}
#BUTTON {14} "@charMULT" {targetMULT} {} {} {} {} {wotmud\Key16\MULTKey16.bmp} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {push} {} {Target} {} {MULT} {buttonMULT} {4}
#BUTTON {15} "@charSUB" {targetSUB} {} {} {} {} {wotmud\Key16\SUBKey16.bmp} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {push} {} {Target} {} {SUB} {buttonSUB} {4}
#BUTTON {16} "@charADD" {targetADD} {} {} {} {} {wotmud\Key16\ADDKey16.bmp} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {push} {} {Target} {} {ADD} {buttonADD} {4}
#ALIAS addWanted {
	#IF (%null(%1)) {
		#SAY {%crlf Usage: addWanted <name>}
		} {
		#IF (%ismember(%proper(%1),%eval(%concat("@",%char,WantedList)))) {
			#SAY {%crlf %proper(%1) is already set as a WANTED.}
			} {
			#ADDITEM %concat(%char,WantedList) {%proper(%1)}
			#ADDITEM WantedList {%proper(%1)}
			#SAY {%crlf %proper(%1) saved to %char"'s WANTED list."}
#ALIAS listWanted {
	#SAY {%crlf %char"'s WANTED list:"}
	#IF (%null(%concat("@",%char,WantedList))) {
		#SHOW {No names found, addWanted <name> to populate list.}
		} {
		#FORALL %eval(%concat("@",%char,WantedList)) {#SHOW {"   " <color @wantedColor>%i</color>}}
#ALIAS subWanted {
	#IF (%null(%1)) {
		#SAY {%crlf Usage: subWanted <name> %crlf}
		} {
		#IF (%ismember(%proper(%1),%eval(%concat("@",%char,WantedList)))) {
			#DELITEM %concat(%char,WantedList) {%proper(%1)}
			#DELITEM WantedList {%proper(%1)}
			#SAY {%crlf %proper(%1) deleted from %char"'s WANTED List."}
			} {
			#SAY {%crlf Invalid name, not found in list.}
#ALIAS colorWanted {
	#IF (%null(%1)) {
		#SHOW {""}
		#SAY {" Usage: colorWanted <color> [bcolor] [background color optional]"}
		#SHOW {"  Current WANTED color: " @wantedMXPcolor(@wantedColor)}
		#SHOW {""}
		} {
		#IF (%colorname(%1)=536870911 AND %color(%1)=0) {
			#VAR wantedColor {}
			#SAY {" "%1 is an invalid color. Scan color variable cleared.}
			} {
			#IF (%null(%2)) {
				#VAR wantedColor {%1}
				#SHOW {%crlf WANTED color set: @wantedMXPcolor(%1)}
				} {
				#IF (%colorname(%2)=536870911 AND %color(%2)=0) {
					#VAR wantedColor {}
					#SAY {" "%2 is an invalid color. WANTED color variable cleared.}
					} {
					#VAR wantedColor {%concat(%1,",",%2)}
					#SHOW {%crlf WANTED color set: @wantedMXPcolor(%2 %3)}
#FUNCTION wantedMXPcolor {<color %1>%1</color>}
#VAR wantedColor {darkorange}
#VAR wantedList {}
#VAR wantedButtonList {}
#VAR wantedMaster {General|Lady|Lord}
#TRIGGER "wantedArrivesTrigger" {([A-Z]%w) has arrived from *.$} {
	#IF (%ismember(%1,@wantedList)) {
		#PCOL {@wantedColor} %x1
		#VAR target3 {%1}
		} {}
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "wantedSuddenlyTrigger" {([A-Z]%w) has suddenly arrived.$} {
	#IF (%ismember(%1,@wantedList)) {
		#PCOL {@wantedColor} %x1
		#VAR target3 {%1}
		} {}
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "wantedFleesTrigger" {([A-Z]%w) panics, and attempts to flee!$} {
	#IF (%ismember(%1,@wantedList)) {
		#PCOL {@wantedColor} %x1
		#VAR target3 {%1}
		} {}
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "wantedLeavesTrigger" {([A-Z]%w) leaves *.$} {
	#IF (%ismember(%1,@wantedList)) {
		#PCOL {@wantedColor} %x1
		#VAR target3 {%1}
		} {}
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "wantedRoomTarget" {^([A-Z]%w) (%x)(*)$} {
	#IF (%ismember(%1,@wantedList)) {
		#VAR target3 {%1}
		#T- {wantedRoomTarget}
		} {
		#IF (%ismember(%1,@wantedMaster)) {
			#IF (%ismember(%2,@wantedList)) {
				#VAR target3 {%1}
				#T- {wantedRoomTarget}
	} "" {case|disable}
#TRIGGER "wantedRoomTrigger" {^([A-Z]%w) (%x)(*)$} {
	#IF (%ismember(%1,@wantedList)) {
		#PCOL {@wantedColor} %x1
		#IF (%ismember(%1,@wantedButtonList)) {} {
			#ADDITEM wantedButtonList {%1}
			#IF (%numitems(@wantedButtonList)<5) {
				#VAR %concat(target,%eval(%ismember(%1,@wantedButtonList)+8)) {%1}
				#CALL {%btncol(%concat(buttonF,%eval(%ismember(%1,@wantedButtonList)+8)),@btnColorW)}
				} {}
		} {
		#IF (%ismember(%2,@wantedList)) {
			#PCOL {@wantedColor} %x2
			#IF (%ismember(%2,@wantedButtonList)) {} {
				#ADDITEM wantedButtonList {%1}
				#IF (%numitems(@wantedButtonList)<5) {
					#VAR %concat(target,%eval(%ismember(%1,@wantedButtonList)+8)) {%1}
					#CALL {%btncol(%concat(buttonF,%eval(%ismember(%1,@wantedButtonList)+8)),@btnColorW)}
					} {}
			} {}
	} "" {case|disable}
#TRIGGER "wantedWhereTrigger" {^([A-Z]%w)%s- *$} {
	#IF (%ismember(%1,@wantedList)) {
		#PCOL {@wantedColor} %x1
		#IF (%ismember(%1,@wantedButtonList)) {} {
			#ADDITEM wantedButtonList {%1}
			#IF (%numitems(@wantedButtonList)<5) {
				#VAR %concat(target,%eval(%ismember(%1,@wantedButtonList)+8)) {%1}
				#CALL {%btncol(%concat(buttonF,%eval(%ismember(%1,@wantedButtonList)+8)),@btnColorW)}
				} {}
		} {}
	} "" {case|disable}
#TRIGGER "wantedWhoTrigger" {^%s([A-Z]%w) (*) (WANTED)$} {
	#IF (%ismember(%1,@wantedMaster)) {
		#ADDITEM wantedList {%word("%2",1)}
		} {
		#ADDITEM wantedList {%1}
	#PCOL {@wantedColor} %x3
	} "" {case|disable}
#TRIGGER "wantedTavernTrigger" {^%d%s([A-Z]%w) (*) (WANTED)$} {
	#IF (%ismember(%1,@wantedMaster)) {
		#ADDITEM wantedList {%word("%2",1)}
		} {
		#ADDITEM wantedList {%1}
	#PCOL {@wantedColor} %x3
	} "" {case|disable}
#TRIGGER "wantedWhoManual" {^%s([A-Z]%w) (%x)(*)$} {
	#IF (%ismember(%1,%eval(%concat("@",%char,WantedList)))) {
		#PCOL {@wantedColor} %x1
		} {
		#IF (%ismember(%1,@wantedMaster)) {
			#IF (%ismember(%2,%eval(%concat("@",%char,WantedList)))) {
				#PCOL {@wantedColor} %x2
	} "" {case|disable}
#TRIGGER "wantedTavernManual" {^%d%s([A-Z]%w) (%x)(*)$} {
	#IF (%ismember(%1,%eval(%concat("@",%char,WantedList)))) {
		#PCOL {@wantedColor} %x1
		} {
		#IF (%ismember(%1,@wantedMaster)) {
			#IF (%ismember(%2,%eval(%concat("@",%char,WantedList)))) {
				#PCOL {@wantedColor} %x2
	} "" {case|disable}
#TRIGGER "wantedPlayers" {Players} {
	#T- {wantedPlayers}
	#T+ {targetPrompt}
	#VAR wantedList {%eval(%concat("@",%char,WantedList))}
	} "" {case|disable|verbatim}
#TRIGGER "wantedPlayersZone" {Players in your Zone} {
	#T- {wantedPlayersZone}
	#T+ {targetPrompt}
	} "" {case|disable|verbatim}
#ONINPUT "wantedWhereInput" {^{whe|wher|where}$} {
	#T+ {wantedPlayersZone}
	#T+ {wantedWhereTrigger}
#ONINPUT "wantedWhoInput" {^{wh|who}$} {
	#T+ {wantedPlayers}
	#T+ {wantedWhoManual}
	#T+ {wantedTavernManual}
	#T+ {wantedWhoTrigger}
	#T+ {wantedTavernTrigger}
#CLASS {Target|TargetConnect} {enable}
#TRIGGER "targetConnectTrigger" {%s The Wheel Of Time MUD} {
	#T+ {targetDarkTrigger}
	#T+ {targetHumanTrigger}
	#IF (%class(Target|WANTED|%concat(%char,Wanted))=-1) {
		#CLASS {Target|WANTED|%concat(%char,Wanted)} {disable}
		#VAR %concat(%char,WantedList) {} {_nodef}
		#CLASS 0
		} {
		#T+ {Target|WANTED|%concat(%char,Wanted)}
		#VAR wantedList {%eval(%concat("@",%char,WantedList))}
	#IF (%class(Characters)=-1) {} {
		#T- {Target|TargetConnect}
		#VAR charF1 {targetF1}
		#VAR charF10 {targetF10}
		#VAR charF11 {targetF11}
		#VAR charF12 {targetF12}
		#VAR charF2 {targetF2}
		#VAR charF3 {targetF3}
		#VAR charF4 {targetF4}
		#VAR charF5 {targetF5}
		#VAR charF6 {targetF6}
		#VAR charF7 {targetF7}
		#VAR charF8 {targetF8}
		#VAR charF9 {targetF9}
	} "" {case}
#KEY F1 {targetF1}
#KEY F10 {targetF10}
#KEY F11 {targetF11}
#KEY F12 {targetF12}
#KEY F2 {targetF2}
#KEY F3 {targetF3}
#KEY F4 {targetF4}
#KEY F5 {targetF5}
#KEY F6 {targetF6}
#KEY F7 {targetF7}
#KEY F8 {targetF8}
#KEY F9 {targetF9}
Last edited by Taziar on Sat Aug 25, 2018 1:58 am, edited 17 times in total.
House of Medakan cMUD Scripts: Table of Contents

House of Medakan zMUD Scripts: Table of Contents
Posts: 157
Joined: Tue Apr 07, 2015 8:24 pm
Location: Seattle

Re: House of Medakan zMUD Scripts

Post by Taziar »

Type helpStatting to view help file in client.


