House of Medakan zMUD Scripts

Setup, mapping, script help, etc.
Posts: 157
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Location: Seattle

Re: HoM zMUD Scripts

Post by Taziar »

Type helpVote to view help file in client.


Direct download link: VoteHoM.txt

Active Triggers: 0/1

Code: Select all

#CLASS {Vote}
#ALIAS helpVote {
		#SAY {%crlf " -----Vote Help File-----"}
		#SAY {"    [Updated: 8/4/2018]"}
		#SHOW {" On connection Vote script detects if you have voted on Top Mud Sites"}
		#SHOW {"  in the last 12 hours, if not script will open WoTMUD vote page in browser."}
		#SHOW {""}
#VAR voteCurrentTime {}
#VAR voteTimeLastVote {0}
#CLASS {Vote|VoteConnect} {enable}
#TRIGGER "voteTrigger" {^%s The Wheel Of Time MUD} {
	#VAR voteCurrentTime {%eval(%time(hh)+(%time(dd)-1)*24)}
	#IF (%eval(@voteCurrentTime-@voteTimeLastVote)<0) {#VAR voteTimeLastVote {0}} {}
	#IF (%eval(@voteCurrentTime-@voteTimeLastVote)>12) {
		#VAR voteTimeLastVote {@voteCurrentTime}
		} {}
	#T- {Vote|VoteConnect}
	} "" {case}
Last edited by Taziar on Sat Aug 04, 2018 3:10 am, edited 8 times in total.
House of Medakan cMUD Scripts: Table of Contents

House of Medakan zMUD Scripts: Table of Contents
Posts: 157
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Location: Seattle

Re: HoM zMUD Scripts

Post by Taziar »

Type helpFive15 to view help file in client.


Direct download link: Five15HoM.txt

Active Triggers: 0/2
Input Triggers: 2

Code: Select all

#CLASS {Five15}
#ALIAS helpfive15 {
	#T- {five15Sleep}
	#TEMP {Note: Once linkless timer finishes the 5/15 timer will start.} {
		#T+ {five15Sleep}
		} "Five15" {case|verbatim}
		#SAY {%crlf "-----Five15 Help File-----"}
		#SAY {"    [Updated: 8/28/2018]"}
		#SHOW {" Type 515 to view current time waiting to reconnect"}
		#SHOW {"  Note: automatically inputs 515 into command line on disconnection."}
		#SHOW {""}
		#SHOW {" Renting and quitting both automatically start the 5/15 timer."}
		#SHOW {"  Note: triggers on communication echo [You say 'sleep well and wake']"}
		#SHOW {""}
		#SHOW {" 20 minute linkless timer starts on any other disconnection."}
		#SHOW {"  Note: Once 20 linkless timer finishes the 5/15 timer will start."}
		#SHOW {""}
		#SHOW {" Type set30 to activate a 30 minute timer for darkfriend or immortal switch."}
		#SHOW {"  Note: will only activate if a 5/15 or 20 linkless timer is detected active."}
		#SHOW {""}
#ALIAS 515 {
	#SHOW {""}
	#IF (%alarm(fiveSameSideAlarm)>0) {
		#SAY {" Sameside wait:" %eval(%alarm(fiveSameSideAlarm)/1000/60\1440)m %eval(%alarm(fiveSameSideAlarm)/1000\60)s}
		} {}
	#IF (%alarm(fiveCrossRaceAlarm)>0) {
		#SAY {" Crossrace wait:" %eval(%alarm(fiveCrossRaceAlarm)/1000/60\1440)m %eval(%alarm(fiveCrossRaceAlarm)/1000\60)s}
		} {}
	#IF (%alarm(fiveLinklessAlarm)>0) {
		#SAY {" Time until linkless rented:" %eval(%alarm(fiveLinklessAlarm)/1000/60\1440)m %eval(%alarm(fiveLinklessAlarm)/1000\60)s}
		} {}
	#IF (%class(fiveSameSideAlarm)<1 AND %class(fiveCrossRaceAlarm)<1 AND %class(fiveLinklessAlarm)<1) {
		#IF (%class(fiveThirtyAlarm)=1) {
			#SAY {" 30 minute alt wait:" %eval(%alarm(fiveThirtyAlarm)/1000/60\1440)m %eval(%alarm(fiveThirtyAlarm)/1000\60)s}
			} {
			#SAY { "Five15 timer not active..."}
		} {}
#ALIAS five15TimerON {
	#SAY {%crlf 5/15 minute countdown started... now. (%time(h:nn:ss))}
	#ALARM "fiveSameSideAlarm" {+301} {
		#SAY {You may log on a sameside alt now!}
		#BEEP 0
		} "Five15"
	#ALARM "fiveCrossRaceAlarm" {+901} {
		#SAY {You may log on a crossrace alt now!}
		#BEEP 0
		} "Five15"
	#INPUT 515 1
#ALIAS twentyTimerON {
	#SAY {%crlf 20 minute linkless countdown started... now. (%time(h:nn:ss))}
	#ALARM "fiveLinklessAlarm" {+1200} {
		#BEEP 0
		} "Five15"
	#INPUT 515 1
#ALIAS thirtyTimerON {
	#IF (%class(fiveSameSideAlarm)=1) {
		#TEMP {Trigger {fiveSameSideAlarm} removed.} {#GAG} "Five15" {case|verbatim}
		#UNTRIGGER fiveSameSideAlarm
		} {}
	#IF (%class(fiveCrossRaceAlarm)=1) {
		#TEMP {Trigger {fiveCrossRaceAlarm} removed.} {#GAG} "Five15" {case|verbatim}
		#UNTRIGGER fiveCrossRaceAlarm
		} {}
	#IF (%class(fiveLinklessAlarm)=1) {
		#TEMP {Trigger {fiveLinklessAlarm} removed.} {#GAG} "Five15" {case|verbatim}
		#UNTRIGGER fiveLinklessAlarm
		} {}
	#SAY {%crlf 30 minute countdown started... now. (%time(h:nn:ss))}
	#ALARM "fiveThirtyAlarm" {+1800} {
		#SAY {You may log on any alt now!}
		#BEEP 0
		} "Five15"
	#INPUT 515 1
#ALIAS set30 {
	#IF (%class(fiveSameSideAlarm)=1) {
		} {
		#IF (%class(fiveCrossRaceAlarm)=1) {
			} {
			#IF (%class(fiveLinklessAlarm)=1) {
				} {
				#IF (%class(fiveThirtyAlarm)=1) {
					#SAY {%crlf 30 timer already set... use 515 to view current time remaining.}
					} {
					#SAY {%crlf 5, 15, or 20 timer not detected. Rent, quit, or linkless first then set30.}
#VAR fiveTime {0} {0}
#ALARM "five15TimeAlarm" {3} {
	#IF (%ctime>@fiveTime) {
		#VAR fiveTime {%ctime}
		} {
		#T- {five15TimeAlarm}
	} "Five15"
#TRIGGER "five15Quit" {Goodbye... Come back soon!} {
	#T- {five15Quit}
	#T- {five15TimeAlarm}
	} "" {case|disable|verbatim}
#TRIGGER "five15Rent" {stores your belongings and helps you into your private chamber.} {
	#T- {five15Rent}
	#T- {five15TimeAlarm}
	} "" {case|disable|verbatim}
#TRIGGER "five15Sleep" {You say 'sleep well and wake'} {
	#T- {five15TimeAlarm}
	#ALARM "five15SleepAlarm" {+3} {
		#VAR fiveTime {%ctime}
		#ALARM "five15CheckAlarm" {+1} {
			#IF (%ctime=@fiveTime) {
				} {
				#T+ {five15TimeAlarm}
			} "Five15"
		} "Five15"
	} "" {verbatim}
#ONINPUT "five15QuitInput" {^{quit}$} {
	#T+ {five15Quit}
	#ALARM "five15ResetAlarm" {+3} {
		#T- {five15Quit}
		#T- {five15Rent}
		} "Five15"
#ONINPUT "five15RentInput" {^{ren|rent}$} {
	#T+ {five15Rent}
	#ALARM "five15ResetAlarm" {+3} {
		#T- {five15Quit}
		#T- {five15Rent}
		} "Five15"
#CLASS {Five15|Five15Connect} {enable}
#TRIGGER "five15ConnectTrigger" {%s The Wheel Of Time MUD} {
	#T- {Five15|Five15Connect}
	#TEMP {Trigger {five15TimeAlarm} removed.} {#GAG} "Five15" {case|verbatim}
	#UNTRIGGER five15TimeAlarm
	#IF (%class(fiveSameSideAlarm)=1) {
		#TEMP {Trigger {fiveSameSideAlarm} removed.} {#GAG} "Five15" {case|verbatim}
		#UNTRIGGER fiveSameSideAlarm
		} {}
	#IF (%class(fiveCrossRaceAlarm)=1) {
		#TEMP {Trigger {fiveCrossRaceAlarm} removed.} {#GAG} "Five15" {case|verbatim}
		#UNTRIGGER fiveCrossRaceAlarm
		} {}
	#IF (%class(fiveLinklessAlarm)=1) {
		#TEMP {Trigger {fiveLinklessAlarm} removed.} {#GAG} "Five15" {case|verbatim}
		#UNTRIGGER fiveLinklessAlarm
		} {}
	#IF (%class(fiveThirtyAlarm)=1) {
		#TEMP {Trigger {fiveThirtyAlarm} removed.} {#GAG} "Five15" {case|verbatim}
		#UNTRIGGER fiveThirtyAlarm
		} {}
	#ALARM "five15TimeAlarm" {3} {
		#IF (%ctime>@fiveTime) {
			#VAR fiveTime {%ctime}
			} {
			#T- {five15TimeAlarm}
		} "Five15"
	#INPUT {}
	} "" {case}
Last edited by Taziar on Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:17 am, edited 16 times in total.
House of Medakan cMUD Scripts: Table of Contents

House of Medakan zMUD Scripts: Table of Contents
Posts: 157
Joined: Tue Apr 07, 2015 8:24 pm
Location: Seattle

Re: HoM zMUD Scripts

Post by Taziar »

Type helpSource to view help file in client.


