Code: Select all
#CLASS {Colors}
#ALIAS helpColors {
#SAY {%crlf "-----Colors Help File-----"}
#SAY {" [Updated: 7/13/2018]"}
#SHOW {" Type colorWeave <type> <color> [bcolor] to set colors for weaves of the specified type."}
#SHOW {" Available colorWeave types: (shown in current set color) [background color optional]"}
#SHOW {" "@colorMXPhelp(%replace(@colorWeaveObserved,","," "),"Observed (you see others target)")}
#SHOW {" "@colorMXPhelp(%replace(@colorWeaveReceived,","," "),"Received (targeted at you)")}
#SHOW {" "@colorMXPhelp(%replace(@colorWeaveTargeted,","," "),"Targeted (you target)")}
#SHOW {""}
#SHOW {" Type colorAlert <type> <color> [bcolor] to set colors for alerts of the specified type."}
#SHOW {" Available colorAlert types: (shown in current set color) [background color optional]"}
#SHOW {" "@colorMXPhelp(%replace(@colorAlertLow,","," "),"Low (low priority alerts)")}
#SHOW {" "@colorMXPhelp(%replace(@colorAlertMedium,","," "),"Medium (medium priority alerts)")}
#SHOW {" "@colorMXPhelp(%replace(@colorAlertHigh,","," "),"High (high priority alerts)")}
#SHOW {""}
#SHOW {" Type colorComms <type> <color> [bcolor] to set colors for comms of the specified type."}
#SHOW {" Available colorComms types: (shown in current set color) [background color optional]"}
#SHOW {" "@colorMXPhelp(%replace(@colorBellow,","," "),"Bellow (in zone yells)")}
#SHOW {" "@colorMXPhelp(%replace(@colorChat,","," "),"Chat (global chats)")}
#SHOW {" "@colorMXPhelp(%replace(@colorNarrate,","," "),"Narrate (global narrates)")}
#SHOW {""}
#SHOW {" Type colorToggle <type> to toggle color triggers on/off."}
#SHOW {" Available colorToggle types: (current toggle mode)"}
#SHOW {" CommColors " %if(%class(Colors|CommColors)," (ON)"," (OFF)")}
#SHOW {" MiscColors " %if(%class(Colors|MiscColors)," (ON)"," (OFF)")}
#SHOW {" SkillColors " %if(%class(Colors|SkillColors)," (ON)"," (OFF)")}
#SHOW {" WeavesObserved " %if(%class(Colors|WeavesObserved),"(ON)","(OFF)")}
#SHOW {" WeavesReceived " %if(%class(Colors|WeavesReceived),"(ON)","(OFF)")}
#SHOW {" WeavesTargeted " %if(%class(Colors|WeavesTargeted),"(ON)","(OFF)")}
#SHOW {""}
#ALIAS colorWeave {
#SHOW {""}
#IF (%null(%1)) {
#SHOW {" Usage: colorWeave <type> <color> [bcolor] [background color optional]"}
#SHOW {" Available colorWeave types: (shown in current set color)"}
#SHOW {" "@colorMXPhelp(%replace(@colorWeaveObserved,","," "),"Observed (you see others target)")}
#SHOW {" "@colorMXPhelp(%replace(@colorWeaveReceived,","," "),"Received (targeted at you)")}
#SHOW {" "@colorMXPhelp(%replace(@colorWeaveTargeted,","," "),"Targeted (you target)")}
} {
#IF (%class(%concat("colorWeave",%1))=-1) {
#SAY {%1 is an invalid type selection...}
} {
#IF (%null(%2)) {
#SAY {What color is that?...}
} {
#IF (%colorname(%2)=536870911 AND %color(%2)=0) {
#VAR %concat("colorWeave",%1) {}
#SAY {" "%2 is an invalid color. %concat("colorWeave",%proper(%1)) variable cleared.}
} {
#IF (%null(%3)) {
#VAR %concat("colorWeave",%1) {%2}
#SHOW {Weave %proper(%1) color set: @colorMXPcolor(%2)}
} {
#IF (%colorname(%3)=536870911 AND %color(%3)=0) {
#VAR %concat("colorWeave",%1) {}
#SAY {" "%3 is an invalid color. %concat("colorWeave",%proper(%1)) variable cleared.}
} {
#VAR %concat("colorWeave",%1) {%concat(%2,",",%3)}
#SHOW {Weave %proper(%1) color set: @colorMXPcolor(%2 %3)}
#ALIAS colorAlert {
#SHOW {""}
#IF (%null(%1)) {
#SHOW {" Usage: colorAlert <type> <color> [bcolor] [background color optional]"}
#SHOW {" Available Alert types: (shown in current set color)"}
#SHOW {" "@colorMXPhelp(%replace(@colorAlertLow,","," "),"Low (low priority alerts)")}
#SHOW {" "@colorMXPhelp(%replace(@colorAlertMedium,","," "),"Medium (medium priority alerts)")}
#SHOW {" "@colorMXPhelp(%replace(@colorAlertHigh,","," "),"High (high priority alerts)")}
#SHOW {""}
} {
#IF (%class(%concat("colorAlert",%1))=-1) {