Direct Download Link: StattingHoM.txt

Active Triggers: 0/16

Code: Select all

#CLASS {Statting}
#ALIAS helpStatting {
		#SAY {%crlf "-----Statting Help File-----"}
		#SAY {"     [Updated: 4/6/2020]"}
		#SHOW {" Botting on WoTmud is against the rules, using triggers is not."}
		#SHOW {"  When using the automatic statting option you must stay at the keyboard,"}
		#SHOW {"   or you could be zapped for botting. Use script at your own risk."}
		#SHOW {""}
		#SHOW {" Must have at least 2 saplings in room as script targets 2.sapling"}
		#SHOW {""}
		#SHOW {" Records stats automatically (for current character: "<C dodgerblue>%concat(StatRecord,%char).txt</C>")"}
		#SHOW {"  Save format: race class homeland STR INT WIL DEX CON SUM"}
		#SHOW {"   Note: zMUD saves this file as .txt file in the same folder as zMUD.exe"}
		#SHOW {""}
		#SHOW {" Type" <C dodgerblue>autoStat</C> "to start statting automatically."}
		#SHOW {" WARNING: Botting can lead to zapping, bot at your own risk..."}
		#SHOW {"  "Hint: keep @stattingLight in @stattingContainer for autoStat day/night triggers.}
		#SHOW {""}
		#SHOW {" Type" <C dodgerblue>setStats <STR> <INT> <WIL> <DEX> <CON> <SUM></C> "to set statting minimums."}
		#SHOW {"  Example: setStats 15 19 19 18 15 82 to set individual requirements."}
		#SHOW {"   Script will trigger if all stats rolled is = or > ALL stat requirements."}
		#SHOW {"    Stat SUM will trigger any roll if SUM is = or > set number."}
		#SHOW {"     Hint: Type setStats without parameters to view current set stat minimums."}
		#SHOW {""}
		#SHOW {" Type" <C dodgerblue>setLightContainer <lightSource> <container></C> "to set light source and container."}
		#SHOW {"  Example: setLightContainer mirrored pouch"}
		#SHOW {"   Sets light source keyword as mirrored and container keyword to pouch. "}
		#SHOW {<C red>"    Current keywords: "</C>@stattingLight @stattingContainer}
		#SHOW {""}
		#SHOW {" Type" <C dodgerblue>stopStat</C> "to stop the automatic statting process."}
		#SHOW {""}
#ALIAS autoStat {
	#IF (@minSum) {
		#T+ {Statting|Automatic}
		#T- {stattingSeedling}
		} {
		#SAY {%crlf Minimum stat SUM must be set above zero, type: <C red>setStats</C>}
#ALIAS stopStat {
	#BEEP 0
	#SEND {disengage}
	#T+ {Statting|Automatic}
	#T- {stattingRestat}
	#T- {stattingDisengage}
	#T- {stattingNotFighting}
	#T- {Statting|Automatic}
	#SAY {%crlf <C red>Automatic statting disabled.</C> %crlf}
#ALIAS setStats {
	#SHOW {""}
	#IF (%null(%1)) {
		#SAY {%crlf " Current statting minimums: "STR:@minSTR INT:@minINT WIL:@minWIL DEX:@minDEX CON:@minCON SUM:@minSUM}
		#SHOW {""}
		#SAY {" Usage: setStats <STR> <INT> <WIL> <DEX> <CON> <SUM> to set statting minimums."}
		#SHOW {"  Example: setStats 15 19 19 18 15 82 to set individual requirements."}
		#SHOW {"   Script will trigger if all stats rolled is = or > ALL stat requirements."}
		#SHOW {"    Stat SUM will trigger any roll if SUM is = or > set number."}
		#ABORT 1
	#IF (%isnumber(%1)) {
		#VAR minSTR {%1}
		#SAY {Minimum STR requirement set to %1}
		} {
		#SAY {<C red>Minimum STR requirement number not recognized or missing...</C>}
		#ABORT 1
	#IF (%isnumber(%2)) {
		#VAR minINT {%2}
		#SAY {Minimum INT requirement set to %2}
		} {
		#SAY {<C red>Minimum INT requirement number not recognized or missing...</C>}
		#ABORT 1
	#IF (%isnumber(%3)) {
		#VAR minWIL {%3}
		#SAY {Minimum WIL requirement set to %3}
		} {
		#SAY {<C red>Minimum WIL requirement number not recognized or missing...</C>}
		#ABORT 1
	#IF (%isnumber(%4)) {
		#VAR minDEX {%4}
		#SAY {Minimum DEX requirement set to %4}
		} {
		#SAY {<C red>Minimum DEX requirement number not recognized or missing...</C>}
		#ABORT 1
	#IF (%isnumber(%5)) {
		#VAR minCON {%5}
		#SAY {Minimum CON requirement set to %5}
		} {
		#SAY {<C red>Minimum CON requirement number not recognized or missing...</C>}
		#ABORT 1
	#IF (%isnumber(%6)) {
		#VAR minSUM {%6}
		#SAY {Minimum SUM requirement set to %6}
		} {
		#SAY {<C red>Minimum SUM requirement number not recognized or missing...</C>}
		#ABORT 1
#ALIAS setLightContainer {
	#VAR stattingLight {%1}
	#VAR stattingContainer {%2}
	#SAY {%crlf Statting light and container set to: %1 and %2}
#VAR minCON {0} {0}
#VAR minDEX {0} {0}
#VAR minINT {0} {0}
#VAR minSTR {0} {0}
#VAR minSUM {0} {0}
#VAR minWIL {0} {0}
#VAR rollCON {0} {0}
#VAR rollDEX {0} {0}
#VAR rollINT {0} {0}
#VAR rollSTR {0} {0}
#VAR rollSUM {0} {0}
#VAR rollWIL {0} {0}
#VAR stattingClass {} {}
#VAR stattingContainer {pouch}
#VAR stattingCount {0} {0}
#VAR stattingHomeland {} {}
#VAR stattingLight {lantern}
#VAR stattingRace {} {}
#TRIGGER "stattingCapture1" {You are a %d year old {male|female} &%wstattingRace &%wstattingClass} {
	#T- {stattingCapture1}
	} "" {case|disable}
#TRIGGER "stattingCapture2" {^Your base abilities are: Str:&%drollSTR Int:&%drollINT Wil:&%drollWIL Dex:&%drollDEX Con:&%drollCON} {
	#T- {stattingCapture2}
	#IF (@rollSTR>=@minSTR) {#PCOL lime %x1} {#PCOL mxpred %x1}
	#IF (@rollINT>=@minINT) {#PCOL lime %x2} {#PCOL mxpred %x2}
	#IF (@rollWIL>=@minWIL) {#PCOL lime %x3} {#PCOL mxpred %x3}
	#IF (@rollDEX>=@minDEX) {#PCOL lime %x4} {#PCOL mxpred %x4}
	#IF (@rollCON>=@minCON) {#PCOL lime %x5} {#PCOL mxpred %x5}
	#MATH rollSUM {@rollSTR+@rollINT+@rollWIL+@rollDEX+@rollCON}
	#IF (%1>=@minSTR AND %2>=@minINT AND %3>=@minWIL AND %4>=@minDEX AND %5>=@minCON) {
		#BEEP 0
		#SAY {%crlf "Minimum statting requirements met!" %crlf}
		} {
		#IF (@rollSUM>=@minSUM) {
			#BEEP 0
			#SAY {%crlf "Minimum stat sum requirements met!" %crlf}
			} {
			#IF (%class(Statting|Automatic)=1) {
				#T+ {stattingDisengage}
				#T+ {stattingNotFighting}
				#T+ {stattingRestat}
				#SEND {disengage}
	} "" {case|disable}
#TRIGGER "stattingRecord" {^You are subjected to the following effects:$} {
	#T- {stattingRecord}
	#FILE 1 %concat(StatRecord,%char,.txt)
	#WRITE 1 {@stattingRace @stattingClass @stattingHomeland STR:@rollSTR INT:@rollINT WIL:@rollWIL DEX:@rollDEX CON:@rollCON SUM:@rollSUM}
	} "" {case|disable}
#TRIGGER "stattingSeedling" {A seedling firmly takes root and spreads its limbs to the sky.} {
	} "" {case|disable}
#CLASS {Statting|Automatic} {disable}
#ALIAS stattingStart {
	#SAY {%crlf <C red>Botting can lead to zapping, bot at your own risk...</C> %crlf}
	#T+ {stattingRanks}
	#VAR stattingCount {0}
	#SEND {score}
#TRIGGER "stattingScore" {You gain a level!$} {
	#T+ {stattingRanks}
	#SEND {score}
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "stattingDeathCry" {^Your blood freezes as you hear a stout young sapling's death cry.$} {
	#T+ {stattingRanks}
	#SEND {score}
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "stattingRanks" {^This ranks you as [A-Z]%w {of|the} (*) ~(Level (%d)~).$} {
	#T- {stattingRanks}
	#IF (%2=1 OR %2=2) {
		#MATH stattingCount {@stattingCount+1}
		#SEND {kill 2.sapling}
	#IF (%2=3) {
		#IF (@stattingCount=0) {
			#T+ {stattingDisengage}
			#T+ {stattingNotFighting}
			#T+ {stattingRestat}
			#SEND {disengage}
			} {
			#T+ {stattingCapture1}
			#T+ {stattingCapture2}
			#T+ {stattingRecord}
			#IF (%class(Statting|Automatic)=1) {
				#T+ {stattingDay}
				#T+ {stattingNight}
				#T+ {stattingOut}
				#T+ {stattingLight}
			#VAR stattingHomeland {%1}
			#VAR stattingCount {0}
			#SEND {stat}
	#IF (%2=4) {
		#T+ {stattingDisengage}
		#T+ {stattingNotFighting}
		#T+ {stattingRestat}
		#SEND {disengage}
	#IF (%2>4) {
		#SAY {%crlf <C red>Statting fail! Character level too high...</C>}
	} "" {case|disable}
#TRIGGER {They aren't here.$} {
	#T+ {stattingSeedling}
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "stattingDisengage" {You disengage from the fight.} {
	#T- {stattingDisengage}
	#T- {stattingNotFighting}
	#SEND {restat}
	} "" {case|disable}
#TRIGGER "stattingNotFighting" {But you're not fighting anyone!?} {
	#T- {stattingNotFighting}
	#T- {stattingDisengage}
	#SEND {restat}
	} "" {case|disable}
#TRIGGER "stattingRestat" {You feel dizzy as time seems to spin backwards...$} {
	#T- {stattingRestat}
	} "" {case|disable}
#TRIGGER "stattingOut" {A * has gone out!$} {
	remove @stattingLight
	drop all.@stattingLight
	get @stattingLight @stattingContainer
	grab @stattingLight
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "stattingLight" {You could not light a *.$} {
	remove @stattingLight
	drop all.@stattingLight
	get @stattingLight @stattingContainer
	grab @stattingLight
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "stattingDay" {The day has begun.$} {
	remove @stattingLight
	put @stattingLight @stattingContainer
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "stattingNight" {The night has begun.$} {
	get @stattingLight @stattingContainer
	hold @stattingLight
	} "" {case}
Last edited by Taziar on Tue Apr 07, 2020 3:23 am, edited 4 times in total.
House of Medakan cMUD Scripts: Table of Contents