Direct download link: SourceHoM.txt

Active Triggers: 2/2

Code: Select all

#CLASS {Source}
#ALIAS helpSource {
		#SAY {%crlf "-----Source Help File-----"}
		#SAY {"    [Updated: 8/12/2018]"}
		#SHOW {" Set a macro or alias to quickly toggle the source on/off."}
		#SHOW {"  Note: automatically sets to release when cut off from the source."}
		#SHOW {""}
		#SHOW {" Female channelers:"}
		#SHOW {"   toggleSource (place in macro or alias)"}
		#SHOW {""}
		#SHOW {" Male channelers:"}
		#SHOW {"   toggleSaidar (place in macro or alias)"}
		#SHOW {""}
#ALIAS toggleSaidar {
	#IF (@sourceEmbrace=release) {
		#VAR sourceEmbrace {embrace}
		#VAR sourceTargetDisplay {release}
		} {
		#VAR sourceEmbrace {release}
		#VAR sourceTargetDisplay {embrace}
#ALIAS toggleSaidin {
	#IF (@sourceSeize=release) {
		#VAR sourceSeize {seize}
		#VAR sourceTargetDisplay {release}
		} {
		#VAR sourceSeize {release}
		#VAR sourceTargetDisplay {embrace}
#VAR sourceEmbrace {release} {release}
#VAR sourceSeize {release} {release}
#VAR sourceTargetDisplay {}
#TRIGGER "sourceLoseTrigger" {You lose all sense of the True Source here.} {
	#VAR sourceEmbrace {release}
	#VAR sourceSeize {release}
	} "" {case|verbatim}
#TRIGGER "sourceUnableTrigger" {You are unable to sense the True Source at all from here.} {
	#VAR sourceEmbrace {release}
	#VAR sourceSeize {release}
	} "" {case|verbatim}
Last edited by Taziar on Mon Aug 13, 2018 2:42 am, edited 6 times in total.
House of Medakan cMUD Scripts: Table of Contents

House of Medakan zMUD Scripts: Table of Contents
Posts: 157
Joined: Tue Apr 07, 2015 8:24 pm
Location: Seattle

Re: HoM zMUD Scripts

Post by Taziar »

Type helpComms to view help file in client.


To add a time stamp before each captured communication:
  • Select "Windows" on main toolbar and set communications as active
    Open settings
    Select New button (create trigger)
    Place ^ as the pattern
    Place following code as value:
    • #SUB {~[%time(t)~]" " }
    In settings window select "File" on toolbar: click save
To add color capabilities controlled via the ColorsHoM script:
  • Select "Windows" on main toolbar and set communications as active
    Open settings
    Select New button (create trigger)
    Place %w chats '*' as the pattern
    Place following code as value:
    • #COLOR @colorChat
    Repeat process for both bellows and narrates:
    • %w bellows '*'
      #COLOR @colorBellow
      %w narrates '*'
      #COLOR @colorNarrate
    In settings window select "File" on toolbar: click save
Direct download link: CommsHoM.txt

Active Triggers: 16/16 (10/16 if local communications are turned off)

Code: Select all

#CLASS {Comms}
#ALIAS helpComms {
		#SAY {%crlf " -----Comms Help File-----"}
		#SAY {"     [Update: 7/15/2018]"}
		#SHOW {" Adds all communications to a new window named Communications."}
		#SHOW {""}
		#SHOW {" Type: commsToggle to toggle capture mode to only globals and tells."}
		#SHOW {"  Default: all communications"}
		#SHOW {""}
		#SHOW {" Type: commsGag to toggle gagging communications from the main screen."}
		#SHOW {"  Default: is off"}
		#SHOW {""}
#ALIAS commsToggle {
	#IF (%class(Comms|CommsLocal)) {
		#SAY {%crlf Communications window is set to capture only globals and tells.}
		#T- {Comms|CommsLocal}
		} {
		#SAY {%crlf Communications window is set to capture all communications.}
		#T+ {Comms|CommsLocal}
#ALIAS commsGag {
	#IF (@commsGag) {
		#VAR commsGag {0}
		#SAY {%crlf Main screen is set to show all communications.}
		} {
		#VAR commsGag {1}
		#SAY {%crlf Main screen is set to gag all communications.}
#VAR commsGag {0}
#TRIGGER "commsChatTrigger" {You chat '*'$} {
	#CAPTURE Communications
	#IF (@commsGag) {#GAG} {}
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "commsNarrateTrigger" {You narrate '*'$} {
	#CAPTURE Communications
	#IF (@commsGag) {#GAG} {}
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "commsPrayTrigger" {You pray '*'$} {
	#CAPTURE Communications
	#IF (@commsGag) {#GAG} {}
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "commsReplyTrigger" {You reply to %x '*'$} {
	#CAPTURE Communications
	#IF (@commsGag) {#GAG} {}
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "commsTellTrigger" {You tell %x '*'$} {
	#CAPTURE Communications
	#IF (@commsGag) {#GAG} {}
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "commsAnswersTrigger" {%x answers your prayer '*'$} {
	#CAPTURE Communications
	#IF (@commsGag) {#GAG} {}
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "commsChatsTrigger" {%x chats '*'$} {
	#CAPTURE Communications
	#IF (@commsGag) {#GAG} {}
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "commsNarratesTrigger" {%x narrates '*'$} {
	#CAPTURE Communications
	#IF (@commsGag) {#GAG} {}
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "commsSpeaksTrigger" {%x speaks from the {Light|Dark} '*'$} {
	#CAPTURE Communications
	#IF (@commsGag) {#GAG} {}
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "commsTellsTrigger" {%x tells you '*'$} {
	#CAPTURE Communications
	#IF (@commsGag) {#GAG} {}
	} "" {case}
#CLASS {Comms|CommsLocal}
#TRIGGER "commsBellowTrigger" {You bellow '*'$} {
	#CAPTURE Communications
	#IF (@commsGag) {#GAG} {}
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "commsHissTrigger" {You hiss '*'$} {
	#CAPTURE Communications
	#IF (@commsGag) {#GAG} {}
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "commsSayTrigger" {You say '*'$} {
	#CAPTURE Communications
	#IF (@commsGag) {#GAG} {}
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "commsBellowsTrigger" {%x bellows '*'$} {
	#CAPTURE Communications
	#IF (@commsGag) {#GAG} {}
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "commsHissesTrigger" {%x hisses '*'$} {
	#CAPTURE Communications
	#IF (@commsGag) {#GAG} {}
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "commsSaysTrigger" {%x says '*'$} {
	#CAPTURE Communications
	#IF (@commsGag) {#GAG} {}
	} "" {case}
Last edited by Taziar on Sun Aug 05, 2018 10:33 am, edited 12 times in total.
House of Medakan cMUD Scripts: Table of Contents

House of Medakan zMUD Scripts: Table of Contents
Posts: 157
Joined: Tue Apr 07, 2015 8:24 pm
Location: Seattle

Re: HoM zMUD Scripts

Post by Taziar »

CustomScript: Sarryn's RerollSum
Adds up and places Sum at end of each line when viewing reroll stats.

