Re: House of Medakan
Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2015 5:20 pm
see new location here: Table of Contents
-----Alt Tracker-----
Alt Tracker stores names grouped by main characters, all alts entered are associated with one main character.
You can use the commands below to see a list of all character names you have stored.
Anytime you Type whois <name> and you have that name saved it will automatically show you either associated main character or all of their alts.
Thanks to Mangler for the idea.
Type helpAltTracker to see help file
Type altAdd <mainName> <altName> to add an alt name to character name file.
--Example: Type altAdd Austin Kirtha to add Kirtha to Austin's alt file.
Type altNames for a list of all current characters and alts on file.
Type whois <name> as normal, if that character has an alt you know it will display it.
Type altRemove <name> to remove a character name from the file.
Table of Contents
see new location here: Table of Contents
-----Alt Tracker-----
Alt Tracker stores names grouped by main characters, all alts entered are associated with one main character.
You can use the commands below to see a list of all character names you have stored.
Anytime you Type whois <name> and you have that name saved it will automatically show you either associated main character or all of their alts.
Thanks to Mangler for the idea.
Type helpAltTracker to see help file
Type altAdd <mainName> <altName> to add an alt name to character name file.
--Example: Type altAdd Austin Kirtha to add Kirtha to Austin's alt file.
Type altNames for a list of all current characters and alts on file.
Type whois <name> as normal, if that character has an alt you know it will display it.
Type altRemove <name> to remove a character name from the file.
Code: Select all
#CLASS {AltTracker}
#ALIAS helpAltTracker {
#SHOW {""}
#SHOW {""}
#SHOW {"-----Alt Tracker Commands-----"}
#SHOW {""}
#SHOW {"Type altAdd <mainName> <altName> to add an alt name to character name file."}
#SHOW {"--Example: Type altAdd Austin Kirtha to add Kirtha to Austin's alt file."}
#SHOW {""}
#SHOW {"Type altNames for a list of all current characters and alts on file."}
#SHOW {""}
#SHOW {"Type whois <name> as normal, if that character has an alt you know it will display it."}
#SHOW {""}
#SHOW {"Type altRemove <name> to remove a character name from the file."}
#SHOW {""}
#ALIAS altAdd {
#IF (%ismember(%proper(%1),@altCharName)) {#SHOW {""}} {
#ADDITEM altCharName %proper(%1)
#VAR %concat("alt",%proper(%1)) {} {_nodef} "AltTracker|AltFiles"
#SHOW {""}
#ECHO {%proper(%1) was added to the main character file.}
#IF (%ismember(%proper(%2),@altCharAlt)) {
#ECHO {%proper(%2) is already a listed alt of a main character.}
} {#IF (%len(%2) > 1) {#ADDITEM altCharAlt %proper(%2)}
#IF (%len(%2) > 1) {#ADDITEM %concat("alt",%proper(%1)) %proper(%2)}
#IF (%len(%2) > 1) {#ECHO {%proper(%2) is now an alt of %proper(%1).}}
#ALIAS altNames {
#SHOW {""}
#SHOW {""}
#FORALL @altCharName {
#VAR altNameLoop {%concat(~@,alt,%i)}
#SHOW {%i "--->" @altNameLoop}
#ALIAS altRemove {
#SHOW {""}
#IF (%ismember(%proper(%1),@altCharName)) {
#DELITEM altCharName %proper(%1)
#UNVAR %concat("alt",%proper(%1)) "AltTracker|AltFiles"
#ECHO {%proper(%1) was removed from the main character file.}
#IF (%ismember(%proper(%1),@altCharAlt)) {
#DELITEM altCharAlt %proper(%1)
#ECHO {%proper(%1) was removed from the alt character file.}
#FORALL @altCharName {
#DELITEM %concat("alt",%i) %proper(%1)
#DELITEM %concat("alt",%i) %null
#ALIAS altWhois {
#IF (%ismember(%proper(@altNameWhois),@altCharName)) {
#VAR altNameWho %concat(~@,alt,@altNameWhois)
#ALARM +1 {
#SHOW {""}
#ECHO {Known alts: @altNameWho}
#IF (%ismember(%proper(@altNameWhois),@altCharAlt)) {
#ALIAS altWhoMain {
#FORALL @altCharName {
#ADDITEM altNameFind {%concat(~@,alt,%i)}
#VAR altNameFindLiteral {%concat(~"~@,alt,%i~")}
#IF (%ismember(%proper(@altNameWhois),@altNameFind)) {
#ALARM +1 {
#SHOW {""}
#ECHO {%proper(@altNameWhois) is an alt of %remove("@alt",@altNameFindLiteral).}
#VAR altNameFind {}
#DELITEM altNameFind {%concat(~@,alt,%i)}
#ONINPUT {whois &%waltNameWhois} {
#VAR altNameLoop {}
#VAR altNameWho {}
#VAR altNameWhois {}
#VAR altNameFind {}
#VAR altNameFindLiteral {}
#CLASS {AltTracker|AltFiles}
#VAR altCharName {}
#VAR altCharAlt {}