House of Medakan zMUD Scripts: Table of Contents
Posts: 157
Joined: Tue Apr 07, 2015 8:24 pm
Location: Seattle

Re: House of Medakan zMUD Scripts

Post by Taziar »

Type helpPlayerZone to view help file in client.


Direct Download Link: PlayerZoneHoM.txt

Active Triggers: 0/4

Code: Select all

#CLASS {PlayerZone}
#ALIAS helpPlayerZone {
		#SAY {%crlf "-----PlayerZone Help File-----"}
		#SAY {"      [Updated: 8/5/2018]"}
		#SHOW {" PlayerZone has three modes for showing where another player is located on your map."}
		#SHOW {"  Note: all three modes send the where command and only search your current zone on map."}
		#SHOW {"   Multiple room matches will show all room location possibilities."}
		#SHOW {""}
		#SHOW {" Type whereHighlight <playerName> to highlight rooms on map where <playerName> is located."}
		#SHOW {"  Note: only a mouse click on the map window will clear room highlights."}
		#SHOW {""}
		#SHOW {" Type wherePlayer <playerName> to change colors on the map where <playerName> is located."}
		#SHOW {"  Note: map will automatically shift to creation mode for color changing, an open map"}
		#SHOW {"   properties window will makes the script slower. Wait for script to finish before moving."}
		#SHOW {""}
		#SHOW {" Type whereZone <playerName> to bring up a spreadsheet view of where <playerName> is located."}
		#SHOW {"  Note: opens a new database window if spreadsheet view is not already open."}
		#SHOW {""}
		#SHOW {" Each of the above alias can be used without <playerName> and the name"}
		#SHOW {"  will default to @target4 for HoM Target script compatibility."}
		#SHOW {""}
#ALIAS whereHighlight {
	#T+ {whereHighlightTrigger}
	#T+ {playerZonePrompt}
	#VAR whereRoomNumber {}
	#IF (%null(%1)) {#VAR wherePlayerName {@target4}} {#VAR wherePlayerName {%proper(%1)}}
#ALIAS wherePlayer {
	#T+ {wherePlayerTrigger}
	#T+ {playerZonePrompt}
	#VAR whereRoomNumber {}
	#IF (%null(%1)) {#VAR wherePlayerName {@target4}} {#VAR wherePlayerName {%proper(%1)}}
#ALIAS whereZone {
	#T+ {whereZoneTrigger}
	#T+ {playerZonePrompt}
	#VAR whereRoomNumber {}
	#IF (%null(%1)) {#VAR wherePlayerName {@target4}} {#VAR wherePlayerName {%proper(%1)}}
#ALIAS zoneHighlight {
	#T- {whereHighlightTrigger}
	#VAR whereRoomName {%replace(@whereRoomName,"'","''")}
	#ADDITEM whereRoomNumber %mapquery(%concat("Zoneid=",%zonenum()," AND Name='",@whereRoomName,"'"))
	#FORALL @whereRoomNumber {#PATHHIGH %null %i}
#ALIAS zonePlayer {
	#T- {wherePlayerTrigger}
	#VAR whereRoomName {%replace(@whereRoomName,"'","''")}
	#VAR whereRoomColor {}
	#VAR whereRoomNumber {}
	#VAR whereLoopCount {0}
	#ADDITEM whereRoomNumber %mapquery(%concat("Zoneid=",%zonenum()," AND Name='",@whereRoomName,"'"))
	#MENU {Mapper|File|Map Creation Mode}
	#FORALL @whereRoomNumber {#VAR whereRoomColor %additem(%roomcol(%i),@whereRoomColor)}
	#FORALL @whereRoomNumber {#CALL %roomcol(%i,red)}
	#FORALL @whereRoomNumber {#CALL %roomcol(%i,black)}
	#FORALL @whereRoomNumber {#CALL %roomcol(%i,red)}
	#FORALL @whereRoomNumber {#CALL %roomcol(%i,black)}
	#FORALL @whereRoomNumber {
		#VAR whereLoopCount {%eval(@whereLoopCount+1)}
		#CALL {%roomcol(%i,%item(@whereRoomColor,@whereLoopCount))}
	#MENU {Mapper|File|Follow Mode}
#ALIAS zoneWhere {
	#T- {whereZoneTrigger}
	#VAR whereRoomName {%replace(@whereRoomName,"'","''")}
	#MAPQUERY {%concat( "[NAME] = '",@whereRoomName,"'") AND ZoneID = %zonenum()}
#VAR whereLoopCount {}
#VAR wherePlayerName {}
#VAR whereRoomColor {}
#VAR whereRoomName {}
#VAR whereRoomNumber {}
#TRIGGER "whereHighlightTrigger" {^(%w)%s- &whereRoomName} {
	#IF (%1=%proper(@wherePlayerName)) {
		} {}
	} "" {case|disable}
#TRIGGER "wherePlayerTrigger" {^(%w)%s- &whereRoomName} {
	#IF (%1=%proper(@wherePlayerName)) {
		} {}
	} "" {case|disable}
#TRIGGER "whereZoneTrigger" {^(%w)%s- &whereRoomName} {
	#IF (%1=%proper(@wherePlayerName)) {
		} {}
	} "" {case|disable}
#TRIGGER "playerZonePrompt" {^{o|*} * >} {
	#T- {playerZonePrompt}
	#T- {whereHighlightTrigger}
	#T- {wherePlayerTrigger}
	#T- {whereZoneTrigger}
	} "" {disable|nocr|prompt}
Last edited by Taziar on Mon Aug 06, 2018 2:26 am, edited 4 times in total.
House of Medakan cMUD Scripts: Table of Contents

House of Medakan zMUD Scripts: Table of Contents
Posts: 157
Joined: Tue Apr 07, 2015 8:24 pm
Location: Seattle

Re: House of Medakan zMUD Scripts

Post by Taziar »

Type helpCombat to view help file in client.