Code: Select all

#CLASS {RerollSum}
#VAR rerollSUM {} {}
#TRIGGER "rerollSumTrigger" {~#(*) - Str~[(*)~] Int~[(*)~] Wil~[(*)~] Dex~[(*)~] Con~[(*)~] Hps~[(*)~] Move~[(*)~]} {
	#MATH rerollSUM %float(%2)+%float(%3)+%float(%4)+%float(%5)+%float(%6)
	#SUB {~# %1 - Str~[%2~] Int~[%3~] Wil~[%4~] Dex~[%5~] Con~[%6~] Hps~[%7~] Move~[%8~] Sum~[@rerollSUM~]}
	} "" {case|disable}
#TRIGGER "rerollPromptTrigger" {{*|o}{ R | | S }HP:} {
	#T- {rerollPromptTrigger}
	#T- {rerollSumTrigger}
	} "" {case|disable|nocr|prompt}
#ONINPUT {^reroll$} {
	#T+ {rerollSumTrigger}
	#T+ {rerollPromptTrigger}
#ONINPUT {^reroll display$} {
	#T+ {rerollSumTrigger}
	#T+ {rerollPromptTrigger}
Back to: Table of Contents
House of Medakan cMUD Scripts: Table of Contents

House of Medakan zMUD Scripts: Table of Contents
Posts: 157
Joined: Tue Apr 07, 2015 8:24 pm
Location: Seattle

Re: HoM zMUD Scripts

Post by Taziar »

Type helpMap to view Map Help File in client.

Test version: [Updated: 11/2/2018]

New testing version, follow a sneaking leader removed due to zMUD processing capabilities

Direct download link: na

Active Triggers: 18/29
Input Triggers: 2

Code: Select all

#CLASS {Map}
#ALIAS helpMap {
		#SAY {%crlf "-----Map Help File-----"}
		#SAY {"   [Updated: 11/2/2018]"}
		#SHOW {" Map configure must be set properly and run map in SAFE or FAST mode."}
		#SHOW {"   Cannot use in-game alias for the flee command or directional commands."}
		#SHOW {"    WoTMUD shortcuts are okay: f, fl, fle, flee"}
		#SHOW {"    Directionals must be single letter format (d|e|n|s|u|w)."}
		#SHOW {""}
		#SHOW {" "Usage: ~<color dodgerblue>find~</color> to send look command and set current map location.}
		#SHOW {""}
		#SHOW {" Usage: ~<color dodgerblue>toggleMapMode~</color> to toggle map mode between FAST and SAFE."}
		#SHOW {"  Note: sets map via %walkmode function and toggles mode specific triggers."}
		#SHOW {"   Current map mode: "~<color dodgerblue>%if(%walkmode,SAFE,FAST)~</color>}
		#SHOW {""}
		#SHOW {" Usage: ~<color dodgerblue>toggleDlineFind~</color> to turn automatic dline/flee find command on/off."}
		#SHOW {"  Note: Whenever map position fails a dline/flee the find command is automatically sent."}
		#SHOW {"   Dline Find Mode: "~<color dodgerblue>%if(@dlineAutoFind,ON,OFF)~</color>}
		#SHOW {""}
#ALIAS toggleDlineFind {
	#IF (@dlineAutoFind) {
		#VAR dlineAutoFind {0}
		#SHOW {%crlf Dline auto find on failed detection is now off.}
		} {
		#VAR dlineAutoFind {1}
		#SHOW {%crlf Dline auto find on failed detection is now on.}
#ALIAS toggleMapMode {
	#IF (%walkmode) {
		#T+ {Map|MapModeFAST}
		#T- {Map|MapModeSAFE}
		#CALL {%walkmode(0)}
		#SHOW {%crlf Map mode set to FAST.}
		} {
		#T- {Map|MapModeFAST}
		#T+ {Map|MapModeSAFE}
		#CALL {%walkmode(1)}
		#SHOW {%crlf Map mode set to SAFE.}
#ALIAS find {
	#T+ {mapRoomTrigger}
	#T+ {mapRoomPrompt}
	#T+ {mapFindExit}
	#VAR findDesc {}
	#VAR findExit {}
	#VAR findPossibleExit {}
#ALIAS findMatchRoom {
	#IF (%numitems(@mapRoomKey)=1) {
		#TELEPORT @mapRoomKey
		} {
#ALIAS findMatchDesc {
	#FORALL @mapRoomKey {
		#IF (%subchar(%roomdesc(%i),%crlf" |","")=%subchar(@mapRoomDesc,%crlf" |","")) {
			#ADDITEM findDesc %i
	#IF (%numitems(@findDesc)=1) {
		#TELEPORT @findDesc
		} {
#ALIAS findMatchExit {
	#FORALL @mapRoomKey {
		#IF (@mapRoomExit=%sort(%roomexit(%i))) {
			#ADDITEM findExit %i
			} {
			#IF (%null(%subchar(@mapRoomExit,%roomexit(%i),""))) {
				#ADDITEM findPossibleExit {%i}
				} {
				#IF (%numitems(@findExit)=1) {
					#TELEPORT @findExit
					} {
					#IF (%numitems(@findExit)=0) {
						#IF (%numitems(@findPossibleExit)=1) {
							#TELEPORT @findPossibleExit
#ALIAS fleeSetDline {
	#T+ {mapRoomTrigger}
	#T+ {mapRoomPrompt}
	#T+ {mapFleeExit}
	#VAR dlinePossibleKeys {}
	#FORALL %roomexit(%roomkey) {
		#FORALL %roomlink(%roomkey,%i) {
			#ADDITEM dlinePossibleKeys {%j}
#ALIAS dlineFindRoom {
	#IF (%numitems(@mapRoomKey)=1) {
		#TELEPORT @mapRoomKey
		} {
		#VAR dlineExitMatched {}
		#VAR dlineExitPossible {}
		#FORALL @dlinePossibleKeys {
			#IF (%ismember(%i,@mapRoomKey)) {
				#IF (@mapRoomExit=%sort(%roomexit(%i))) {
					#ADDITEM dlineExitMatched {%i}
					} {
					#IF (%null(%subchar(@mapRoomExit,%roomexit(%i),""))) {
						#ADDITEM dlineExitPossible {%i}
		#IF (%numitems(@dlineExitMatched)=1) {
			#TELEPORT @dlineExitMatched
			} {
			#IF (%numitems(@dlineExitMatched)=0) {
				#IF (%numitems(@dlineExitPossible)=1) {
					#TELEPORT @dlineExitPossible
					} {dlineMatchDesc}
				} {dlineMatchDesc}
#ALIAS dlineMatchDesc {
	#VAR dlineDescMatched {}
	#FORALL @dlinePossibleKeys {
		#IF (%ismember(%i,@mapRoomKey)) {
			#IF (%subchar(%roomdesc(%i),%crlf" |","")=%subchar(@mapRoomDesc,%crlf" |","")) {
				#ADDITEM dlineDescMatched {%i}
	#IF (%numitems(@dlineDescMatched)=1) {
		#TELEPORT @dlineDescMatched
		} {
		#IF (@dlineAutoFind) {
			#ALARM "dlineFindAlarm" {+.5} {
				} "Map"
#VAR dlineAutoFind {0}
#VAR dlineDescMatched {}
#VAR dlineExitMatched {}
#VAR dlineExitPossible {}
#VAR dlinePossibleKeys {}
#VAR findDesc {}
#VAR findExit {}
#VAR findPossibleExit {}
#VAR fleeDlineDirections {}
#VAR mapGroupLeader {}
#VAR mapMoveDirection {}
#VAR mapRoomDesc {}
#VAR mapRoomExit {}
#VAR mapRoomKey {}
#VAR mapRoomName {}
#TRIGGER "mapRoomTrigger" {^%e[36m([A-Z]*)%e[0m$} {
	#T- {mapRoomTrigger}
	#T- {mapRoomPrompt}
	#IF (%match("%1","%w speaks from the %w '*'")) {
		#T+ {mapRoomTrigger}
		#T+ {mapRoomPrompt}
		} {
		#T+ {mapDescTrigger}
		#VAR mapRoomDesc {}
		#VAR mapRoomName {%1}
		#VAR mapRoomKey {%mapquery(NAME = '%replace("%1","'","''")')}
	} "" {case|color|disable}
#TRIGGER "mapRoomPrompt" {^{o|*} * > %e[36m([A-Z]*)%e[0m$} {
	#T- {mapRoomTrigger}
	#T- {mapRoomPrompt}
	#IF (%match("%1","%w speaks from the %w '*'")) {
		#T+ {mapRoomTrigger}
		#T+ {mapRoomPrompt}
		} {
		#T+ {mapDescTrigger}
		#VAR mapRoomDesc {}
		#VAR mapRoomName {%1}
		#VAR mapRoomKey {%mapquery(NAME = '%replace("%1","'","''")')}
	} "" {case|color|disable}
#TRIGGER "mapDescTrigger" {^(*)$} {
	#IF (%match("%1","{*|o} * >")) {} {
		#IF (%match("%1",^@mapRoomName$)) {} {
			#IF (%begins(%line,"[ obvious exits: ")) {
				#T- {mapDescTrigger}
				} {
				#VAR mapRoomDesc {%additem(%line,@mapRoomDesc)}
	} "" {case|disable}
#TRIGGER "mapFindExit" {^~[ obvious exits: (*) ~]$} {
	#T- {mapFindExit}
	#VAR mapRoomExit {%lower(%sort(%replace(%if(%pos("]",%1),%left(%1,%eval(%pos("]",%1)-2)),%1)," ","|")))}
	#PRIORITY {findMatchRoom}
	} "" {case|disable}
#TRIGGER "mapFleeExit" {^~[ obvious exits: (*) ~]$} {
	#T- {mapFleeExit}
	#T+ {mapPrompt}
	#VAR mapRoomExit {%lower(%sort(%replace(%if(%pos("]",%1),%left(%1,%eval(%pos("]",%1)-2)),%1)," ","|")))}
	#PRIORITY {dlineFindRoom}
	} "" {case|disable}
#TRIGGER "mapPrompt" {^{*|o} * > } {
	#T- {mapPrompt}
	#T- {mapDlineInput}
	#FORALL @fleeDlineDirections {#MOVE %i}
	#VAR fleeDlineDirections {}
	#T+ {dlineFleeDetection}
	} "" {case|disable|nocr|prompt}
#TRIGGER "fleeFleeTrigger" {^You panic and attempt to flee!$} {
	#IF (%class(dlineFleeDetection)) {
		#T- {dlineFleeDetection}
		#PRIORITY {fleeSetDline}
	#T+ {mapDlineInput}
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "mapSetFollow" {You now follow ([A-Z]%w).$} {
	#T+ {mapStopTrigger}
	#T+ {mapLeavesTrigger}
	#VAR mapGroupLeader {%1}
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "mapStopTrigger" {You stop following @{mapGroupLeader}.$} {
	#T- {mapStopTrigger}
	#T- {mapLeavesTrigger}
	#T- {mapFollowTrigger}
	#VAR mapGroupLeader {}
	} "" {case|disable}
#TRIGGER "mapLeavesTrigger" {@mapGroupLeader leaves (%w)*.$} {
		#T+ {mapFollowTrigger}
		#VAR mapMoveDirection {%1}
	} "" {case|disable}
#TRIGGER "mapFollowTrigger" {You follow @{mapGroupLeader}.$} {
		#T- {mapFollowTrigger}
		#MOVE @mapMoveDirection
	} "" {case|disable}
#ONINPUT "dlineFleeDetection" {^{f|fl|fle|flee}$} {
	#T- {dlineFleeDetection}
	#T+ {mapDlineInput}
	#PRIORITY {fleeSetDline}
	} "" {}
#ONINPUT "mapDlineInput" {^({d|e|n|s|u|w})$} {
	#VAR fleeDlineDirections {%additem(%1,@fleeDlineDirections)}
	} "" {disable}
#CLASS {Map|MapModeSAFE} {disable}
#ALIAS moveCorrection {
	#T+ {dlineFleeDetection}
	#T- {mapFleeExit}
	#VAR fleeDlineDirections {}
#TRIGGER "fleePanicTrigger" {PANIC!  You couldn't escape!$} {
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "fleeZerkTrigger" {Berserk! Death! Death! Fight to the death!$} {
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "mapClosedTrigger" {The (*) seems to be closed.$} {
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "mapRestingTrigger" {Nah... You feel too relaxed to do that..} {
	} "" {case|verbatim}
#TRIGGER "mapSleepingTrigger" {In your dreams, or what?} {
	} "" {case|verbatim}
#TRIGGER "mapSittingTrigger" {Maybe you should get on your feet first?} {
	} "" {case|verbatim}
#TRIGGER "mapFightingTrigger" {No way!  You're fighting for your life!} {
	} "" {case|verbatim}
#TRIGGER "mapShudderTrigger" {You shudder at the concept of crossing water.} {
	} "" {case|verbatim}
#TRIGGER "mapSwimTrigger" {You would need to swim there, you can't just walk it.} {
	} "" {case|verbatim}
#TRIGGER "mapExhaustedTrigger" {You are too exhausted.} {
	} "" {case|verbatim}
#TRIGGER "mapRideInside" {You can't ride in there.} {
	} "" {case|verbatim}
#TRIGGER "mapRideWater" {You can't ride on water.} {
	} "" {case|verbatim}
#TRIGGER "mapCantRide" {You can't ride there on a horse!} {
	} "" {case|verbatim}
#TRIGGER "mapBoatTrigger" {You need a boat to go there.} {
	} "" {case|verbatim}
#TRIGGER "mapMountHaggard" {Your mount is too exhausted.} {
	} "" {case|verbatim}
#TRIGGER "mapMountFighting" {Your mount is engaged in combat!} {
	} "" {case|verbatim}
#TRIGGER "mapMountSleeping" {Your mount ought to be awake and standing first!} {
	} "" {case|verbatim}
#TRIGGER "mapBlindTrigger" {You can't see a damned thing, you're blinded!} {
	} "" {case|verbatim}
#TRIGGER "mapDarkTrigger" {It is pitch black...} {
	} "" {case|verbatim}
#CLASS {Map|MapModeFAST} {disable}
#CLASS {Map|MapConnect} {enable}
#TRIGGER "mapConnectTrigger" {%s The Wheel Of Time MUD} {
	#T- {Map|MapConnect}
	#IF (%walkmode) {
		#T+ {Map|MapModeSAFE}
		} {
		#T+ {Map|MapModeFAST}
	} "" {case}
Last edited by Taziar on Fri Nov 02, 2018 4:38 pm, edited 23 times in total.
House of Medakan cMUD Scripts: Table of Contents

