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Hits on parts of body and correlation to abs of armor pieces

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2016 7:41 pm
by Hress
Some statictics on my chars being hit in different body parts

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   ### BODY PARTS HITS STATISTICS ###              |
 your                                              |
   Body Part   | Me N  | Me %  | Other N | Other % |
 head          |       | 0.00  |  2345   |  8.03   |
 body          |       | 0.00  |  14332  |  49.10  |
 left arm      |       | 0.00  |  2056   |  7.04   |
 right arm     |       | 0.00  |  2009   |  6.88   |
 left hand     |       | 0.00  |  558    |  1.91   |
 right hand    |       | 0.00  |  600    |  2.06   |
 left leg      |       | 0.00  |  2883   |  9.88   |
 right leg     |       | 0.00  |  3008   |  10.30  |
 left foot     |       | 0.00  |  832    |  2.85   |
 right foot    |       | 0.00  |  567    |  1.94   |
So far
Head: 8%
Body: 49%
Arms: 14%
Hands: 4%
Legs: 20%
Feet: 5%

And keep your body,legs and arms as much in abs as possible, other parts are not so important ... poor head :)

And now the value of abs of armor pieces can be explained, just a thoughts ...
For example:
head is 8% of 'full body' and full-helmet has 7% abs, this means that damage being hit to head will be multiplied by value of (8-7)/8 = 1/8
Body: shining plate. 42% abs, damage that hits body will be multiplied by 7/49

And so on ...