Direct Download Link: CombatHoM.txt

Active Triggers: 0/14

Code: Select all

#CLASS {Combat}
#ALIAS helpCombat {
		#SAY {%crlf "-----Combat Help File-----"}
		#SAY {"     [Update: 8/5/2018]"}
		#SHOW {" Place alias in a macro, type alias, or create alias shortcut to use."}
		#SHOW {"  Examples: #KEY DIV {bashRepeat} - #ALIAS br {bashRepeat}"}
		#SHOW {""}
		#SHOW {" Combat alias:   -----Brief Descriptions-----"}
		#SHOW {"  bashRepeat     repeats [bash @target2] off of stunned message."}
		#SHOW {"  fleeReturn     flees, returns to room."}
		#SHOW {"  narrateON      sends find/look command, narrates *names* and location."}
		#SHOW {"  combatWimpy    sends score, change wimpy one less than current HP."}
		#SHOW {""}
		#SHOW {" Each Combat Alias also has their own help file: helpAliasName"}
		#SHOW {"  Example: type helpBashRepeat to view bashRepeat help file."}
		#SHOW {""}
#ALIAS helpBashRepeat {
	#SAY {%crlf "-----BashRepeat Help File-----"}
	#SHOW {" BashRepeat rolls a bash and continues rolling on stunned message:"}
	#SHOW {"  They already seem to be stunned."}
	#SHOW {""}
	#SHOW {" BashRepeat cancels on the following messages:"}
	#SHOW {"  Your bash at [A-Z]%w sends {him|her} sprawling!"}
	#SHOW {"  Your bash at ~*[A-Z]%w~* sends {him|her} sprawling!"}
	#SHOW {"  Cancelled."}
	#SHOW {"  As * avoids your bash, you topple over and fall to the ground!"}
	#SHOW {"  They're not here anymore!"}
	#SHOW {"  Bash who?"}
	#SHOW {""}
	#SHOW {" Note: sends command [bash @target2]"}
	#SHOW {""}
#ALIAS helpFleeReturn {
	#SAY {%crlf "-----FleeReturn Help File-----"}
	#SHOW {" FleeReturn flees and returns to current room."}
	#SHOW {"  Note: Map must be in correct room during flee,"}
	#SHOW {"   map also must identify correctly what room fled into."}
	#SHOW {""}
#ALIAS helpNarrateON {
	#SAY {%crlf "-----NarrateON Help File-----"}
	#SHOW {" NarrateON uses the find command to look in room and set location on map."}
	#SHOW {"  Note: needs HoM Mapper script installed for find command to function,"}
	#SHOW {"   if script not installed will only look in room and not set map location."}
	#SHOW {""}
	#SHOW {" Activating NarrateON will send the following commands:"}
	#SHOW {"  find (or look)"}
	#SHOW {"  If crossRace *names* are found in the room:"}
	#SHOW {"   narrate ON! [short room name] <crossRaceNames> (if room has a short name ID >1 letter)"}
	#SHOW {"    -OR-"}
	#SHOW {"   narrate ON! <crossRaceNames> [room name] (if room does NOT have a short name ID >1 letter)"}
	#SHOW {""}
	#SHOW {" Examples:"}
	#SHOW {" Taziar narrates 'ON! [2n] Spyder Griznak Tempest Fong'"}
	#SHOW {"   -OR-"}
	#SHOW {" Taziar narrates 'ON! Spyder Griznak Tempest Fong [Road Inside the City Walls]'"}
	#SHOW {""}
#ALIAS helpCombatWimpy {
	#SAY {%crlf "-----CombatWimpy Help File-----"}
	#SHOW {" CombatWimpy will set your wimpy number to one less than current hit points."}
	#SHOW {"  Note: if used during combat HP is not shown as a number and script will turn off."}
	#SHOW {""}
	#SHOW {" Activating CombatWimpy will send the following commands:"}
	#SHOW {"  score"}
	#SHOW {"  change wimpy (minus 1 current HP)"}
	#SHOW {""}
#ALIAS bashRepeat {
	#T+ {Combat|BashRepeat}
	bash @target2
#ALIAS fleeReturn {
	#T+ {combatFleeTrigger}
#VAR combatFleeFromID {}
#TRIGGER "combatFleeTrigger" {You panic and attempt to flee!$} {
	#T- {combatFleeTrigger}
	#T+ {combatFleePrompt}
	#VAR combatFleeFromID {%roomnum()}
	} "" {case|disable}
#TRIGGER "combatFleePrompt" {^{*|o} * >} {
	#T- {combatFleePrompt}
	#WALK @combatFleeFromID
	} "" {case|disable|nocr|prompt}
#CLASS {Combat|BashRepeat} {disable}
#TRIGGER "bashRepeatPlayer" {^Your bash at [A-Z]%w sends {him|her} sprawling!$} {#T- {Combat|BashRepeat}} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "bashRepeatCross" {^Your bash at ~*[A-Z]%w~* sends {him|her} sprawling!$} {#T- {Combat|BashRepeat}} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "bashRepeatStunned" {They already seem to be stunned.$} {bash @target2} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "bashRepeatCancel" {Cancelled.$} {#T- {Combat|BashRepeat}} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "bashRepeatMissed" {^As * avoids your bash, you topple over and fall to the ground!$} {#T- {Combat|BashRepeat}} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "bashRepeatGone" {^They're not here anymore!$} {#T- {Combat|BashRepeat}} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "bashRepeatWho" {Bash who?$} {#T- {Combat|BashRepeat}} "" {case}
#CLASS {Combat|NarrateON}
#ALIAS narrateON {
	#T+ {combatNarrateDS}
	#T+ {combatNarrateLS}
	#T+ {combatNarrateTrigger}
	#IF (%class(Mapper|MapFind)=1) {find} {look}
#VAR combatNarrate {}
#TRIGGER "combatNarrateDS" {%e[33m~*%e[31m([A-Z]%w)%e[33m~*} {#ADDITEM combatNarrate %1} "" {case|color|disable}
#TRIGGER "combatNarrateLS" {%e[33m~*%e[36m([A-Z]%w)%e[33m~*} {#ADDITEM combatNarrate %1} "" {case|color|disable}
#TRIGGER "combatNarrateTrigger" {^{o|*} * >} {
	#T- {combatNarrateTrigger}
	#T- {combatNarrateDS}
	#T- {combatNarrateLS}
	#IF (%numitems(@combatNarrate)) {
		#IF (%len(%roomid())>1) {
			narrate ON! [%roomid()] %expandlist(@combatNarrate," ")
			} {
			narrate ON! %expandlist(@combatNarrate," ") [%roomname()]
	#VAR combatNarrate {}
	} "" {case|disable|prompt|nocr}
#CLASS {Combat|CombatWimpy}
#ALIAS combatWimpy {
	#T+ {CombatWimpyTrigger}
	#T+ {CombatWimpyPrompt}
#VAR combatSetWimpy {}
#TRIGGER "CombatWimpyTrigger" {You have (%d)~(%d~) hit* movement points.$} {
	#T- {CombatWimpyTrigger}
	#T- {CombatWimpyPrompt}
	#VAR combatSetWimpy {%eval(%1-1)}
	change wimpy @combatSetWimpy
	} "" {case|disable}
#TRIGGER "combatWimpyPrompt" {^{o|*} * >} {
	#T- {CombatWimpyPrompt}
	#T- {CombatWimpyTrigger}
	} "" {case|disable|prompt|nocr}
Last edited by Taziar on Sun Aug 05, 2018 10:23 am, edited 5 times in total.
House of Medakan cMUD Scripts: Table of Contents

House of Medakan zMUD Scripts: Table of Contents
Posts: 157
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Re: House of Medakan zMUD Scripts

Post by Taziar »

Type helpGate in client to view help file.


Direct Download Link: GateHoM.txt

Active Triggers: 1/15

Code: Select all

#CLASS {Gate}
#ALIAS helpGate {
		#SAY {%crlf "-----Gate Help File-----"}
		#SAY {"   [Updated: 7/17/2018]"}
		#SHOW {" Saves gate codes for current character."}
		#SHOW {"  Note: supports multiple characters automatically."}
		#SHOW {""}
		#SHOW {" Type saveGate <gateName> [notes] to save a gate code to an alias."}
		#SHOW {"  Note: type <gateName> manually to channel 'gate' savedCode"}
		#SHOW {"   Hint: can use multiple words in notes line, [notes] field is optional."}
		#SHOW {""}
		#SHOW {" Type showGates for a numbered list of saved gate code alias."}
		#SHOW {"  Note: can left click on underlined <gateName> to channel 'gate' savedCode"}
		#SHOW {""}
		#SHOW {" Type gate <#> to shortcut any alias on showGates list."}
		#SHOW {"  Example: type gate 2 (activates second gate alias on showGates list)"}
		#SHOW {""}
		#SHOW {" Type resetGates to reset gate codes for current character."}
		#SHOW {"  Note: gate codes reset automatically on R.I.P."}
		#SHOW {""}
#ALIAS gate {
	#IF (%null(%concat("@",%char,GateList))) {
		#SAY {%crlf "None found, type saveGate <gateName> [notes] to save a gate code."}
		} {
		#IF (%null(%item(%eval(%concat("@",%char,GateList)),%1))) {
			#SAY {%crlf Gate %1 not found, type showGates to see a list of saved gate codes.}
			} {
			#VAR gateAlias {%item(%eval(%concat("@",%char,GateList)),%1)}
#ALIAS saveGate {
	#IF (%null(%1)) {
		#SAY {%crlf "Usage: type saveGate <gateName> [notes] to save a gate code."}
		} {
		#IF (%class(%1)=1) {
			#SAY {%crlf "Gate alias already created, choose another <gateName>."}
			} {
			#T+ {Gate|GateTriggers}
			#VAR gateAlias {%1}
			#VAR gateNotes {- %-2}
			channel 'gate'
#ALIAS showGates {
	#IF (%numitems(%eval(%concat("@",%char,GateList)))=0) {
		#SAY {%crlf "None found, type saveGate <gateName> to save a gate code."}
		} {
		#SAY {%crlf "-----Available Gateways-----"}
		#LOOP 1,%numitems(%eval(%concat("@",%char,GateList))) {
			#MXP %if(%len(%i)=1," "%i,%i)) ~<send %item(%eval(%concat("@",%char,GateList)),%i)>~<color royalblue>%item(%eval(%concat("@",%char,GateList)),%i)~</color>~</send> %item(%eval(%concat("@",%char,GateNote)),%i)
		#SHOW {""}
#ALIAS resetGates {
	#DELCLASS Gate|%concat(%char,GateCodes)
	#VAR gateAlias {}
	#CLASS {Gate|%concat(%char,GateCodes)} {disable}
	#T+ {Gate|%concat(%char,GateCodes)}
	#VAR %concat(%char,GateList) {} {_nodef} {Gate|%concat(%char,"GateCodes")}
	#VAR %concat(%char,GateNotes) {} {_nodef} {Gate|%concat(%char,"GateCodes")}
	#SAY {%crlf %char"'s gate codes reset!"}
	#SHOW {""}
#VAR gateAlias {}
#VAR gateNotes {}
#TRIGGER "gateResetTrigger" {^You are dead! Sorry...$} {resetGates} "" {case}
#CLASS {Gate|GateTriggers} {disable}
#TRIGGER "gateCancelledTrigger" {Cancelled.$} {#T- {Gate|GateTriggers}} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "gateCantTrigger" {You can't summon enough energy to weave the flow.$} {#T- {Gate|GateTriggers}} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "gateCant2Trigger" {You can't seem to get in touch with that place from here.$} {#T- {Gate|GateTriggers}} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "gateFailedTrigger" {You failed.$} {#T- {Gate|GateTriggers}} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "gateFlushedTrigger" {You are too flushed from the heat of battle to complete the weave!$} {#T- {Gate|GateTriggers}} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "gateImpossibleTrigger" {Impossible! You can't concentrate enough!$} {#T- {Gate|GateTriggers}} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "gateInterruptedTrigger" {You are interrupted and stop what you are doing.$} {#T- {Gate|GateTriggers}} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "gateIsolatedTrigger" {You feel isolated from the Source!$} {#T- {Gate|GateTriggers}} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "gateLoseTrigger" {You lose all sense of the True Source here.$} {#T- {Gate|GateTriggers}} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "gateLostTrigger" {You lost control of {Saidin|Saidar}!$} {#T- {Gate|GateTriggers}} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "gateNoIdeaTrigger" {You have absolutely no idea how to weave the flows required.$} {#T- {Gate|GateTriggers}} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "gateOuchTrigger" {Ouch! You couldn't maintain the flows.$} {#T- {Gate|GateTriggers}} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "gateTouchTrigger" {You aren't in touch with {saidin|saidar} to channel it.$} {#T- {Gate|GateTriggers}} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "gateUnableTrigger" {You are unable to sense the True Source at all from here.$} {#T- {Gate|GateTriggers}} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "gateMemorizeTrigger" {^You memorize this place as (%1).$} {
	#T- {Gate|GateTriggers}
	#CLASS {Gate|%concat(%char,GateCodes)}
	#ALIAS @gateAlias {channel 'gate' %1}
	#ADDITEM %concat(%char,GateList) {@gateAlias}
	#IF (%len(@gateNotes)>0) {#VAR %concat(%char,GateNote) {%additem(@gateNotes,%eval(%concat("@",%char,GateNote)))}} {#VAR %concat(%char,GateNote) {%additem(NA,%eval(%concat("@",%char,GateNote)))}}
	#SAY {%crlf Gate alias @gateAlias set as %1 Gate %if(%len(@gateNotes)=0,code.,code with ~[@gateNotes~] set for notes.)}
	} "" {case}
#CLASS {Gate|GateConnect} {enable}
#TRIGGER "gateConnectTrigger" {%s The Wheel Of Time MUD} {
	#T- {Gate|GateConnect}
	#IF (%class(Gate|%concat(%char,GateCodes))=-1) {
			#CLASS {Gate|%concat(%char,GateCodes)} {disable}
			#CLASS 0
			#VAR %concat(%char,GateList) {} {_nodef} {Gate|%concat(%char,"GateCodes")}
			#VAR %concat(%char,GateNotes) {} {_nodef} {Gate|%concat(%char,"GateCodes")}
		} {#T+ {Gate|%concat(%char,GateCodes)}}
	} "" {case}
Last edited by Taziar on Mon Aug 06, 2018 12:00 am, edited 12 times in total.
House of Medakan cMUD Scripts: Table of Contents