House of Medakan zMUD Scripts: Table of Contents
Posts: 157
Joined: Tue Apr 07, 2015 8:24 pm
Location: Seattle

Re: HoM zMUD Scripts

Post by Taziar »

Type helpColors to view help file in client.


Direct download link: ColorsHoM.txt

Active Triggers: 134/134

Code: Select all

#CLASS {Colors}
#ALIAS helpColors {
		#SAY {%crlf "-----Colors Help File-----"}
		#SAY {"     [Updated: 7/13/2018]"}
		#SHOW {" Type colorWeave <type> <color> [bcolor] to set colors for weaves of the specified type."}
		#SHOW {"  Available colorWeave types: (shown in current set color) [background color optional]"}
		#SHOW {"   "@colorMXPhelp(%replace(@colorWeaveObserved,","," "),"Observed  (you see others target)")}
		#SHOW {"   "@colorMXPhelp(%replace(@colorWeaveReceived,","," "),"Received  (targeted at you)")}
		#SHOW {"   "@colorMXPhelp(%replace(@colorWeaveTargeted,","," "),"Targeted  (you target)")}
		#SHOW {""}
		#SHOW {" Type colorAlert <type> <color> [bcolor] to set colors for alerts of the specified type."}
		#SHOW {"  Available colorAlert types: (shown in current set color) [background color optional]"}
		#SHOW {"   "@colorMXPhelp(%replace(@colorAlertLow,","," "),"Low     (low priority alerts)")}
		#SHOW {"   "@colorMXPhelp(%replace(@colorAlertMedium,","," "),"Medium  (medium priority alerts)")}
		#SHOW {"   "@colorMXPhelp(%replace(@colorAlertHigh,","," "),"High    (high priority alerts)")}
		#SHOW {""}
		#SHOW {" Type colorComms <type> <color> [bcolor] to set colors for comms of the specified type."}
		#SHOW {"  Available colorComms types: (shown in current set color) [background color optional]"}
		#SHOW {"   "@colorMXPhelp(%replace(@colorBellow,","," "),"Bellow   (in zone yells)")}
		#SHOW {"   "@colorMXPhelp(%replace(@colorChat,","," "),"Chat     (global chats)")}
		#SHOW {"   "@colorMXPhelp(%replace(@colorNarrate,","," "),"Narrate  (global narrates)")}
		#SHOW {""}
		#SHOW {" Type colorToggle <type> to toggle color triggers on/off."}
		#SHOW {"  Available colorToggle types: (current toggle mode)"}
		#SHOW {"   CommColors " %if(%class(Colors|CommColors),"    (ON)","    (OFF)")}
		#SHOW {"   MiscColors " %if(%class(Colors|MiscColors),"    (ON)","    (OFF)")}
		#SHOW {"   SkillColors " %if(%class(Colors|SkillColors),"   (ON)","   (OFF)")}
		#SHOW {"   WeavesObserved " %if(%class(Colors|WeavesObserved),"(ON)","(OFF)")}
		#SHOW {"   WeavesReceived " %if(%class(Colors|WeavesReceived),"(ON)","(OFF)")}
		#SHOW {"   WeavesTargeted " %if(%class(Colors|WeavesTargeted),"(ON)","(OFF)")}
		#SHOW {""}
#ALIAS colorWeave {
	#SHOW {""}
	#IF (%null(%1)) {
		#SHOW {" Usage: colorWeave <type> <color> [bcolor] [background color optional]"}
		#SHOW {"  Available colorWeave types: (shown in current set color)"}
		#SHOW {"   "@colorMXPhelp(%replace(@colorWeaveObserved,","," "),"Observed  (you see others target)")}
		#SHOW {"   "@colorMXPhelp(%replace(@colorWeaveReceived,","," "),"Received  (targeted at you)")}
		#SHOW {"   "@colorMXPhelp(%replace(@colorWeaveTargeted,","," "),"Targeted  (you target)")}
		} {
		#IF (%class(%concat("colorWeave",%1))=-1) {
			#SAY {%1 is an invalid type selection...}
			} {
			#IF (%null(%2)) {
				#SAY {What color is that?...}
				} {
				#IF (%colorname(%2)=536870911 AND %color(%2)=0) {
					#VAR %concat("colorWeave",%1) {}
					#SAY {" "%2 is an invalid color. %concat("colorWeave",%proper(%1)) variable cleared.}
					} {
					#IF (%null(%3)) {
						#VAR %concat("colorWeave",%1) {%2}
						#SHOW {Weave %proper(%1) color set: @colorMXPcolor(%2)}
						} {
						#IF (%colorname(%3)=536870911 AND %color(%3)=0) {
							#VAR %concat("colorWeave",%1) {}
							#SAY {" "%3 is an invalid color. %concat("colorWeave",%proper(%1)) variable cleared.}
							} {
							#VAR %concat("colorWeave",%1) {%concat(%2,",",%3)}
							#SHOW {Weave %proper(%1) color set: @colorMXPcolor(%2 %3)}
#ALIAS colorAlert {
	#SHOW {""}
	#IF (%null(%1)) {
		#SHOW {" Usage: colorAlert <type> <color> [bcolor] [background color optional]"}
		#SHOW {"  Available Alert types: (shown in current set color)"}
		#SHOW {"   "@colorMXPhelp(%replace(@colorAlertLow,","," "),"Low     (low priority alerts)")}
		#SHOW {"   "@colorMXPhelp(%replace(@colorAlertMedium,","," "),"Medium  (medium priority alerts)")}
		#SHOW {"   "@colorMXPhelp(%replace(@colorAlertHigh,","," "),"High    (high priority alerts)")}
		#SHOW {""}
		#ABORT 1
		} {
		#IF (%class(%concat("colorAlert",%1))=-1) {
			#SAY {%1 is an invalid type selection...}
			} {
			#IF (%null(%2)) {
				#SAY {What color is that?...}
				} {
				#IF (%colorname(%2)=536870911 AND %color(%2)=0) {
					#VAR %concat("colorAlert",%1) {}
					#SAY {" "%2 is an invalid color. %concat("colorAlert",%proper(%1)) variable cleared.}
					} {
					#IF (%null(%3)) {
						#VAR %concat("colorAlert",%1) {%2}
						#SHOW {Alert %proper(%1) color set: @colorMXPcolor(%2)}
						} {
						#IF (%colorname(%3)=536870911 AND %color(%3)=0) {
							#VAR %concat("colorAlert",%1) {}
							#SAY {" "%3 is an invalid color. %concat("colorAlert",%proper(%1)) variable cleared.}
							} {
							#VAR %concat("colorAlert",%1) {%concat(%2,",",%3)}
							#SHOW {Alert %proper(%1) color set: @colorMXPcolor(%2 %3)}
#ALIAS colorComms {
	#SHOW {""}
	#IF (%null(%1)) {
		#SHOW {" Usage: colorComms <type> <color> [bcolor] [background color optional]"}
		#SHOW {"  Available Comms types: (shown in current set color)"}
		#SHOW {"   "@colorMXPhelp(%replace(@colorBellow,","," "),"Bellow   (in zone yells)")}
		#SHOW {"   "@colorMXPhelp(%replace(@colorChat,","," "),"Chat     (global chats)")}
		#SHOW {"   "@colorMXPhelp(%replace(@colorNarrate,","," "),"Narrate  (global narrates)")}
		#SHOW {""}
		} {
		#IF (%class(%concat("color",%1))=-1) {
			#SAY {%1 is an invalid type selection...}
			} {
			#IF (%null(%2)) {
				#SAY {What color is that?...}
				} {
				#IF (%colorname(%2)=536870911 AND %color(%2)=0) {
					#VAR %concat("color",%1) {}
					#SAY {" "%2 is an invalid color. %concat("color",%proper(%1)) variable cleared.}
					} {
					#IF (%null(%3)) {
						#VAR %concat("color",%1) {%2}
						#SHOW {Comms %proper(%1) color set: @colorMXPcolor(%2)}
						} {
						#IF (%colorname(%3)=536870911 AND %color(%3)=0) {
							#VAR %concat("color",%1) {}
							#SAY {" "%3 is an invalid color. %concat("color",%proper(%1)) variable cleared.}
							} {
							#VAR %concat("color",%1) {%concat(%2,",",%3)}
							#SHOW {Comms %proper(%1) color set: @colorMXPcolor(%2 %3)}
#ALIAS colorToggle {
	#SHOW {""}
	#IF (%null(%1)) {
		#SAY {" Usage: colorToggle <type>"}
		#SHOW {"  Available colorToggle types: (current toggle mode)"}
		#SHOW {"   CommColors " %if(%class(Colors|CommColors),"    (ON)","    (OFF)")}
		#SHOW {"   MiscColors " %if(%class(Colors|MiscColors),"    (ON)","    (OFF)")}
		#SHOW {"   SkillColors " %if(%class(Colors|SkillColors),"   (ON)","   (OFF)")}
		#SHOW {"   WeavesObserved " %if(%class(Colors|WeavesObserved),"(ON)","(OFF)")}
		#SHOW {"   WeavesReceived " %if(%class(Colors|WeavesReceived),"(ON)","(OFF)")}
		#SHOW {"   WeavesTargeted " %if(%class(Colors|WeavesTargeted),"(ON)","(OFF)")}
		} {
		#IF (%class(Colors|%1)=-1) {
			#SAY {%1 is an invalid type selection...}
			} {
			#IF (%class(Colors|%1)=1) {
				#T- {Colors|%1}
				#SAY {" "Color triggers for %1 have been turned off.}
				} {
				#T+ {Colors|%1}
				#SAY {" "Color triggers for %1 have been turned on.}
#FUNCTION colorMXPcolor {<color %1>%1</color>}
#FUNCTION colorMXPhelp {<color %1>%2</color>}
#VAR colorAlertHigh {white,darkred}
#VAR colorAlertLow {white,royalblue}
#VAR colorAlertMedium {white,mediumblue}
#VAR colorBellow {slateblue}
#VAR colorChat {olive}
#VAR colorNarrate {saddlebrown}
#VAR colorWeaveObserved {darkgray}
#VAR colorWeaveReceived {firebrick}
#VAR colorWeaveTargeted {royalblue}
#CLASS {Colors|CommColors}
#TRIGGER {[A-Z]* chats '*'$} {#COLOR {@colorChat}} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {[A-Z]* bellows '*'$} {#COLOR {@colorBellow}} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {[A-Z]* narrates '*'$} {#COLOR {@colorNarrate}} "" {case}
#CLASS {Colors|SkillColors}
#TRIGGER {^Your bash at {a|an|the}* sends {him|her|it} sprawling!$} {#CW @colorAlertMedium} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Your bash at [A-Z]* sends {him|her|it} sprawling!$} {#CW @colorAlertMedium} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^(Your bash at) ~*%w~* (sends {him|her} sprawling!)$} {
	#PCOL @colorAlertMedium %x1
	#PCOL @colorAlertMedium %x2
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^As {a|an|the}* avoids your bash, you topple over and fall to the ground!$} {#CW @colorAlertLow} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^As [A-Z]* avoids your bash, you topple over and fall to the ground!$} {#CW @colorAlertLow} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^(As) ~*%w~* (avoids your bash, you topple over and fall to the ground!)$} {
	#PCOL @colorAlertLow %x1
	#PCOL @colorAlertLow %x2
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^[A-Z]* sends you sprawling with a powerful bash!$} {#CW @colorAlertHigh} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^~*%w~* (sends you sprawling with a powerful bash!)$} {#PCOL @colorAlertHigh %x1} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^You dodge a bash from {a|an|the}* who loses his balance and falls!$} {#CW @colorAlertMedium} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^You dodge a bash from [A-Z]* who loses his balance and falls!$} {#CW @colorAlertMedium} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^(You dodge a bash from) ~*%w~* (who loses his balance and falls!)$} {
