"Charge your horses across the fields
Together we ride into destiny"
Starting thread about charge, tests are still going.
1) What weapons are suitable for charge?
Any spear or lance.
2) Does any char stats affect on charge success?
No. Only charge skills affects on charge land success.
3) What skills are required to land charge?
Charge only.
Weapon skill does not affect on charge land.
Ride skill does not affect on charge land.
4) Does charge depend on terrain?
Yes. While on plain terrain charger has higher chance to land charge than while in forest.
Forest gives -15% to charge land.
Mountains and roads are not tested yet.
But damage is same on all terrain.
5) What damage does charge do?
If weapon has XdY damage then charge damage is Xd(10*Y).
Strength has no affect on charge damage.
Ward(Honed) damage bonus ~2d45
Master damage bonus ~3d45
Berserk damage bonus is still under tests.
If all summorized damage below 40 then damage is 59.
If all summorized damage between 41 and 59 then with high chance damage is set to 59.
After all damage is calculated it is multiplied by charge_skill/99
6) Does successfull charge scratch weapon?
7) Does scratched weapon lower charge damge?
Last edited by Hress on Sat Oct 14, 2017 3:39 pm, edited 11 times in total.
Re: Chaaaaaaarge!
Table with results
In table
1 column - weapon with stats and skills and other modifiers
s14 - strength 14
d15 - dexterity 15
m1 - mend weapon after it hits and became scratched
r99 - ride skill at 99
c99 - charge skill at 99
w99 - weapon skill at 99
2nd column - special damage, on low dice damage weapons (all with 2dX melee) the less damage the more chance that chage damage will be a constant value, this value does not count in normal chargess, number of hits for this value is set to 0 for normal charges.
3nd column - special damage rate, respect to all stabs
4rd column - minimum damage of normal charge
5th column - maximum damage of normal charge
6th column - average damage of normal charge
7th column - standard deviation of normal charage
8th column - number of hits, sp: special damage, n: normal damage, h: charge with melee hit after before score command gave result, miss - misses
9th column - land rate of charges
10th column - mob
11th column - date when data was gathered
In table
1 column - weapon with stats and skills and other modifiers
s14 - strength 14
d15 - dexterity 15
m1 - mend weapon after it hits and became scratched
r99 - ride skill at 99
c99 - charge skill at 99
w99 - weapon skill at 99
2nd column - special damage, on low dice damage weapons (all with 2dX melee) the less damage the more chance that chage damage will be a constant value, this value does not count in normal chargess, number of hits for this value is set to 0 for normal charges.
3nd column - special damage rate, respect to all stabs
4rd column - minimum damage of normal charge
5th column - maximum damage of normal charge
6th column - average damage of normal charge
7th column - standard deviation of normal charage
8th column - number of hits, sp: special damage, n: normal damage, h: charge with melee hit after before score command gave result, miss - misses
9th column - land rate of charges
10th column - mob
11th column - date when data was gathered
Code: Select all
| WEAPON |SpD|R.Sp%|Dmin |Dmax | Davg |Std.dev.|N(sp,n,h,miss) |L.Rate%| Mob | Date |
| hooked spear(s14,d15,m1,r58,c99,w99,wimpy,forest) |59 |35.85| 41 | 120 | 75.45 | 15.590 |337,603,70,362 |73.62% | leatherleaf | |
| hooked spear(s14,d15,m1,r99,c99,w99,brave,forest) |59 |39.98| 41 | 120 | 74.55 | 15.587 |401,602,88,398 |73.27% | leatherleaf | |
| hooked spear(s14,d15,m1,r99,c99,w99,wimpy,forest) |59 |37.13| 43 | 120 | 76.66 | 15.841 |355,601,60,375 |73.04% | leatherleaf | |
| hooked spear(s19,d18,m1,r58,c73,w99,wimpy,forest) |43 |38.04| 30 | 91 | 55.74 | 12.153 |248,404,35,642 |51.69% | leatherleaf | |
| hooked spear(s19,d18,m1,r58,c99,w99,wimpy,plain) |59 |35.77| 41 | 120 | 74.57 | 16.192 |181,325,49,95 |85.38% | leatherleaf | |
| hooked spear(s19,d18,m1,r58,c99,w99,wimpy,forest) |59 |36.44| 42 | 120 | 76.35 | 16.785 |176,307,42,196 |72.82% | leatherleaf | |
Re: Chaaaaarrrge!
Damage tests with low charge skill
Code: Select all
| WEAPON |SpD|R.Sp%|Dmin |Dmax | Davg |Std.dev.|N(sp,n,h,miss) |L.Rate%| Mob | Date |
| bamboo shafted short spear(s16,d17,r58,c32,w0,pl) |19 |40.56| 13 | 44 | 26.93 | 6.281 |144,211,34,1021|27.59% | leatherleaf | 25.09.2017 |
| bent hunting spear(s16,d17,r58,c32,w0,for) |19 |6.59 | 18 | 62 | 35.19 | 9.321 |6,85,8,696 |12.45% | leatherleaf | 25.09.2017 |
| boarspear(s16,d17,m1,r58,c32,w0,pl) |19 |20.95| 13 | 52 | 27.91 | 6.873 |66,249,35,899 |28.02% | leatherleaf | 25.09.2017 |
| hollow steel lance(s16,d17,r58,c32,w0,pl) |n/a| n/a | 19 | 82 | 44.47 | 12.762 |0,203,31,619 |27.43% | leatherleaf | 25.09.2017 |
| large steel spear(s16,d17,r58,c32,w0,pl) |n/a| n/a | 20 | 71 | 41.36 | 9.039 |0,201,9,608 |25.67% | leatherleaf | 25.09.2017 |
| bamboo spear(s16,d18,c42,M,pl) |n/a| n/a | 27 | 105 | 59.06 | 13.928 |0,309,34,622 |35.54% | leatherleaf | 28.09.2017 |
| boarspear(s16,d18,r58,c42,M,w0,pl) |n/a| n/a | 25 | 99 | 62.41 | 14.109 |0,295,33,583 |36.00% | leatherleaf | 28.09.2017 |
| hooked spear(s16,d18,r58,c42,M,w0,pl) |n/a| n/a | 25 | 91 | 56.60 | 12.537 |0,301,30,508 |39.45% | leatherleaf | 25.09.2017 |
| boarspear(s16,d17,r58,c32,W,w0,pl) |n/a| n/a | 17 | 66 | 39.10 | 9.507 |0,300,41,919 |27.06% | leatherleaf | 30.09.2017 |
| hooked spear(s16,d18,r58,c32,W,w0,pl) |n/a| n/a | 18 | 58 | 35.31 | 8.416 |0,303,40,872 |28.23% | leatherleaf | 30.09.2017 |