House of Medakan zMUD Scripts: Table of Contents
Posts: 157
Joined: Tue Apr 07, 2015 8:24 pm
Location: Seattle

Re: House of Medakan zMUD Scripts

Post by Taziar »

Type helpDiagnose to see help file in client.


Direct Download Link: DiagnoseHoM.txt

Active Triggers: 0/13
Input Triggers: 1

Code: Select all

#CLASS {Diagnose}
#ALIAS helpDiagnose {
		#SAY {%crlf "-----Diagnose Help File-----"}
		#SAY {"     [Updated: 8/4/2018]"}
		#SHOW {" CrossRace diagnose command: diagCross (type or place in macro)"}
		#SHOW {"  Will send look command (find command if HoM Mapper script detected)"}
		#SHOW {"   Saves all colored names found inside asterisks"}
		#SHOW {"    Sends diagnose command for each name found"}
		#SHOW {""}
		#SHOW {" Adds condition status to end of a proper-case name diagnose line."}
		#SHOW {"  Example: Taziar is in excellent condition. (Healthy)"}
		#SHOW {"   Note: triggers off all wotmud shortcuts for diagnose command."}
		#SHOW {""}
		#SHOW {" Shows names in "<color red>red</color>" for DS if dark is used as keyword."}
		#SHOW {" Shows names in "<color cyan>cyan</color>" for LS if human is used as keyword."}
		#SHOW {"  Example: diag h.human"}
		#SHOW {"    "<color cyan>Taziar</color>" is in excellent condition. (Healthy)"}
		#SHOW {""}
#ALIAS diagCross {
	#T+ {Diagnose|DiagCrossRace}
	#IF (%class(Mapper|MapFind)=1) {find} {look}
#VAR diagNames {}
#VAR diagNameColor {}
#VAR diagPromptCount {0}
#ONINPUT "diagInput" {^{dia|diag|diagn|diagno|diagnos|diagnose} (*)$} {
	#T+ {Diagnose|Condition}
	#VAR diagPromptCount {0}
	#IF (%ends(%1)=dark) {
		#VAR diagNameColor {red}
		} {
		#IF (%ends(%1)=human) {
			#VAR diagNameColor {cyan}
			} {
			#VAR diagNameColor {}
#CLASS {Diagnose|DiagCrossRace} {disable}
#TRIGGER "diagTriggerDS" {%e[33m~*%e[31m([A-Z]%w)%e[33m~*} {#ADDITEM diagNames %1} "" {case|color}
#TRIGGER "diagTriggerLS" {%e[33m~*%e[36m([A-Z]%w)%e[33m~*} {#ADDITEM diagNames %1} "" {case|color}
#TRIGGER "diagNamePrompt" {^{o|*} * >} {
	#T- {Diagnose|DiagCrossRace}
	#FORALL @diagNames {diagnose %i}
	#VAR diagNames {}
	} "" {case|prompt|nocr}
#CLASS {Diagnose|Condition} {disable}
#TRIGGER "diagHealthyTrigger" {([A-Z]%w) is in excellent condition(.)$} {
	#PCOL @diagNameColor %x1
	#PSUB {. (Healthy)} %x2
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "diagScratchedTrigger" {([A-Z]%w) has a few scratches(.)$} {
	#PCOL @diagNameColor %x1
	#PSUB {. (Scratched)} %x2
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "diagHurtTrigger" {([A-Z]%w) has some small wounds and bruises(.)$} {
	#PCOL @diagNameColor %x1
	#PSUB {. (Hurt)} %x2
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "diagWoundedTrigger" {([A-Z]%w) has quite a few wounds(.)$} {
	#PCOL @diagNameColor %x1
	#PSUB {. (Wounded)} %x2
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "diagBatteredTrigger" {([A-Z]%w) has some big nasty wounds and scratches(.)$} {
	#PCOL @diagNameColor %x1
	#PSUB {. (Battered)} %x2
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "diagBeatenTrigger" {([A-Z]%w) looks pretty hurt(.)$} {
	#PCOL @diagNameColor %x1
	#PSUB {. (Beaten)} %x2
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "diagCriticalTrigger" {([A-Z]%w) is in awful condition(.)$} {
	#PCOL @diagNameColor %x1
	#PSUB {. (Critical)} %x2
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "diagStunnedTrigger" {([A-Z]%w) is lying here, stunned(.)$} {
	#PCOL @diagNameColor %x1
	#PSUB {. (Stunned!)} %x2
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "diagIncapacitatedTrigger" {([A-Z]%w) is bleeding awfully from big wounds(.)$} {
	#PCOL @diagNameColor %x1
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "diagConditionPrompt" {^{o|*} * >} {
	#VAR diagPromptCount {%eval(@diagPromptCount+1)}
	#IF (@diagPromptCount=3) {
		#T- {Diagnose|Condition}
		#VAR diagPromptCount {0}
		} {}
	} "" {case|prompt|nocr}
Last edited by Taziar on Sat Aug 04, 2018 3:29 am, edited 7 times in total.
House of Medakan cMUD Scripts: Table of Contents

House of Medakan zMUD Scripts: Table of Contents
Posts: 157
Joined: Tue Apr 07, 2015 8:24 pm
Location: Seattle

Re: House of Medakan zMUD Scripts

Post by Taziar »

Type helpLocate to view help file in client.