#SAY {%1 is an invalid type selection...}
} {
#IF (%null(%2)) {
#SAY {What color is that?...}
} {
#IF (%colorname(%2)=536870911 AND %color(%2)=0) {
#VAR %concat("colorAlert",%1) {}
#SAY {" "%2 is an invalid color. %concat("colorAlert",%proper(%1)) variable cleared.}
} {
#IF (%null(%3)) {
#VAR %concat("colorAlert",%1) {%2}
#SHOW {Alert %proper(%1) color set: @colorMXPcolor(%2)}
} {
#IF (%colorname(%3)=536870911 AND %color(%3)=0) {
#VAR %concat("colorAlert",%1) {}
#SAY {" "%3 is an invalid color. %concat("colorAlert",%proper(%1)) variable cleared.}
} {
#VAR %concat("colorAlert",%1) {%concat(%2,",",%3)}
#SHOW {Alert %proper(%1) color set: @colorMXPcolor(%2 %3)}
#ALIAS colorComms {
#SHOW {""}
#IF (%null(%1)) {
#SHOW {" Usage: colorComms <type> <color> [bcolor] [background color optional]"}
#SHOW {" Available Comms types: (shown in current set color)"}
#SHOW {" "@colorMXPhelp(%replace(@colorBellow,","," "),"Bellow (in zone yells)")}
#SHOW {" "@colorMXPhelp(%replace(@colorChat,","," "),"Chat (global chats)")}
#SHOW {" "@colorMXPhelp(%replace(@colorNarrate,","," "),"Narrate (global narrates)")}
#SHOW {""}
} {
#IF (%class(%concat("color",%1))=-1) {
#SAY {%1 is an invalid type selection...}
} {
#IF (%null(%2)) {
#SAY {What color is that?...}
} {
#IF (%colorname(%2)=536870911 AND %color(%2)=0) {
#VAR %concat("color",%1) {}
#SAY {" "%2 is an invalid color. %concat("color",%proper(%1)) variable cleared.}
} {
#IF (%null(%3)) {
#VAR %concat("color",%1) {%2}
#SHOW {Comms %proper(%1) color set: @colorMXPcolor(%2)}
} {
#IF (%colorname(%3)=536870911 AND %color(%3)=0) {
#VAR %concat("color",%1) {}
#SAY {" "%3 is an invalid color. %concat("color",%proper(%1)) variable cleared.}
} {
#VAR %concat("color",%1) {%concat(%2,",",%3)}
#SHOW {Comms %proper(%1) color set: @colorMXPcolor(%2 %3)}
#ALIAS colorToggle {
#SHOW {""}
#IF (%null(%1)) {
#SAY {" Usage: colorToggle <type>"}
#SHOW {" Available colorToggle types: (current toggle mode)"}
#SHOW {" CommColors " %if(%class(Colors|CommColors)," (ON)"," (OFF)")}
#SHOW {" MiscColors " %if(%class(Colors|MiscColors)," (ON)"," (OFF)")}
#SHOW {" SkillColors " %if(%class(Colors|SkillColors)," (ON)"," (OFF)")}
#SHOW {" WeavesObserved " %if(%class(Colors|WeavesObserved),"(ON)","(OFF)")}
#SHOW {" WeavesReceived " %if(%class(Colors|WeavesReceived),"(ON)","(OFF)")}
#SHOW {" WeavesTargeted " %if(%class(Colors|WeavesTargeted),"(ON)","(OFF)")}
} {
#IF (%class(Colors|%1)=-1) {
#SAY {%1 is an invalid type selection...}
} {
#IF (%class(Colors|%1)=1) {
#T- {Colors|%1}
#SAY {" "Color triggers for %1 have been turned off.}
} {
#T+ {Colors|%1}
#SAY {" "Color triggers for %1 have been turned on.}
#FUNCTION colorMXPcolor {<color %1>%1</color>}
#FUNCTION colorMXPhelp {<color %1>%2</color>}
#VAR colorAlertHigh {white,darkred}
#VAR colorAlertLow {white,royalblue}
#VAR colorAlertMedium {white,mediumblue}
#VAR colorBellow {slateblue}
#VAR colorChat {olive}
#VAR colorNarrate {saddlebrown}
#VAR colorWeaveObserved {darkgray}
#VAR colorWeaveReceived {firebrick}
#VAR colorWeaveTargeted {royalblue}
#CLASS {Colors|CommColors}
#TRIGGER {[A-Z]* chats '*'$} {#COLOR {@colorChat}} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {[A-Z]* bellows '*'$} {#COLOR {@colorBellow}} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {[A-Z]* narrates '*'$} {#COLOR {@colorNarrate}} "" {case}
#CLASS {Colors|SkillColors}
#TRIGGER {^Your bash at {a|an|the}* sends {him|her|it} sprawling!$} {#CW @colorAlertMedium} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Your bash at [A-Z]* sends {him|her|it} sprawling!$} {#CW @colorAlertMedium} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^(Your bash at) ~*%w~* (sends {him|her} sprawling!)$} {
#PCOL @colorAlertMedium %x1
#PCOL @colorAlertMedium %x2
} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^As {a|an|the}* avoids your bash, you topple over and fall to the ground!$} {#CW @colorAlertLow} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^As [A-Z]* avoids your bash, you topple over and fall to the ground!$} {#CW @colorAlertLow} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^(As) ~*%w~* (avoids your bash, you topple over and fall to the ground!)$} {
#PCOL @colorAlertLow %x1
#PCOL @colorAlertLow %x2
} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^[A-Z]* sends you sprawling with a powerful bash!$} {#CW @colorAlertHigh} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^~*%w~* (sends you sprawling with a powerful bash!)$} {#PCOL @colorAlertHigh %x1} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^You dodge a bash from {a|an|the}* who loses his balance and falls!$} {#CW @colorAlertMedium} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^You dodge a bash from [A-Z]* who loses his balance and falls!$} {#CW @colorAlertMedium} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^(You dodge a bash from) ~*%w~* (who loses his balance and falls!)$} {
#PCOL @colorAlertMedium %x1
#PCOL @colorAlertMedium %x2
} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Suddenly {a|an|the}* places * in your back!$} {#CW @colorAlertHigh} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Suddenly [A-Z]* places * in your back!$} {#CW @colorAlertHigh} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^(Suddenly) ~*%w~* (places * in your back!)$} {
#PCOL @colorAlertHigh %x1
#PCOL @colorAlertHigh %x2
} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^[A-Z]* clumsily approaches you with *, but you fend off the attack.} {#CW @colorAlertMedium} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^~*%w~* (clumsily approaches you with *, but you fend off the attack.)} {#PCOL @colorAlertMedium %x1} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^[A-Z]* starts barreling down on you, * aimed at your chest.} {#CW @colorAlertHigh} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^~*%w~* (starts barreling down on you, * aimed at your chest.)} {#PCOL @colorAlertHigh %x1} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Suddenly {a|an|the}* charges you with *!$} {#CW @colorAlertHigh} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Suddenly [A-Z]* charges you with *!$} {#CW @colorAlertHigh} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^(Suddenly) ~*%w~* (charges you with *!)$} {
#PCOL @colorAlertHigh %x1
#PCOL @colorAlertHigh %x2
} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^[A-Z]* clumsily charges you with *, but you deftly step aside.$} {#CW @colorAlertMedium} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^~*%w~* (clumsily charges you with *, but you deftly step aside.)$} {#PCOL @colorAlertMedium %x1} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {[A-Z]* wipes * boots in your face!$} {#CW @colorAlertHigh} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {~*%w~* (wipes {his|her} boots in your face!)$} {#PCOL @alertaseColorHigh %x1} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {You're hit in solar plexus, wow, this is breathtaking!!$} {#CW @colorAlertHigh} "" {case}
#CLASS {Colors|WeavesReceived}
#TRIGGER {^[A-Z]* hands weave a bright red flame...$} {#CW @colorWeaveReceived} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^~*%w~* (hands weave a bright red flame...)$} {#PCOL @colorWeaveReceived %x1} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Arrrgggh!!! Your body is on FIRE! You have precious few moments to save your sorry life!$} {#CW @colorWeaveReceived} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^You gasp in pain as streaks of fire from [A-Z]* burn your body!$} {#CW @colorWeaveReceived} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^(You gasp in pain as streaks of fire from) ~*%w~* (burn your body!)$} {