	#PCOL @colorAlertMedium %x1
	#PCOL @colorAlertMedium %x2
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Suddenly {a|an|the}* places * in your back!$} {#CW @colorAlertHigh} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Suddenly [A-Z]* places * in your back!$} {#CW @colorAlertHigh} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^(Suddenly) ~*%w~* (places * in your back!)$} {
	#PCOL @colorAlertHigh %x1
	#PCOL @colorAlertHigh %x2
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^[A-Z]* clumsily approaches you with *, but you fend off the attack.} {#CW @colorAlertMedium} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^~*%w~* (clumsily approaches you with *, but you fend off the attack.)} {#PCOL @colorAlertMedium %x1} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^[A-Z]* starts barreling down on you, * aimed at your chest.} {#CW @colorAlertHigh} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^~*%w~* (starts barreling down on you, * aimed at your chest.)} {#PCOL @colorAlertHigh %x1} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Suddenly {a|an|the}* charges you with *!$} {#CW @colorAlertHigh} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Suddenly [A-Z]* charges you with *!$} {#CW @colorAlertHigh} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^(Suddenly) ~*%w~* (charges you with *!)$} {
	#PCOL @colorAlertHigh %x1
	#PCOL @colorAlertHigh %x2
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^[A-Z]* clumsily charges you with *, but you deftly step aside.$} {#CW @colorAlertMedium} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^~*%w~* (clumsily charges you with *, but you deftly step aside.)$} {#PCOL @colorAlertMedium %x1} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {[A-Z]* wipes * boots in your face!$} {#CW @colorAlertHigh} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {~*%w~* (wipes {his|her} boots in your face!)$} {#PCOL @alertaseColorHigh %x1} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {You're hit in solar plexus, wow, this is breathtaking!!$} {#CW @colorAlertHigh} "" {case}
#CLASS {Colors|WeavesReceived}
#TRIGGER {^[A-Z]* hands weave a bright red flame...$} {#CW @colorWeaveReceived} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^~*%w~* (hands weave a bright red flame...)$} {#PCOL @colorWeaveReceived %x1} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Arrrgggh!!! Your body is on FIRE! You have precious few moments to save your sorry life!$} {#CW @colorWeaveReceived} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^You gasp in pain as streaks of fire from [A-Z]* burn your body!$} {#CW @colorWeaveReceived} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^(You gasp in pain as streaks of fire from) ~*%w~* (burn your body!)$} {
	#PCOL @colorWeaveReceived %x1
	#PCOL @colorWeaveReceived %x2
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Your body is pierced by razor sharp ice spikes sent by [A-Z]*!$} {#CW @colorWeaveReceived} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^(Your body is pierced by razor sharp ice spikes sent by) ~*%w~*!$} {#PCOL @colorWeaveReceived %x1} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Your body is pierced by sharp but melting ice spikes sent by [A-Z]*!$} {#CW @colorWeaveReceived} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^(Your body is pierced by sharp but melting ice spikes sent by) ~*%w~*!$} {#PCOL @colorWeaveReceived %x1} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The air around your eyes seems to catch fire, blinding you!$} {#CW @colorWeaveReceived} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^[A-Z]* gestures and you begin to lose your balance.$} {#CW @colorWeaveReceived} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^~*%w~* (gestures and you begin to lose your balance.)$} {#PCOL @colorWeaveReceived %x1} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^[A-Z]* calls lightning from the sky to strike you, sizzling your insides!$} {#CW @colorWeaveReceived} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^~*%w~* (calls lightning from the sky to strike you, sizzling your insides!)$} {#PCOL @colorWeaveReceived %x1} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The impact of an unseen force sends you sprawling!$} {#CW @colorWeaveReceived} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Your body is burned by a tremendous fireball sent by [A-Z]*!$} {#CW @colorWeaveReceived} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^(Your body is burned by a tremendous fireball sent by) ~*%w~*!$} {#PCOL @colorWeaveReceived %x1} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Your body is burned by a weakened fireball sent by [A-Z]*!$} {#CW @colorWeaveReceived} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^(Your body is burned by a weakened fireball sent by) ~*%w~*!$} {#PCOL @colorWeaveReceived %x1} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^[A-Z]* gazes deeply into your soul.. very chilling.$} {#CW @colorWeaveReceived} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^~*%w~* (gazes deeply into your soul.. very chilling.)$} {#PCOL @colorWeaveReceived %x1} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^A strangled cough racks your lungs, causing agony!$} {#CW @colorWeaveReceived} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^You shiver from an icy cold force sent by [A-Z]*.$} {#CW @colorWeaveReceived} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^(You shiver from an icy cold force sent by) ~*%w~*.$} {#PCOL @colorWeaveReceived %x1} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^[A-Z]* waves at you, and a cold sweat begins attacking your every muscle.$} {#CW @colorWeaveReceived} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^~*%w~* (waves at you, and a cold sweat begins attacking your every muscle.)$} {#PCOL @colorWeaveReceived %x1} "" {case}
#CLASS {Colors|WeavesTargeted}
#TRIGGER {^[A-Z]* has been blinded!$} {#CW @colorWeaveTargeted} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^~*%w~* (has been blinded!)$} {#PCOL @colorWeaveTargeted %x1} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^[A-Z]* shivers from the icy cold force sent by you.$} {#CW @colorWeaveTargeted} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^~*%w~* (shivers from the icy cold force sent by you.)$} {#PCOL @colorWeaveTargeted %x1} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Beads of cold sweat emerge from {a|an|the}* face!$} {#CW @colorWeaveTargeted} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Beads of cold sweat emerge from [A-Z]* face!$} {#CW @colorWeaveTargeted} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^(Beads of cold sweat emerge from) ~*%w~*'s (face!)$} {
	#PCOL @colorWeaveTargeted %x1
	#PCOL @colorWeaveTargeted %x2
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^[A-Z]* looks very strange, glaring about with a sense of panic.$} {#CW @colorWeaveTargeted} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^~*%w~* (looks very strange, glaring about with a sense of panic.)$} {#PCOL @colorWeaveTargeted %x1} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^You mold flows of Air into a tight stream, and smite {a|an|the}*.$} {#CW @colorWeaveTargeted} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^You mold flows of Air into a tight stream, and smite [A-Z]*.$} {#CW @colorWeaveTargeted} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^(You mold flows of Air into a tight stream, and smite) ~*%w~*.$} {#PCOL @colorWeaveTargeted %x1} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^You mold flows of Air into a tight stream, sending {a|an|the}* sprawling!} {#CW @colorWeaveTargeted} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^You mold flows of Air into a tight stream, sending [A-Z]* sprawling!} {#CW @colorWeaveTargeted} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^(You mold flows of Air into a tight stream, sending) ~*%w~* (sprawling!)$} {
	#PCOL @colorWeaveTargeted %x1
	#PCOL @colorWeaveTargeted %x2
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Spikes of solid ice form in your hands, which you launch at {a|an|the}*.$} {#CW @colorWeaveTargeted} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Spikes of solid ice form in your hands, which you launch at [A-Z]*.$} {#CW @colorWeaveTargeted} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^(Spikes of solid ice form in your hands, which you launch at) ~*%w~*.$} {#PCOL @colorWeaveTargeted %x1} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Spikes of ice form in your hands, but melt a bit as you launch them at {a|an|the}*.$} {#CW @colorWeaveTargeted} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Spikes of ice form in your hands, but melt a bit as you launch them at [A-Z]*.$} {#CW @colorWeaveTargeted} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^(Spikes of ice form in your hands, but melt a bit as you launch them at) ~*%w~*.$} {#PCOL @colorWeaveTargeted %x1} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Your icy spikes shred {a|an|the}* guts, causing * insides to flow outside.$} {#CW @colorWeaveTargeted} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Your icy spikes shred [A-Z]* guts, causing {his|her} insides to flow outside.$} {#CW @colorWeaveTargeted} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^(Your icy spikes shred) ~*%w~* (guts, causing {his|her} insides to flow outside.)$} {