Direct Download Link: LocateHoM.txt

Active Triggers: 4/23
Input Triggers: 2

Code: Select all

#CLASS {Locate}
#ALIAS helpLocate {
		#SAY {%crlf "-----Locate Help File-----"}
		#SAY {"    [Update: 7/17/2018]"}
		#SHOW {" Channel locate (item or object) adds a number to each locate entry."}
		#SHOW {"   Hint: click on an underlined locate code to channel 'travel' code."}
		#SHOW {""}
		#SHOW {" Type: showLocate to view your current locate list."}
		#SHOW {"  Note: this list is replaced each time you successfully locate."}
		#SHOW {""}
		#SHOW {" Type: travel <number> to channel 'travel' code from current locate list."}
		#SHOW {""}
		#SHOW {" Type: saveTravel <number> <travelName> [notes] to save a travel code from the current locate list."}
		#SHOW {"  Note: the [notes] field is optional."}
		#SHOW {"   Example: saveTravel 1 ccs this port code is for caemlyn central square"}
		#SHOW {""}
		#SHOW {" Type: showTravel to view a list of saved travel codes."}
		#SHOW {"  Note: click on underlined travelName or enter alias in command line."}
		#SHOW {""}
		#SHOW {" Type: resetTravel to reset all saved travel codes."}
		#SHOW {"  Note: travel codes automatically reset on month change."}
		#SHOW {""}
		#SHOW {" Type: locateColor <color> [bcolor] background color optional."}
		#SHOW {"  Note: "@locMXPcolor(@locColorSet)" (shown in current color)"}
		#SHOW {"   Locate color triggers on: dreadlord, myrddraal, and trolloc"}
		#SHOW {""}
		#SHOW {" WoTMUD shortcuts chann, channe, or channel will activate script."}
		#SHOW {"  Hint: WoTMUD alias will also trigger on [channel 'locate life'] and [channel 'locate object']"}
		#SHOW {""}
#ALIAS travel {
	#IF (%null(@locCode)) {
		#SAY {%crlf "None found, run a locate (object or item) to generate list."}
		} {
		#IF (%null(%item(@locCode,%1))) {
			#SAY {%crlf Travel number %1 not found, run a locate (object or item) to generate list.}
			} {
			#VAR locateTravel {%concat("channel 'travel' ",%item(@locCode,%1))}
#ALIAS saveTravel {
	#IF (%null(%1)) {
		#SAY {%crlf "Usage: type saveTravel <number> <travelName> [Notes] to save a travel code."}
		} {
		#IF (%null(%2)) {
			#SAY {%crlf "<TravelName> missing, type saveTravel <number> <travelName> [Notes] to save a travel code."}
			} {
			#IF (%numitems(@locName)=0) {
				#SAY {%crlf "Travel number not found, run a locate first to set list numbers."}
				} {
				#IF (%class(%2)=1) {
					#SAY {%crlf "Travel alias already created, choose another <TravelName>."}
					} {
					#CLASS {Locate|%concat(%char,LocateCodes)}
					#ALIAS %2 {channel 'travel' %eval(%item(@locCode,%1))}
					#ADDITEM %concat(%char,TravelList) {%2}
					#IF (%len(%3)>0) {#VAR %concat(%char,TravelNote) {%additem("%-3",%eval(%concat("@",%char,TravelNote)))}} {#VAR %concat(%char,TravelNote) {%additem(NA,%eval(%concat("@",%char,TravelNote)))}}
					#CLASS 0
					#SAY {%crlf Travel alias %2 set as %item(@locCode,%1) Travel %if(%len(%3)=0,code.,code with ~[%-3~] set for notes.)}
#ALIAS showTravel {
	#IF (%numitems(%eval(%concat("@",%char,TravelList)))=0) {
		#SAY {%crlf "None found, type saveTravel <number> <TravelName> to save a Travel code."}
		} {
		#SAY {%crlf "-----Available Travel Locations-----"}
		#LOOP 1,%numitems(%eval(%concat("@",%char,TravelList))) {
			#MXP %if(%len(%i)=1," "%i,%i)) ~<send %item(%eval(%concat("@",%char,TravelList)),%i)>~<color royalblue>%item(%eval(%concat("@",%char,TravelList)),%i)~</color>~</send> %if(%item(%eval(%concat("@",%char,TravelNote)),%i)=NA,"",%item(%eval(%concat("@",%char,TravelNote)),%i))
			#SHOW {""}
#ALIAS showLocate {
	#IF (%null(@locName)) {
		#SAY {%crlf "None found, run a locate to set list."}
		} {
		#VAR locMaxName {}
		#PRIORITY {#LOOP 1,%numitems(@locName) {#VAR locMaxName {%additem(%len(%item(@locName,%i)),@locMaxName)}}}
			#SAY {%crlf -Current Locate Name %repeat("-",%eval(%max(%expandlist(@locMaxName,","))-15)) Code %repeat("-",10) Direction - ~(Carried~)-}
			#LOOP 1,%numitems(@locName) {
				#IF (%ismember(%item(@locCarry,%i),@locColorList)) {#VAR locColor {@locColorSet}} {#VAR locColor {}}
				#MXP ~<color @locColor>%if(%len(%i)=1,~" ~"%i,%i)~</color>) %item(@locName,%i) %repeat(" ",%eval(%max(%expandlist(@locMaxName,","))-%len(%item(@locName,%i)))) ~[~<send ~"channel 'travel' %item(@locCode,%i)~">~<color royalblue>%item(@locCode,%i)~</color>~</send>~] ~<color @locColor>%item(@locDir,%i)~</color>%if(%null(%item(@locCarry,%i)),"",~(~<color @locColor>%item(@locCarry,%i)~</color>~))
			#SHOW {""}
#ALIAS locateColor {
	#IF (%null(%1)) {
		#SAY {%crlf " Usage: locateColor <color> [bcolor] background color optional"}
		} {
		#IF (%colorname(%1)=536870911 AND %color(%1)=0) {
			#VAR locColorSet {}
			#SAY {%crlf %1 is an invalid color, locColorSet variable cleared.}
			} {
			#IF (%null(%2)) {
				#VAR locColorSet {%1}
				#SHOW {%crlf Locate color set: @locMXPcolor(%2)}
				} {
				#IF (%colorname(%2)=536870911 AND %color(%2)=0) {
					#VAR locColorSet {}
					#SAY {%crlf %2 is an invalid color, locColorSet variable cleared.}
					} {
					#VAR locColorSet {%concat(%1," ",%2)}
					#SHOW {%crlf Locate color set: @locMXPcolor(%2 %3)}
#ALIAS resetTravel {
	#DELCLASS Locate|%concat(%char,LocateCodes)
	#CLASS {Locate|%concat(%char,LocateCodes)} {disable}
	#T+ {Locate|%concat(%char,LocateCodes)}
	#VAR %concat(%char,TravelList) {} {_nodef} {Locate|%concat(%char,"LocateCodes")}
	#VAR %concat(%char,TravelNote) {} {_nodef} {Locate|%concat(%char,"LocateCodes")}
	#VAR locCarry {}
	#VAR locCode {}
	#VAR locDir {}
	#VAR locName {}
	#ALARM "locateResetAlarm" {+.5} {#SAY {%crlf %char"'s travel codes reset!"}} "Locate"
#FUNCTION locMXPcolor {<color %1>%1</color>}
#VAR locCarry {}
#VAR locCode {}
#VAR locColor {}
#VAR locColorSet {darkred}
#VAR locColorList {dreadlord|myrddraal|trolloc}
#VAR locDir {}
#VAR locMaxName {}
#VAR locName {}
#VAR locNum {0}
#VAR locateMonth {}
#VAR locateTravel {}
#VAR locateYear {}
#TRIGGER "locateTimeTrigger" {It is %d o'clock %w, on the %d{st|nd|rd|th} day of the month of &%wlocateMonth, year &%dlocateYear.} {
	#T- {locateTimeTrigger}
	#IF (%null(%eval(%concat("@",%char,LocateTime)))) {
		#VAR %concat(%char,LocateTime) {%concat(@locateMonth,@locateYear)} {_nodef} {Locate|%concat(%char,"LocateCodes")}
		} {
		#IF (%ismember(%concat(@locateMonth,@locateYear),%eval(%concat("@",%char,LocateTime)))) {} {
			#VAR %concat(%char,LocateTime) {%concat(@locateMonth,@locateYear)} {_nodef} {Locate|%concat(%char,"LocateCodes")}
			#IF (%null(%eval(%concat("@",%char,TravelList)))) {} {
				#ALARM "LocateetTimeAlarm" {+1} {#SAY {%lf Current Travel time set to @locateMonth @locateYear}} "Locate"
	} "" {case|disable}
#TRIGGER "locateTurnsTrigger" {The Wheel of Time turns towards the} {#IF (%null(%eval(%concat("@",%char,TravelList)))) {} {time}} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "LocateSpinsTrigger" {The Wheel of Time spins between the} {#IF (%null(%eval(%concat("@",%char,TravelList)))) {} {time}} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "locateLifeTrigger" {~[channel 'locate life'~]} {
	#T+ {Locate|LocateTriggers}
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "locateObjectTrigger" {~[channel 'locate object'~]} {
	#T+ {Locate|LocateTriggers}
	} "" {case}
#ONINPUT "locateChannelInput" {^{chann|channe|channel} 'locate {life|object}' %w$} {
	#T+ {Locate|LocateTriggers}
#ONINPUT "locateTimeInput" {^{ti|tim|time}$} {#T+ {locateTimeTrigger}}
#CLASS {Locate|LocateTriggers} {disable}
#TRIGGER "locateCodeTrigger" {^(*) - ~[(%w)~] - somewhere (*){of|around} here.$} {
		#VAR locNum {%eval(@locNum+1)}
		#VAR locName {%additem("%1",@locName)}
		#VAR locCode {%additem(%2,@locCode)}
		#IF (%null(%3)) {#VAR locDir {%additem("around here ",@locDir)}} {#VAR locDir {%additem("%3",@locDir)}}
		#VAR locCarry {%additem("",@locCarry)}
		#SUB {~<color @locColor>%if(%len(@locNum)=1," "@locNum,@locNum)</color>) %1 - [~<send "channel 'travel' %2">~<color royalblue>%2~</color>~</send>] - %if(%null(%3),around here,%3)}
	} "" {}
#TRIGGER "locateCarriedTrigger" {^(*) - ~[(%w)~] - somewhere (*){of|around} here, carried by {a|an} (%w).$} {
		#VAR locNum {%eval(@locNum+1)}
		#VAR locName {%additem("%1",@locName)}
		#VAR locCode {%additem(%2,@locCode)}
		#IF (%null(%3)) {#VAR locDir {%additem("around here ",@locDir)}} {#VAR locDir {%additem("%3",@locDir)}}
		#IF (%null(%4)) {#VAR locCarry {%additem("",@locCarry)}} {#VAR locCarry {%additem(%4,@locCarry)}}
		#IF (%ismember(%4,@locColorList)) {#VAR locColor {@locColorSet}} {#VAR locColor {}}
		#SUB {~<color @locColor>%if(%len(@locNum)=1," "@locNum,@locNum)</color>) %1 - [~<send "channel 'travel' %2">~<color royalblue>%2~</color>~</send>] - ~<color @locColor>%if(%null(%3),around here,%3)~</color> ~(~<color @locColor>%4~</color>~)}
	} "" {}
#TRIGGER "locatePromptTrigger" {^{o|*} * >} {
	#T- {locatePromptTrigger}
	#T- {Locate|LocateTriggers}
	} "" {case|disable|nocr|prompt}
#TRIGGER "locateCancelledTrigger" {Cancelled.$} {#T- {Locate|LocateTriggers}} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "locateCantTrigger" {You can't summon enough energy to weave the flow.$} {#T- {Locate|LocateTriggers}} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "locateFailedTrigger" {You failed.$} {#T- {Locate|LocateTriggers}} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "locateFlushedTrigger" {You are too flushed from the heat of battle to complete the weave!$} {#T- {Locate|LocateTriggers}} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "locateInterruptedTrigger" {You are interrupted and stop what you are doing.$} {#T- {Locate|LocateTriggers}} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "locateIsolatedTrigger" {You feel isolated from the Source!$} {#T- {Locate|LocateTriggers}} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "locateLoseTrigger" {You lose all sense of the True Source here.$} {#T- {Locate|LocateTriggers}} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "locateLostTrigger" {You lost control of {Saidin|Saidar}!$} {#T- {Locate|LocateTriggers}} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "locateNobodyTrigger" {^Nobody around by that name.$} {#T- {Locate|LocateTriggers}} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "locateNothingTrigger" {^Nothing at all by that name.$} {#T- {Locate|LocateTriggers}} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "locateOkTrigger" {^Ok.$} {
	#T+ {locatePromptTrigger}
	#VAR locNum {0}
	#VAR locName {}
	#VAR locCode {}
	#VAR locDir {}
	#VAR locCarry {}
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "locateOuchTrigger" {Ouch! You couldn't maintain the flows.$} {#T- {Locate|LocateTriggers}} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "locateTouchTrigger" {You aren't in touch with {saidin|saidar} to channel it.$} {#T- {Locate|LocateTriggers}} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "locateUnableTrigger" {You are unable to sense the True Source at all from here.$} {#T- {Locate|LocateTriggers}} "" {case}
#CLASS {Locate|LocateConnect} {enable}
#TRIGGER "locateConnectTrigger" {%s The Wheel Of Time MUD} {
	#T- {Locate|LocateConnect}
	#T+ {locateTimeTrigger}
	#IF (%class(Locate|%concat(%char,LocateCodes))=-1) {
			#CLASS {Locate|%concat(%char,LocateCodes)} {disable}
			#CLASS 0
			#VAR %concat(%char,TravelList) {} {_nodef} {Locate|%concat(%char,"LocateCodes")}
			#VAR %concat(%char,TravelNote) {} {_nodef} {Locate|%concat(%char,"LocateCodes")}
			#VAR %concat(%char,LocateTime) {} {_nodef} {Locate|%concat(%char,"LocateCodes")}
		} {#T+ {Locate|%concat(%char,LocateCodes)}}
	} "" {case}
Last edited by Taziar on Mon Aug 06, 2018 12:08 am, edited 3 times in total.
House of Medakan cMUD Scripts: Table of Contents

House of Medakan zMUD Scripts: Table of Contents
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Joined: Tue Apr 07, 2015 8:24 pm
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Re: House of Medakan zMUD Scripts

Post by Taziar »

-----Zone Pattern Add-on for TicBar Script-----
  • [Released: 2/20/2018]
Zone Pattern Add-on is an optional add-on for the TicBar to include over 300 unique Zone sunrise and sunset emotes.