#PCOL @colorWeaveReceived %x1
#PCOL @colorWeaveReceived %x2
} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Your body is pierced by razor sharp ice spikes sent by [A-Z]*!$} {#CW @colorWeaveReceived} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^(Your body is pierced by razor sharp ice spikes sent by) ~*%w~*!$} {#PCOL @colorWeaveReceived %x1} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Your body is pierced by sharp but melting ice spikes sent by [A-Z]*!$} {#CW @colorWeaveReceived} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^(Your body is pierced by sharp but melting ice spikes sent by) ~*%w~*!$} {#PCOL @colorWeaveReceived %x1} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The air around your eyes seems to catch fire, blinding you!$} {#CW @colorWeaveReceived} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^[A-Z]* gestures and you begin to lose your balance.$} {#CW @colorWeaveReceived} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^~*%w~* (gestures and you begin to lose your balance.)$} {#PCOL @colorWeaveReceived %x1} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^[A-Z]* calls lightning from the sky to strike you, sizzling your insides!$} {#CW @colorWeaveReceived} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^~*%w~* (calls lightning from the sky to strike you, sizzling your insides!)$} {#PCOL @colorWeaveReceived %x1} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The impact of an unseen force sends you sprawling!$} {#CW @colorWeaveReceived} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Your body is burned by a tremendous fireball sent by [A-Z]*!$} {#CW @colorWeaveReceived} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^(Your body is burned by a tremendous fireball sent by) ~*%w~*!$} {#PCOL @colorWeaveReceived %x1} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Your body is burned by a weakened fireball sent by [A-Z]*!$} {#CW @colorWeaveReceived} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^(Your body is burned by a weakened fireball sent by) ~*%w~*!$} {#PCOL @colorWeaveReceived %x1} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^[A-Z]* gazes deeply into your soul.. very chilling.$} {#CW @colorWeaveReceived} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^~*%w~* (gazes deeply into your soul.. very chilling.)$} {#PCOL @colorWeaveReceived %x1} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^A strangled cough racks your lungs, causing agony!$} {#CW @colorWeaveReceived} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^You shiver from an icy cold force sent by [A-Z]*.$} {#CW @colorWeaveReceived} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^(You shiver from an icy cold force sent by) ~*%w~*.$} {#PCOL @colorWeaveReceived %x1} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^[A-Z]* waves at you, and a cold sweat begins attacking your every muscle.$} {#CW @colorWeaveReceived} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^~*%w~* (waves at you, and a cold sweat begins attacking your every muscle.)$} {#PCOL @colorWeaveReceived %x1} "" {case}
#CLASS {Colors|WeavesTargeted}
#TRIGGER {^[A-Z]* has been blinded!$} {#CW @colorWeaveTargeted} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^~*%w~* (has been blinded!)$} {#PCOL @colorWeaveTargeted %x1} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^[A-Z]* shivers from the icy cold force sent by you.$} {#CW @colorWeaveTargeted} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^~*%w~* (shivers from the icy cold force sent by you.)$} {#PCOL @colorWeaveTargeted %x1} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Beads of cold sweat emerge from {a|an|the}* face!$} {#CW @colorWeaveTargeted} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Beads of cold sweat emerge from [A-Z]* face!$} {#CW @colorWeaveTargeted} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^(Beads of cold sweat emerge from) ~*%w~*'s (face!)$} {