	#PCOL @colorWeaveTargeted %x1
	#PCOL @colorWeaveTargeted %x2
	} "" {case}
#CLASS {Colors|WeavesObserved}
#TRIGGER {^A violent storm erupts and fierce winds blow through the area.$} {#CW @colorWeaveObserved} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The earth trembles and shivers beneath your feet..!$} {#CW @colorWeaveObserved} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^[A-Z]* unleashes a flurry of icy spikes at {a|an|the}*, who is stabbed repeatedly.$} {#CW @colorWeaveObserved} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^[A-Z]* unleashes a flurry of icy spikes at [A-Z]*, who is stabbed repeatedly.$} {#CW @colorWeaveObserved} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^([A-Z]* unleashes a flurry of icy spikes at) ~*%w~*, (who is stabbed repeatedly.)$} {
	#PCOL @colorWeaveObserved %x1
	#PCOL @colorWeaveObserved %x2
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^~*%w~* (unleashes a flurry of icy spikes at {a|an|the}*, who is stabbed repeatedly.)$} {#PCOL @colorWeaveObserved %x1} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^~*%w~* (unleashes a flurry of icy spikes at [A-Z]*, who is stabbed repeatedly.)$} {#PCOL @colorWeaveObserved %x1} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^~*%w~* (unleashes a flurry of icy spikes at) ~*%w~*, (who is stabbed repeatedly.)$} {
	#PCOL @colorWeaveObserved %x1
	#PCOL @colorWeaveObserved %x2
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^[A-Z]* icy spikes shred {a|an|the}*, whose insides now flow freely to the ground.$} {#CW @colorWeaveObserved} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^[A-Z]* icy spikes shred [A-Z]*, whose insides now flow freely to the ground.$} {#CW @colorWeaveObserved} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^([A-Z]* icy spikes shred) ~*%w~*, (whose insides now flow freely to the ground.)$} {
	#PCOL @colorWeaveObserved %x1
	#PCOL @colorWeaveObserved %x2
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^~*%w~*'s (icy spikes shred {a|an|the}*, whose insides now flow freely to the ground.)$} {#PCOL @colorWeaveObserved %x1} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^~*%w~*'s (icy spikes shred [A-Z]*, whose insides now flow freely to the ground.)$} {#PCOL @colorWeaveObserved %x1} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^~*%w~*'s (icy spikes shred) ~*%w~*, (whose insides now flow freely to the ground.)$} {
	#PCOL @colorWeaveObserved %x1
	#PCOL @colorWeaveObserved %x2
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^[A-Z]* releases streaks of Fire at {a|an|the}*, who screams in pain.$} {#CW @colorWeaveObserved} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^[A-Z]* releases streaks of Fire at [A-Z]*, who screams in pain.$} {#CW @colorWeaveObserved} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^([A-Z]* releases streaks of Fire at) ~*%w~*, (who screams in pain.)$} {
	#PCOL @colorWeaveObserved %x1
	#PCOL @colorWeaveObserved %x2
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^~*%w~* (releases streaks of Fire at {a|an|the}*, who screams in pain.)$} {#PCOL @colorWeaveObserved %x1} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^~*%w~* (releases streaks of Fire at [A-Z]*, who screams in pain.)$} {#PCOL @colorWeaveObserved %x1} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^~*%w~* (releases streaks of Fire at) ~*%w~*, (who screams in pain.)$} {
	#PCOL @colorWeaveObserved %x1
	#PCOL @colorWeaveObserved %x2
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^[A-Z]* throws streaks of Fire at {a|an|the}*, whose freshly charred corpse crumples to the ground.$} {#CW @colorWeaveObserved} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^[A-Z]* throws streaks of Fire at [A-Z]*, whose freshly charred corpse crumples to the ground.$} {#CW @colorWeaveObserved} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^([A-Z]* throws streaks of Fire at) ~*%w~*, (whose freshly charred corpse crumples to the ground.)$} {
	#PCOL @colorWeaveObserved %x1
	#PCOL @colorWeaveObserved %x2
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^~*%w~* (throws streaks of Fire at {a|an|the}*, whose freshly charred corpse crumples to the ground.)$} {#PCOL @colorWeaveObserved %x1} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^~*%w~* (throws streaks of Fire at [A-Z]*, whose freshly charred corpse crumples to the ground.)$} {#PCOL @colorWeaveObserved %x1} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^~*%w~* (throws streaks of Fire at) ~*%w~*, (whose freshly charred corpse crumples to the ground.)$} {
	#PCOL @colorWeaveObserved %x1
	#PCOL @colorWeaveObserved %x2
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^[A-Z]* calls lightning from the sky, striking {a|an|the}* dead on.$} {#CW @colorWeaveObserved} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^[A-Z]* calls lightning from the sky, striking [A-Z]* dead on.$} {#CW @colorWeaveObserved} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^([A-Z]* calls lightning from the sky, striking) ~*%w~* (dead on.)$} {
	#PCOL @colorWeaveObserved %x1
	#PCOL @colorWeaveObserved %x2
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^~*%w~* (calls lightning from the sky, striking {a|an|the}* dead on.)$} {#PCOL @colorWeaveObserved %x1} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^~*%w~* (calls lightning from the sky, striking [A-Z]* dead on.)$} {#PCOL @colorWeaveObserved %x1} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^~*%w~* (calls lightning from the sky, striking) ~*%w~* (dead on.)$} {
	#PCOL @colorWeaveObserved %x1
	#PCOL @colorWeaveObserved %x2
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^[A-Z]* calls lightning from the sky to strike {a|an|the}*, dropping * sizzling corpse to the ground.$} {#CW @colorWeaveObserved} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^[A-Z]* calls lightning from the sky to strike [A-Z]*, dropping {his|her} sizzling corpse to the ground.$} {#CW @colorWeaveObserved} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^([A-Z]* calls lightning from the sky to strike) ~*%w~*, (dropping {his|her} sizzling corpse to the ground.)$} {
	#PCOL @colorWeaveObserved %x1
	#PCOL @colorWeaveObserved %x2
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^~*%w~* (calls lightning from the sky to strike {a|an|the}*, dropping * sizzling corpse to the ground.)$} {#PCOL @colorWeaveObserved %x1} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^~*%w~* (calls lightning from the sky to strike [A-Z]*, dropping {his|her} sizzling corpse to the ground.)$} {#PCOL @colorWeaveObserved %x1} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^~*%w~* (calls lightning from the sky to strike) ~*%w~*, (dropping {his|her} sizzling corpse to the ground.)$} {
	#PCOL @colorWeaveObserved %x1
	#PCOL @colorWeaveObserved %x2
	} "" {case}
#CLASS {Colors|MiscColors}
#TRIGGER {You aren't in touch with {saidin|saidar} to channel it.$} {#CW @colorAlertLow} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {You are unable to sense the True Source at all from here.$} {#CW @colorAlertMedium} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {You feel isolated from the Source!$} {#CW @colorAlertMedium} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {You lose all sense of the True Source here.$} {#CW @colorAlertLow} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^You sense a hidden life form in the area...$} {#CW @colorAlertHigh} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {~*KERBOOM~* The explosion rips you from the ground and tosses you through the air.$} {#CW @colorAlertHigh} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {~*KERBOOM~* An explosion sounds in the distance.$} {#CW @colorAlertMedium} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {The ancient greatsword, Justice of * begins to glow...$} {#CW @colorAlertLow} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {Malfeasor, the twin bladed scythe of blood ebony of * begins to glow...$} {#CW @colorAlertLow} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {PANIC!  You couldn't escape!$} {#CW @colorAlertHigh} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {[A-Z]* is thrown from your hands as you are struck.$} {#CW @colorAlertHigh} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {You fumble * as you are struck.$} {#CW @colorAlertHigh} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Ouch! That Really did HURT!$} {#CW @colorAlertHigh} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {No way!  You're fighting for your life!$} {#CW @colorAlertLow} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {You panic and attempt to flee!$} {#CW @colorAlertLow} "" {case}
Last edited by Taziar on Fri Jul 27, 2018 3:46 am, edited 16 times in total.
House of Medakan cMUD Scripts: Table of Contents

