Code: Select all
#CLASS {ScoreStatTime}
#ALIAS helpScoreStatTime {
#PRINT {%crlf <C dodgerblue>-----ScoreStatTime Help File-----</C>}
#PRINT { <C dodgerblue>[Updated: 8/28/2019]</C>}
#PRINT { Saves score, stat, time, and equipment info in character notes.}
#PRINT { Note: also saves character's rent info if Rent script is detected,}
#PRINT { estimated reroll date, or character deletion date if under level 30.}
#PRINT { Type <C dodgerblue>showBMI</C> to toggle BMI:<BMI> at end of weight line (on/off).}
#PRINT { Note: BMI statistics shown are truncated.}
#PRINT { Example: a BMI of 0.390059173107147 will show as BMI:0.39}
#PRINT { Type <C dodgerblue>showStatSum</C> to toggle SUM:<statsum> at end of stats line (on/off).}
#PRINT { Example: Your base abilities are: Str:17 Int:11 Wil:6 Dex:19 Con:19 Sum:72.}
#PRINT { Type <C dodgerblue>showTime</C> to toggle time messages in time command output (on/off).}
#PRINT { Example: It has been 7 days, 17 hours since ~%char last connected. (game time)}
#PRINT { Type <C dodgerblue>showTotalDefense</C> to toggle Total Defense:<defense> at end of bonus line (on/off).}
#PRINT { Example: Offensive bonus: 151, Dodging bonus: 82, Parrying bonus: 20, Total defense: 102}
#PRINT { Type <C dodgerblue>showEXP</C> to toggle EXP since last score command line (on/off).}
#PRINT { Example: You have gained 510 experience points since your last score command.}
#PRINT { Note: will not display line if experience gained is zero or less.}
#PRINT { Typing <C dodgerblue>rent</C> or <C dodgerblue>quit</C> will send time command to save data then rent/quit.}
#PRINT { Type <C dodgerblue>linkless</C> to save data and disconnect if linkless renting.}
#ALIAS showBMI {
#IF (@showBMI) {
#VAR showBMI 0
#PRINT {%crlf BMI information is turned off.}
} {
#VAR showBMI 1
#PRINT {%crlf BMI information is turned on.}
#ALIAS showEXP {
#IF (@showEXP) {
#VAR showEXP 0
#PRINT {%crlf EXP line function is turned off.}
#T- scoreEXPmath
} {
#VAR showEXP 1
#PRINT {%crlf EXP line function is turned on.}
#T+ scoreEXPmath
#ALIAS showStatSum {
#IF (@showStatSum) {
#VAR showStatSum 0
#PRINT {%crlf StatSum information is turned off.}
} {
#VAR showStatSum 1
#PRINT {%crlf StatSum information is turned on.}
#ALIAS showTime {
#IF (@showTimeDisplay) {
#VAR showTimeDisplay 0
#PRINT {%crlf Time message information is turned off.}
} {
#VAR showTimeDisplay 1
#PRINT {%crlf Time message information is turned on.}
#ALIAS showTotalDefense {
#IF (@showTotalDefense) {
#VAR showTotalDefense 0
#PRINT {%crlf TotalDefense information is turned off.}
} {
#VAR showTotalDefense 1
#PRINT {%crlf TotalDefense information is turned on.}
#VAR scoreEXP1 {0} {0}
#VAR scoreEXP2 {0} {0}
#VAR scoreEXPresult {0} {0}
#VAR scoreLevel {} {}
#VAR scoreQP1 {0} {0}
#VAR scoreQP2 {0} {0}
#VAR scoreQPresult {0} {0}
#VAR serverCalTemp {}
#VAR serverDay {}
#VAR serverDisplayDay {}
#VAR serverDisplayDays {0} {0}
#VAR serverDisplayMonth {}
#VAR serverDisplayMonths {0} {0}
#VAR serverMonth {}
#VAR serverMonthDays {31|28|31|30|31|30|31|31|30|31|30|31}
#VAR serverMonthNames {Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec}
#VAR serverRerollMonth {}
#VAR serverRerollMonths {0} {0}
#VAR serverRerollYear {}
#VAR serverYear {}
#VAR showBMI {1}
#VAR showEXP {1}
#VAR showStatSum {1}
#VAR showTimeConnection {1} {1}
#VAR showTimeDeletion {0} {0}
#VAR showTimeDisconnect {0} {0}