#PCOL @colorWeaveTargeted %x1
#PCOL @colorWeaveTargeted %x2
} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^[A-Z]* looks very strange, glaring about with a sense of panic.$} {#CW @colorWeaveTargeted} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^~*%w~* (looks very strange, glaring about with a sense of panic.)$} {#PCOL @colorWeaveTargeted %x1} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^You mold flows of Air into a tight stream, and smite {a|an|the}*.$} {#CW @colorWeaveTargeted} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^You mold flows of Air into a tight stream, and smite [A-Z]*.$} {#CW @colorWeaveTargeted} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^(You mold flows of Air into a tight stream, and smite) ~*%w~*.$} {#PCOL @colorWeaveTargeted %x1} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^You mold flows of Air into a tight stream, sending {a|an|the}* sprawling!} {#CW @colorWeaveTargeted} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^You mold flows of Air into a tight stream, sending [A-Z]* sprawling!} {#CW @colorWeaveTargeted} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^(You mold flows of Air into a tight stream, sending) ~*%w~* (sprawling!)$} {
#PCOL @colorWeaveTargeted %x1
#PCOL @colorWeaveTargeted %x2
} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Spikes of solid ice form in your hands, which you launch at {a|an|the}*.$} {#CW @colorWeaveTargeted} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Spikes of solid ice form in your hands, which you launch at [A-Z]*.$} {#CW @colorWeaveTargeted} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^(Spikes of solid ice form in your hands, which you launch at) ~*%w~*.$} {#PCOL @colorWeaveTargeted %x1} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Spikes of ice form in your hands, but melt a bit as you launch them at {a|an|the}*.$} {#CW @colorWeaveTargeted} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Spikes of ice form in your hands, but melt a bit as you launch them at [A-Z]*.$} {#CW @colorWeaveTargeted} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^(Spikes of ice form in your hands, but melt a bit as you launch them at) ~*%w~*.$} {#PCOL @colorWeaveTargeted %x1} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Your icy spikes shred {a|an|the}* guts, causing * insides to flow outside.$} {#CW @colorWeaveTargeted} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Your icy spikes shred [A-Z]* guts, causing {his|her} insides to flow outside.$} {#CW @colorWeaveTargeted} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^(Your icy spikes shred) ~*%w~* (guts, causing {his|her} insides to flow outside.)$} {
#PCOL @colorWeaveTargeted %x1
#PCOL @colorWeaveTargeted %x2
} "" {case}
#CLASS {Colors|WeavesObserved}
#TRIGGER {^A violent storm erupts and fierce winds blow through the area.$} {#CW @colorWeaveObserved} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The earth trembles and shivers beneath your feet..!$} {#CW @colorWeaveObserved} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^[A-Z]* unleashes a flurry of icy spikes at {a|an|the}*, who is stabbed repeatedly.$} {#CW @colorWeaveObserved} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^[A-Z]* unleashes a flurry of icy spikes at [A-Z]*, who is stabbed repeatedly.$} {#CW @colorWeaveObserved} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^([A-Z]* unleashes a flurry of icy spikes at) ~*%w~*, (who is stabbed repeatedly.)$} {
#PCOL @colorWeaveObserved %x1
#PCOL @colorWeaveObserved %x2
} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^~*%w~* (unleashes a flurry of icy spikes at {a|an|the}*, who is stabbed repeatedly.)$} {#PCOL @colorWeaveObserved %x1} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^~*%w~* (unleashes a flurry of icy spikes at [A-Z]*, who is stabbed repeatedly.)$} {#PCOL @colorWeaveObserved %x1} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^~*%w~* (unleashes a flurry of icy spikes at) ~*%w~*, (who is stabbed repeatedly.)$} {
#PCOL @colorWeaveObserved %x1
#PCOL @colorWeaveObserved %x2
} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^[A-Z]* icy spikes shred {a|an|the}*, whose insides now flow freely to the ground.$} {#CW @colorWeaveObserved} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^[A-Z]* icy spikes shred [A-Z]*, whose insides now flow freely to the ground.$} {#CW @colorWeaveObserved} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^([A-Z]* icy spikes shred) ~*%w~*, (whose insides now flow freely to the ground.)$} {
#PCOL @colorWeaveObserved %x1
#PCOL @colorWeaveObserved %x2
} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^~*%w~*'s (icy spikes shred {a|an|the}*, whose insides now flow freely to the ground.)$} {#PCOL @colorWeaveObserved %x1} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^~*%w~*'s (icy spikes shred [A-Z]*, whose insides now flow freely to the ground.)$} {#PCOL @colorWeaveObserved %x1} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^~*%w~*'s (icy spikes shred) ~*%w~*, (whose insides now flow freely to the ground.)$} {
#PCOL @colorWeaveObserved %x1
#PCOL @colorWeaveObserved %x2
} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^[A-Z]* releases streaks of Fire at {a|an|the}*, who screams in pain.$} {#CW @colorWeaveObserved} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^[A-Z]* releases streaks of Fire at [A-Z]*, who screams in pain.$} {#CW @colorWeaveObserved} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^([A-Z]* releases streaks of Fire at) ~*%w~*, (who screams in pain.)$} {
#PCOL @colorWeaveObserved %x1
#PCOL @colorWeaveObserved %x2
} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^~*%w~* (releases streaks of Fire at {a|an|the}*, who screams in pain.)$} {#PCOL @colorWeaveObserved %x1} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^~*%w~* (releases streaks of Fire at [A-Z]*, who screams in pain.)$} {#PCOL @colorWeaveObserved %x1} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^~*%w~* (releases streaks of Fire at) ~*%w~*, (who screams in pain.)$} {
#PCOL @colorWeaveObserved %x1
#PCOL @colorWeaveObserved %x2
} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^[A-Z]* throws streaks of Fire at {a|an|the}*, whose freshly charred corpse crumples to the ground.$} {#CW @colorWeaveObserved} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^[A-Z]* throws streaks of Fire at [A-Z]*, whose freshly charred corpse crumples to the ground.$} {#CW @colorWeaveObserved} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^([A-Z]* throws streaks of Fire at) ~*%w~*, (whose freshly charred corpse crumples to the ground.)$} {
#PCOL @colorWeaveObserved %x1
#PCOL @colorWeaveObserved %x2
} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^~*%w~* (throws streaks of Fire at {a|an|the}*, whose freshly charred corpse crumples to the ground.)$} {#PCOL @colorWeaveObserved %x1} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^~*%w~* (throws streaks of Fire at [A-Z]*, whose freshly charred corpse crumples to the ground.)$} {#PCOL @colorWeaveObserved %x1} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^~*%w~* (throws streaks of Fire at) ~*%w~*, (whose freshly charred corpse crumples to the ground.)$} {
#PCOL @colorWeaveObserved %x1
#PCOL @colorWeaveObserved %x2
} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^[A-Z]* calls lightning from the sky, striking {a|an|the}* dead on.$} {#CW @colorWeaveObserved} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^[A-Z]* calls lightning from the sky, striking [A-Z]* dead on.$} {#CW @colorWeaveObserved} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^([A-Z]* calls lightning from the sky, striking) ~*%w~* (dead on.)$} {