House of Medakan zMUD Scripts: Table of Contents
Posts: 157
Joined: Tue Apr 07, 2015 8:24 pm
Location: Seattle

Re: HoM zMUD Scripts

Post by Taziar »

Type helpLog to view help file in client.


Direct download link: LogHoM.txt

Code: Select all

#CLASS {Log}
#ALIAS helpLog {
		#SAY {%crlf "-----Log Help File-----"}
		#SAY {"    [Updated: 3/22/2018]"}
		#SHOW {" Make sure path is correct, zMUD will not save log if path is invalid."}
		#SHOW {""}
		#SHOW {" Type: logSet <path> to set path for logging."}
		#SHOW {"  Example: logSet C:\Users\Medakan\Desktop\WoTmud\Logs"}
		#SHOW {""}
		#SHOW {" Type: logOpen to open windows explorer to log destination folder."}
		#SHOW {"  Hint: can use command to verify correct file location."}
		#SHOW {""}
		#SHOW {" Type: logRead to open current log in notepad."}
		#SHOW {"  Hint: can use command to verify log is recording."}
		#SHOW {""}
		#SHOW {" Saves log under current character name and date."}
		#SHOW {"  File format: YearMonthDayCharacter.txt"}
		#SHOW {"   Example: 20161114Taziar.txt"}
		#SHOW {""}
		#SHOW {" Double check log path after setup, zMUD will show log is recording message even if path is invalid."}
		#SHOW {""}
#ALIAS logSet {
	#IF (%null(%1)) {
		#SAY {%crlf "Syntax example: logSet C:\Users\Medakan\Desktop\WoTmud\Logs"}
		} {
		#VAR logPath {%1}
		#IF (%numparam()>1) {#LOOP 2,%numparam() {#VAR logPath %concat(@logPath," ",%param(%i))}} {}
		#IF (NOT %ends(@logPath,"\")) {#VAR logPath {%concat(@logPath,"\")}} {}
#ALIAS logStart {
	#VAR logCurrentPath {%concat(@logPath,%time(yyyymmdd),%char,".txt")}
	#LOG @logCurrentPath
#ALIAS logRead {#LAUNCH {notepad.exe %concat(~",@logCurrentPath,~")}}
#ALIAS logOpen {#LAUNCH {explorer %concat(~",@logPath,~")}}
#VAR logCurrentPath {}
#VAR logPath {}
#CLASS {Log|LogConnect} {enable}
#TRIGGER "LogWelcomeTrigger" {^Welcome to the Wheel of Time!  Type 'help' for information.$} {
	#T- {Log|LogConnect}
	#IF (%null(@logPath)) {#SAY {WARNING!! log path is not set, use logSet command to setup logging.}} {logStart}
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "LogReconnectTrigger" {^Reconnecting.$} {
	#T- {Log|LogConnect}
	#IF (%null(@logPath)) {#SAY {WARNING!! log path is not set, use logSet command to setup logging.}} {logStart}
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "LogAlreadyTrigger" {^You take over your own body, already in use!$} {
	#T- {Log|LogConnect}
	#IF (%null(@logPath)) {#SAY {WARNING!! log path is not set, use logSet command to setup logging.}} {logStart}
	} "" {case}
Last edited by Taziar on Mon Aug 06, 2018 12:21 am, edited 4 times in total.
House of Medakan cMUD Scripts: Table of Contents

House of Medakan zMUD Scripts: Table of Contents
Posts: 157
Joined: Tue Apr 07, 2015 8:24 pm
Location: Seattle

Re: HoM zMUD Scripts

Post by Taziar »

Type helpRazor to view help file in client.