Direct Download Link: ZoneAddOnHoM.txt

Active Triggers: 321/321

Code: Select all

#CLASS {TicBar|TicPatternZones} {disable}
#TRIGGER "" {^A ball of red light rises slowly from the edge of the grassland, bringing light to the savannah.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^A blanket of heat covers the land as the sun rises.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^A bright orange sun rises above the morning fog.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^A brilliant light spreads across the grassland.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^A calm descends over the fort as night falls.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^A chill breeze cuts through you as the sun sinks below the hills.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^A deep orange sunset heralds the end of the day.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^A dim orange glow spills over the land as the sun rises to the east.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^A dismal light is cast across Shayol Ghul with the rising of the sun.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^A dismal light is cast with the rising of the sun.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^A dull light is cast through the sickly trees as the sun rises.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^A feeble light casts shadows across the ruined landscape.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^A gloomy light is cast across the twisted landscape.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^A harsh light emerges as the sun rises.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^A light, airy blue through the trees heralds the sunrise.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^A rainbow of colors springs to life above the hills.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^A red sun rises in the east, coloring the forest in shades of red and gold.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^A shadow is cast over the land as the sun vanishes beyond Garen's Wall.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^A sickly reddish glow spreads over the world as the sun returns.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^A warm glow bathes the Illian road in a bright light.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^A warm glow is cast by the rising sun.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^A yellow glow from above descends beneath black spires.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^Amidst soft colors the sun rises above the mountains in the east.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^An eerie howl breaks the silence as the sun slowly sets below the horizon.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^An orange glow covers the grassland as the sun slowly sinks into the horizon.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^An orange hue paints the sky as the setting sun glints off the Aryth Ocean.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^As a glorious ball of brightly minted gold, the sun rises in the east.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^As if by a painter's brush, the sun sets in a sky of violet, red, and blue.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^As the night falls the cool of night refreshes the land.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^As the sky burns in shades of fuchsia and gold the sun sets in the west.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^As the sun dips below the horizon, the sounds of the forest take over.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^As the sun lowers beneath the horizon, a gloomy darkness descends on the long road.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^As the sun sets in the west, darkness descends on the forest.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^As the sun sets over the Fortress of Light, torches blaze to bring the Light again.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^As the sun sets, its rays fall blindingly on the Sea of Storms.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^As the sun sets, the nocturnal sounds of the forest take over.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^As the sun starts to set, the sounds of the night take over.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^Birds begin to chatter as the sun rises.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^Birds chirp merrily as the sun rises in the east.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^Black peaks create looming shadows as the sun drops beneath the horizon.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^Casting jagged shadows, the sun rises over the Mountains of Mist.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^Colorful birds chirp happily as the sun rises out of the eastern seas.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^Creatures begin to stir among the grass as the sun rises in the east.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^Dank shadows shroud the trees, the sun dipping beneath the horizon.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^Dapples of sunlight fall onto the forest floor.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^Darkness covers the land, hiding the corruption of the Blight.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^Darkness descends on the land.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^Darkness descends upon the Spine of the World with the setting of the sun.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^Darkness embraces the land once again.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^Darkness engulfs the terrain as the sun disappears behind the black mountains$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^Darkness falls across the road.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^Darkness falls, casting pitch black shadows.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^Darkness fills the Blight as the sun sets.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^Darkness flees as the sun rises.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^Darkness gently falls as the sun slips behind the rolling hills.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^Darkness sets in as day turns to night.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^Darkness settles on the land with the setting of the sun.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^Darkness shrouds the island as the sun dips below the edge of the horizon.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^Darkness spreads across the Spine of the World as the sun sets in the west.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^Dawn breaks, painting the sky with pink and amber hues.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^Dawn glints through the leaves of Stedding Tsochan.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^Dawn heralds another storm on the horizon.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^Day breaks over the hills.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^Daylight breaches the foliage overhead.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^Dew settles on the grasslands as darkness descends.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^Dew settles on the ground as the sun sets west of the mountains.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^Dusk approaches, bringing glorious darkness upon the land.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^Dusk gathers like a cloud over Stedding Tsochan.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^Ebbing red and gold, the sun slowly sinks beneath the horizon.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^Everything becomes a little darker.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^Gilded rooftops shimmer as the sun rises above the Tower of Morning.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^Gloomy light is cast through the dark skies as the sun rises.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^Gnarled trees cast jagged shadows as the sun drops beneath the horizon.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^Golden rays of morning sun peak from behind the horizon.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^Golden rays of sunshine peek over the hills of the surrounding countryside.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^Golden rays of the sunshine peek over the treetops to the east.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^Heatwaves shimmer as the blistering sun arcs into the sky.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^In the west, the setting sun shows the dark silhouette of the Mountains of Mist.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^Light begins to peak from behind the hills.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^Light breaks over the horizon through waves of heat as a new day begins.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^Light fades as the red evening sun slowly drops below the horizon.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^Light splashes across the sky as the sun rises above the rooftops of Emonds Field.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^Long shadows are cast as the sun rises behind the mountains to the east.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^Long shadows are cast throughout the forest as the sun slowly sets.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^Long shadows rise along the hills as the sun sets.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^Low deep bronze tones fill the air as a wind blows from the north.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^Morning dew glitters in the days first sunrays.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^Mountain peaks hide the sun as it sets in the west.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^Night falls over the ruined city, casting eerie shadows.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^Radiant hues permeate the horizon as the sun sinks in the west.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^Rays of light spread over the grasslands, stirring animals to life.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^Rays of the golden sun spreads over the rugged hills as the sun rises.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^Ruddy amber hues streak across the vanishing horizon as night falls.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^Scarlet and gold paint the sky as the sun sets in the west.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^Shadows dance as the sun makes its way into the sky.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^Shadows descend upon the land as the sun drops behind the hills to the west.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^Shadows embrace the city as twilight falls over Seandar.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^Shadows grow beneath the peaks as dusk arrives.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^Shadows lengthen along Garen's Wall as the sun sets.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^Shadows lengthen as the sun approaches the horizon.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^Shadows lengthen as the sun gently sinks behind the horizon.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^Shadows lengthen as the sun sets beyond the mountains.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^Shadows thicken as the sun sets behind the mountains.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^Soft rays of morning sun peak from behind the rolling hills.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^Sparkles of light dance upon the sea as the sun rises.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^Sparkling light draws a track toward the eastern horizon, heralding the sunrise.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The Dark One releases the sun to illuminate his minions.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The Dark One's hand covers the sun.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The Imperial Capital is bathed in a warm glow as the sun rises.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The White Tower is bathed in a reddish orange light as the sun sets.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The White Tower's spire gleams softly in the first light of a new day.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The air catches a chill as the sun falls below the horizon.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The area becomes extremely dark.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The blazing hot sun sinks beneath the horizon of the Waste.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The blazing sun fades into greyness behind the towers.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The blazing sun rises over the eastern horizon.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The blistering sun scorches the parched ground.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The blistering wind gusts with the first rays of dawn over the mountains.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The blood red sun disappears behind the mountains.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The blush of a new dawn replaces the darkness.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The blustery plains are lit up with the sunrise.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The boiling red sun slowly rises over the blighted lands.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The burning sun rises above the mountains to the east.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The burnished disk of the sun settles behind the spires of Tar Valon.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The clouds brooding above darken as the sun sets.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The clouds in the east burn pink and violet with the rising of the sun.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The darkness comes.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The darkness leaves.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The darkness turns to a bright haze as the sun breaks the horizon to the east.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The day breaks, and sunlight starts to stream down onto the jungle floor.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The day has begun.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The desert air begins to cool with the setting of the sun.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The dull red sun becomes visible over the high peaks.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The dust of the plains in the air turns golden with the falling hush of dusk.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The evening sun sinks behind the horizon.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The faint rosy hue finally fades away as the sun dips below the horizon.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The fiery colors of dawn settle into the forest with the rising sun.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The fires of the sun begin to extinguish as it disappears on the horizon.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The first light of dawn illuminates Tarwin's Gap.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The first light of morning glows in the eastern sky.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The first light of morning shines on Amador.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The first rays of dawn appear in the east.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The first rays of light peak across the waters of the great sea to the east.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The first rays of sun shine on the broken gorge.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The forest comes to life with the rising of the sun.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The forest comes to life with the song of the forest birds and the chattering of squirrels.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The glorious darkness is broken by the rising of the sun.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The glow of the morning sun filters through the cracks of Garen's Wall.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The golden rays of dawn slowly appear over the palace walls.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The golden sun breaches the horizon, burnished rays burning away the night.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The golden sun sinks down behind the rugged hills.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The hills are awash in shadows as the sun sinks in the west.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The hot sun rises above the hard, cracked ground.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The howls of wolves fill the air as the sun sets.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The last rays of light begin to fade into blackness.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The last rays of light burn red against the foothills.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The last rays of light disappear as the sun sets in the west.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The last rays of the red sun disappear below the sea of green grass to the west.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The last ships sail from the harbor as the sun dips below the Calpene Peninsula.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The light becomes a little brighter.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The light begins to filter through the trees.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The lilac blue of dawn begins to grace the sky from the east.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The night chases the sun over the edge of the world.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The night has begun.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The nocturnal sounds of the forest begin to rise as the sun sets in the west.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The orange disk of the sun sinks below the grassy horizon.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The orange glow of the sun decends below the horizon.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The orange sun slowly rises from the Sea of Storms.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The piercing rays of dawn peek above the eastern horizon.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The piercing rays of the sun streak across the morning sky.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The pink hues of dusk slowly descend over the palace towers.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The plains are covered in a harsh red light as the sun sinks below the horizon.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The plains grow dark and lonely with the day's end.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The rising sun announces another day.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The rising sun casts both warm light and long shadows across the mountains.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The rising sun colors the Westwood red and gold.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The setting sun casts a dim red glow throughout the forest.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The setting sun frames the famed blue dome of Far Madding.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The shadows lengthen as the sun sinks beyond the horizon.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The shrill call of a jungle bird breaks the silence as the sun rises.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sinking sun dips below the moss covered tree limbs.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sky brightens as the sun rises over the Tower of Morning.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sky darkens as the sun sets in the west.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sky glistens with beams of light as the sun rises over Tamika.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sky glows with subdued light as the sun dips below the horizon.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sky glows with the rising of the sun.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sky grows brighter as the sun peeks above the mountains.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sky is awash in a burst of burning gold and crimson glory as the sun sets.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sky is awash in shades of red and purple as the sun sinks behind the mountains.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sky is painted in shades of red and purple as the sun slowly descends.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sky turns orange and pink as the sun sinks into the Aryth Ocean.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sky turns red as a fiery sun sets in the west.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sky turns the color liquid gold as the sun sets beyond the plains.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sound of roosters crowing greets the rising sun.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun begins its journey to its peak in the sky.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun begins to cast an orange glow on the trees as it rises.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun breaks into view as it rises over the walls.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun breaks the darkness as it rises over the eastern peaks.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun bursts into the eastern skies.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun casts a dim glow across the barren hills.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun casts a dim light through dismal skies.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun casts a golden glow over the city.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun casts its dreary morning light through the hazy sky.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun casts its yellow light over the long road.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun casts rays of burnished gold over the Spine of the World.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun climbs above the eastern horizon, sparkling on the city and the sea.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun climbs slowly above the trees in the east.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun creeps up from below the black towering peaks.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun creeps up over the trees.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun crests over the towers of Mayene, flooding the city with light.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun crests the horizon and light breaks through the trees.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun crests the horizon lighting the sky afire.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun crests the peaks of the Dragonwall to the east.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun descends below the treeline.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun descends beyond the horizon.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun descends past the horizon, striking red fire through the fetid air.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun dips behind the mountains in the west, enveloping the land in shadow.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun drops below the flat horizon of the plains.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun drops below the walls of the keep.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun drops quickly in the west in a glory of color.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun falls behind the jagged snowy peaks.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun falls slowly behind the walls of the city.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun lowers beyond the trees, lengthening the shadows.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun lowers in the sky, covering the landscape in eery twilight.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun paints the sky as it sets.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun peeks above the mountains washing the prairie in a yellow glow.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun peeks across the scorched hills of Kandor.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun peeks over the Mountains of Mist.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun peeks over the eastern seas.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun peeks over the eastern wall of the city.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun peeks over the high watchtower of the keep.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun peeks over the topless towers of the city.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun peeks over the trees, heralding the dawn of a new day.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun peeks over the treetops, shedding light across the land.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun rises above the tops of the black mountains.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun rises from behind the distant Spine of the World.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun rises gloriously above the Menagerie.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun rises in the east above the Spine of the World.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun rises in the east breathing life into a new day.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun rises in the east.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun rises in the eastern sky, setting it afire with color.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun rises in the eastern sky, setting it afire with color.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun rises in the eastern sky.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun rises over the eastern hills.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun rises over the eastern walls of the castle.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun rises over the peaks of the Spine.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun rises over the water, sending it into glittering shards of clear light.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun rises slowly from behind the Mountains of Mist.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun rises through the lilac and gold tinged clouds in the east.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun rises, bathing the Fortress of Light in a wash of gold.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun rises, casting bright light to drive away the shadows.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun rises, casting light into the shadows.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun rises, cutting through the sharp profiles of rocky mountains.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun rises.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun sets behind the Spine of the World.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun sets behind the city's western wall.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun sets below the water, turning it into a blaze of glorious colors.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun sets in the west as a blaze of dark gold and bronzed red.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun sets in the western sky, throwing everything into twilight color.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun sets in the western sky.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun sets on the hazy western horizon.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun sets over fields of grain to the west.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun sets over the broken gorge.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun sets over the river.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun sets the plains afire as it rises in the east.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun sets with a vivid display of colors over the western sky.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun sets, allowing shadows to creep forward.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun sets, casting the streets into cool, violet shadows.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun sets, painting the skies over Seandar in a multitude of shades of red.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun sets, washing the city in fiery colors.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun sets.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun sinks behind the Spine of the World.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun sinks behind the Westwood to the west$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun sinks behind the towering trees.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun sinks behind the waving plains of grass in the west.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun sinks behind the western wall of the city.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun sinks below the western horizon.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun sinks into a cloudbank in the western sky.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun sinks into the hills.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun sinks over the sea to the west.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun sinks quietly beneath the western horizon.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun sinks slowly beneath the Aryth Ocean on the western horizon.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun sinks slowly beneath the rolling hills to the west.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun slides gently behind the Menagerie tent spires.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun slides out of sight behind the walls of the Keep.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun slips below the hills to the west.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun slips slowly below the city walls.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun slowly descends behind the hills.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun slowly disappears in the western horizon.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun slowly rises above the plains.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun slowly rises, casting a warm glow across the Saldaean fields.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun slowly sets over the castle walls to the west.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun slowly sets.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun slowly sinks behind the majestic towers of Mayene.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun slowly sinks in the west, casting long shadows across the city.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun starts to rise above the walls of the city.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun vanishes amongst the trees, letting night sweep the land.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun's blinding light is reflected in the lakes waters as it sets.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun's first rays touch the eastern slopes of Garen's Wall.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun's golden rays glisten over the Aryth ocean as it rises.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun's light fills the sky as it rises.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun's orange rays streak the landscape as it sets.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sun's rays flash across the grass as it sets in the west.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The sunlight sweeps across the plains with the dawn.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The symphony of bird song fills the air as the sun filters through the trees.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The tall towers above you shimmer brightly in the light of the rising sun.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The towers of the palace are painted in burning reds as the sun sets.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The twisted forestland darkens as the sun slowly sets.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The warmth of the morning sun heats the air.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The western horizon glows in shades of red and violet as the sun sets.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The western sky blazes in shades of red as the sun slowly sets.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^The world is submerged into coolness as the sun sinks into the horizon.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^Thin rays of sunlight pierce the sky over the marshes.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^Unseen watchers howl as the sun hides behind the horizon.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^Violet hues light the snow-capped peaks to the west as the sun dips below them.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^Vivid colors flood the sky as the sun sets over the hills.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^Warm golden light embraces the palace as the sun rises.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^Weak daylight fades to black as the sun slowly sets.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^Weak light is cast through the grove as the sun rises.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "" {^Weak sunlight strains to brighten this blighted wasteland as the sun rises.$} {#TSET} "" {case}
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House of Medakan zMUD Scripts: Table of Contents
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Re: House of Medakan zMUD Scripts