#PCOL @colorWeaveObserved %x1
#PCOL @colorWeaveObserved %x2
} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^~*%w~* (calls lightning from the sky, striking {a|an|the}* dead on.)$} {#PCOL @colorWeaveObserved %x1} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^~*%w~* (calls lightning from the sky, striking [A-Z]* dead on.)$} {#PCOL @colorWeaveObserved %x1} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^~*%w~* (calls lightning from the sky, striking) ~*%w~* (dead on.)$} {
#PCOL @colorWeaveObserved %x1
#PCOL @colorWeaveObserved %x2
} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^[A-Z]* calls lightning from the sky to strike {a|an|the}*, dropping * sizzling corpse to the ground.$} {#CW @colorWeaveObserved} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^[A-Z]* calls lightning from the sky to strike [A-Z]*, dropping {his|her} sizzling corpse to the ground.$} {#CW @colorWeaveObserved} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^([A-Z]* calls lightning from the sky to strike) ~*%w~*, (dropping {his|her} sizzling corpse to the ground.)$} {
#PCOL @colorWeaveObserved %x1
#PCOL @colorWeaveObserved %x2
} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^~*%w~* (calls lightning from the sky to strike {a|an|the}*, dropping * sizzling corpse to the ground.)$} {#PCOL @colorWeaveObserved %x1} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^~*%w~* (calls lightning from the sky to strike [A-Z]*, dropping {his|her} sizzling corpse to the ground.)$} {#PCOL @colorWeaveObserved %x1} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^~*%w~* (calls lightning from the sky to strike) ~*%w~*, (dropping {his|her} sizzling corpse to the ground.)$} {
#PCOL @colorWeaveObserved %x1
#PCOL @colorWeaveObserved %x2
} "" {case}
#CLASS {Colors|MiscColors}
#TRIGGER {You aren't in touch with {saidin|saidar} to channel it.$} {#CW @colorAlertLow} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {You are unable to sense the True Source at all from here.$} {#CW @colorAlertMedium} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {You feel isolated from the Source!$} {#CW @colorAlertMedium} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {You lose all sense of the True Source here.$} {#CW @colorAlertLow} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^You sense a hidden life form in the area...$} {#CW @colorAlertHigh} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {~*KERBOOM~* The explosion rips you from the ground and tosses you through the air.$} {#CW @colorAlertHigh} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {~*KERBOOM~* An explosion sounds in the distance.$} {#CW @colorAlertMedium} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {The ancient greatsword, Justice of * begins to glow...$} {#CW @colorAlertLow} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {Malfeasor, the twin bladed scythe of blood ebony of * begins to glow...$} {#CW @colorAlertLow} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {PANIC! You couldn't escape!$} {#CW @colorAlertHigh} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {[A-Z]* is thrown from your hands as you are struck.$} {#CW @colorAlertHigh} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {You fumble * as you are struck.$} {#CW @colorAlertHigh} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Ouch! That Really did HURT!$} {#CW @colorAlertHigh} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {No way! You're fighting for your life!$} {#CW @colorAlertLow} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {You panic and attempt to flee!$} {#CW @colorAlertLow} "" {case}