Direct download link: RazorHoM.txt

Active Triggers: 0/8

Code: Select all

#CLASS {Razor}
#ALIAS helpRazor {
		#SAY {%crlf "-----Razor Script Help File-----"}
		#SAY {"       [Updated: 7/19/2018]"}
		#SHOW {" To craft a Domani Razor travel to the Domani Coastal Palace."}
		#SHOW {"  Type: makeRazor (to begin crafting)"}
		#SHOW {"   Note: crafting room is Stable Stalls (in northeast corner)"}
		#SHOW {""}
#ALIAS makeRazor {
	#T+ {razorFetchTrigger}
	#T+ {razorFailTrigger}
	fetch shovel
#TRIGGER "razorFailTrigger" {Arglebargle, glop-glyf!?!} {
	#T- {razorFailTrigger}
	#T- {razorFetchTrigger}
	} "" {case|disable|verbatim}
#TRIGGER "razorFetchTrigger" {You fetch a shovel.} {
	#T- {razorFetchTrigger}
	#T- {razorFailTrigger}
	#T+ {razorGetTrigger}
	get shovel
	} "" {case|disable|verbatim}
#TRIGGER "razorGetTrigger" {You get a shovel.} {
	#T- {razorGetTrigger}
	#T+ {razorContinueTrigger}
	muckout stable
	} "" {case|disable|verbatim}
#TRIGGER "razorContinueTrigger" {You can continue to shovel straw.} {
	#T- {razorContinueTrigger}
	#T+ {razorShovelTrigger}
	shovel straw
	} "" {case|disable|verbatim}
#TRIGGER "razorShovelTrigger" {You gather another shovel of straw and deposit it in the wheelbarrow.} {
	#T+ {razorDepositTrigger}
	#ALARM "razorAlarm" {+8} {shovel straw} "Razor"
	} "" {case|disable|verbatim}
#TRIGGER "razorDepositTrigger" {You deposit the last shovelful in the wheelbarrow and cart it off.} {
	#T- {razorShovelTrigger}
	#ALARM "razorAlarm" {+.5} {#T- {razorDepositTrigger}} "Razor"
	#T+ {razorGroomTrigger}
	} "" {case|disable|verbatim}
#TRIGGER "razorGroomTrigger" {You can continue working and groom a horse.} {
	#T- {razorGroomTrigger}
	#T+ {razorTackTrigger}
	groom horse
	} "" {case|disable|verbatim}
#TRIGGER "razorTackTrigger" {You can continue working and clean the tack.} {
	#T- {razorTackTrigger}
	clean tack
	} "" {case|disable|verbatim}
Last edited by Taziar on Sat Aug 25, 2018 1:08 am, edited 3 times in total.
House of Medakan cMUD Scripts: Table of Contents

House of Medakan zMUD Scripts: Table of Contents
Posts: 157
Joined: Tue Apr 07, 2015 8:24 pm
Location: Seattle

Re: HoM zMUD Scripts

Post by Taziar »

Type helpCrossNumbers to view help file in client.


Direct download link: CrossNumbersHoM.txt

Active Triggers: 0/6
Input Triggers:1

Code: Select all

#CLASS {CrossNumbers}
#ALIAS helpCrossNumbers {
		#SAY {%crlf "-----Cross Numbers Help File-----"}
		#SAY {"        [Update: 8/5/2018]"}
		#SHOW {" Cross Numbers adds colored numbers to aid in cross race targeting when using the look command."}
		#SHOW {"  Note: WoTMUD shortcuts for look will activate script: l, lo, loo, and look."}
		#SHOW {"        WoTMUD alias will not activate script, use zMUD alias instead."}
		#SHOW {""}
		#SHOW {" Separate colored number lists for Light Side and Dark Side."}
		#SHOW {"  "|@crossMXPcolor(@crossColorDark,1)|.~*%ansi(4,0)Grizzler%ansi(15,0)~* is standing here.}
		#SHOW {"  "|@crossMXPcolor(@crossColorDark,2)|.~*%ansi(4,0)Mangler%ansi(15,0)~* is standing here.}
		#SHOW {"  "|@crossMXPcolor(@crossColorHuman,1)|.~*%ansi(3,0)Theid%ansi(15,0)~* is standing here.}
		#SHOW {"  "|@crossMXPcolor(@crossColorHuman,2)|.~*%ansi(3,0)Thuvia%ansi(15,0)~* is standing here.}
		#SHOW {""}
		#SHOW {" Type crossColor <type> <color> [bcolor] background color optional"}
		#SHOW {"  Available types:"}
		#SHOW {"   "@crossMXPcolor(@crossColorDark,Dark)}
		#SHOW {"   "@crossMXPcolor(@crossColorHuman,Human)}
		#SHOW {""}
	#ALARM {+1} {#IF (%class(Target)=1) {reset58}}
#ALIAS crossColor {
	#SHOW {""}
	#IF (%null(%1)) {
		#SAY {" Usage: crossColor <type> <color> [bcolor] background color optional"}
		#SHOW {""}
		#SHOW {"  Available types:"}
		#SHOW {"   "@crossMXPcolor(@crossColorDark,Dark)}
		#SHOW {"   "@crossMXPcolor(@crossColorHuman,Human)}
		#SHOW {""}
		} {
		#IF (%class(%concat(crossColor,%1))=-1) {
			#SAY {%1 is an invalid type selection...}
			} {
			#IF (%null(%2)) {
				#SAY {What color is that?...}
				} {
				#IF (%colorname(%2)=536870911 AND %color(%2)=0) {
					#VAR %concat(crossColor,%1) {}
					#SAY {" "%2 is an invalid color. %concat(crossColor,%proper(%1)) variable cleared.}
					} {
					#IF (%null(%3)) {
						#VAR %concat(crossColor,%1) {%2}
						#SHOW {%proper(%1) color set: @crossMXPcolor(%2)}
						} {
						#IF (%colorname(%3)=536870911 AND %color(%3)=0) {
							#VAR %concat(crossColor,%1) {}
							#SAY {" "%3 is an invalid color. %concat(crossColor,%proper(%1)) variable cleared.}
							} {
							#VAR %concat(crossColor,%1) {%concat(%2," ",%3)}
							#SHOW {%proper(%1) color set: @crossMXPcolor(%2 %3)}
#FUNCTION crossMXPcolor {<color %1>%2</color>}
#VAR crossColorDark {red}
#VAR crossColorHuman {dodgerblue}
#VAR crossCrossName {}
#VAR crossDarkCount {}
#VAR crossHumanCount {}
#TRIGGER "crossExitsTrigger" {^~[ obvious exits:*~]$} {
	#T+ {crossDarkTrigger}
	#T+ {crossHumanTrigger}
	#T+ {crossPromptTrigger}
	#VAR crossCrossName {}
	#VAR crossDarkCount {0}
	#VAR crossHumanCount {0}
	} "" {case|disable}
#TRIGGER "crossDarkTrigger" {^(%e[33m~*%e[31m([A-Z]%w)%e[33m~*)(*)$} {
	#IF (%2!=@crossCrossName) {
		#ADD crossDarkCount 1
		#SUB {|@crossMXPcolor(@crossColorDark,@crossDarkCount)|.%1%3}
		} {}
	#VAR crossCrossName {%2}
	} "" {case|color|disable}
#TRIGGER "crossHumanTrigger" {^(%e[33m~*%e[36m([A-Z]%w)%e[33m~*)(*)$} {
	#IF (%2!=@crossCrossName) {
		#ADD crossHumanCount 1
		#SUB {|@crossMXPcolor(@crossColorHuman,@crossHumanCount)|.%1%3}
		} {}
	#VAR crossCrossName {%2}
	} "" {case|color|disable}
#TRIGGER "crossPromptTrigger" {^{o|*} * >} {
	#T- {crossPromptTrigger}
	#T- {crossExitsTrigger}
	#T- {crossDarkTrigger}
	#T- {crossHumanTrigger}
	} "" {case|disable|nocr|prompt}
#ONINPUT {^{l|lo|loo|look}$} {#T+ {crossExitsTrigger}}
Last edited by Taziar on Sun Aug 05, 2018 12:05 pm, edited 5 times in total.
House of Medakan cMUD Scripts: Table of Contents

House of Medakan zMUD Scripts: Table of Contents
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