Post by Taziar »


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Code: Select all

#CLASS {Bank}
#ALIAS helpBank {
	#SAY {%crlf <C dodgerblue>-----Bank Help File-----</C>}
	#SAY {   <C dodgerblue>[Updated:10/2/2019]</C>}
	#SAY { Keeps track of all character's bank account balances.}
	#SAY {}
	#SAY { Type <C dodgerblue>balBank</C> to view current balance for current character.}
	#SAY {  Note: helpBank shows all balances for all characters.}
	#SAY {}
	#VAR bankTotal {}
	#SAY { Character balances:}
	#FORALL @bankList {
		#SAY {  %i's current balance: %eval(%eval(%concat(~@,bankAccount,%i))/20) gold crowns.}
		#ADD bankTotal %eval(%eval(%concat(~@,bankAccount,%i))/20)
	#SAY {}
	#SAY {    Total character wealth: <C goldenrod>@bankTotal</C> gold crowns.}
	#SAY {}
#VAR bankList {}
#VAR bankTotal {}
#ALIAS balBank {
	#SAY {%crlf %char's balance is: <C dodgerblue>%eval(%eval(%concat(~@,bankAccount,%char))/20)</C> gold crowns. %crlf}
#TRIGGER "bankBalance" {whispers to you 'Your balance is the equivalent of (%d) copper.'} {
	#VAR %concat(bankAccount,%char) %1
	} "" {case|disable}
#TRIGGER "bankDeposit" {tells you, '(%d) copper has been credited to your account.'} {
	#ADD %concat(bankAccount,%char) %1
	} "" {case|disable}
#TRIGGER "bankWithdraw" {tells you '(%d) copper has been deducted from your account.'} {
	#ADD %concat(bankAccount,%char) -%1
	} "" {case|disable}
#TRIGGER "bankPrompt" {{o|*} * >} {
	#T- bankPrompt
	#T- bankBalance
	#T- bankDeposit
	#T- bankWithdraw
	} "" {disable|nocr|prompt}
#ONINPUT "bankBalInput" {^{bal|bala|balan|balanc|balance}$} {
	#T+ bankBalance
	#T+ bankPrompt
	} "" {}
#ONINPUT "bankDepInput" {^{de|dep|depo|depos|deposi|deposit} (%d)$} {
	#T+ bankDeposit
	#T+ bankPrompt
	} "" {}
#ONINPUT "bankWithInput" {^{wit|with|withd|withdr|withdra|withdraw} (%d)$} {
	#T+ bankWithdraw
	#T+ bankPrompt
	} "" {}
#CLASS {Bank|BankConnect} {enable}
	#TRIGGER "bankConnectTrigger" {^%s The Wheel Of Time MUD} {
		#T- Bank|BankConnect
		#IF (%class(%concat(bankAccount,%char))=-1) {
			#ADDITEM bankList %char
			#VAR %concat(bankAccount,%char) 0 {_nodef} "Bank"
		} "" {case}
House of Medakan cMUD Scripts: Table of Contents

House of Medakan zMUD Scripts: Table of Contents
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