#VAR showTimeDisplay {1}
#VAR showTimeMessage {0} {0}
#VAR showTotalDefense {1}
#VAR statAge {} {}
#VAR statBMI {} {}
#VAR statCON {} {}
#VAR statCarryWeight {} {}
#VAR statClass {} {}
#VAR statDEX {} {}
#VAR statDodge {} {}
#VAR statFeet {} {}
#VAR statGender {} {}
#VAR statHeightBMI {} {}
#VAR statINT {} {}
#VAR statInches {} {}
#VAR statOffensive {} {}
#VAR statParry {} {}
#VAR statRace {} {}
#VAR statSTR {} {}
#VAR statSUM {} {}
#VAR statTotalBMI {} {}
#VAR statTotalDefense {} {}
#VAR statTotalHeight {} {}
#VAR statWIL {} {}
#VAR statWeight {} {}
#VAR statWeightBMI {} {}
#VAR statWeightCondition {} {}
#VAR statWeightTotalBMI {} {}
#VAR statWornWeight {} {}
#VAR timeAMPM {}
#VAR timeCurrentTotal {0}
#VAR timeDay {0}
#VAR timeDeleteReroll {}
#VAR timeDisplayDay {0}
#VAR timeDisplayHour {0}
#VAR timeDisplayMonth {0}
#VAR timeDisplayYear {0}
#VAR timeEvalDays {0}
#VAR timeEvalHours {0}
#VAR timeEvalMonths {0}
#VAR timeEvalPastDays {0}
#VAR timeEvalPastHours {0}
#VAR timeEvalPastMonths {0}
#VAR timeEvalPastYears {0}
#VAR timeEvalYears {0}
#VAR timeHour {0}
#VAR timeMonth {}
#VAR timeMonthNames {Taisham|Jumara|Saban|Aine|Adar|Saven|Amadaine|Tammaz|Maigdhal|Choren|Shaldine|Nesan|Danu}
#VAR timePastAMPM {} {}
#VAR timePastDay {0} {0}
#VAR timePastHour {0} {0}
#VAR timePastMonth {} {}
#VAR timePastTotal {0} {0}
#VAR timePastYear {0} {0}
#VAR timeTotalDays {0}
#VAR timeTotalHours {0}
#VAR timeTotalMonths {0}
#VAR timeTotalYears {0}
#VAR timeYear {0}
#TRIGGER "sstWelcomeTrigger" {^Welcome to the Wheel of Time! Type 'help' for information.$} {
#RAISE eventSSTconnection
} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "sstReconnectTrigger" {^Reconnecting.$} {
#RAISE eventSSTconnection
} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "sstAlreadyTrigger" {^You take over your own body, already in use!$} {
#RAISE eventSSTconnection
} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "scoreTrigger" {^This ranks you as [A-Z]%w * ~(Level &%dscoreLevel~).$} {
#T- scoreTrigger
} "" {case|disable}
#TRIGGER "scorePointsTrigger" {^You have scored &%dscoreEXP1 experience points and &%dscoreQP1 quest points.$} {
#T- scorePointsTrigger
#T+ scoreEXPtrigger
#VAR scoreEXPresult (@scoreEXP1-@scoreEXP2)
#VAR scoreEXP2 @scoreEXP1
#VAR scoreQPresult (@scoreQP1-@scoreQP2)
#VAR scoreQP2 @scoreQP1
} "" {case|disable}
#TRIGGER "scoreEXPtrigger" {^You need * exp to} {
#T- scoreEXPtrigger
#IF (@scoreEXP2=@scoreEXPresult AND @scoreQP2=@scoreQPresult) {
#PRINT {<C dodgerblue>Current experience and quest points saved!</C>}
} {
#IF (@scoreEXPresult>0 AND @scoreQPresult=0) {
#PRINT {<C dodgerblue>You have gained @scoreEXPresult experience points since your last score command.</C>}
} {
#IF (@scoreEXPresult=0 AND @scoreQPresult>0) {
#PRINT {<C dodgerblue>You have gained @scoreQPresult quest points since your last score command.</C>}
} {
#IF (@scoreEXPresult>0 AND @scoreQPresult>0) {
#PRINT {<C dodgerblue>You have gained @scoreEXPresult experience points and @scoreQPresult quest points since your last score command.</C>}
} "" {case|disable}
#TRIGGER "statTrigger" {You are a &%dstatAge year old &%wstatGender &%wstatRace &%w{statClass}.} {
#T- statTrigger
#T+ statAbilitiesTrigger
#T+ statBonusTrigger
#T+ statBMITrigger
#T+ statBMI2Trigger
} "" {case|disable}
#TRIGGER "statAbilitiesTrigger" {^Your base abilities are: Str:&%dstatSTR Int:&%dstatINT Wil:&%dstatWIL Dex:&%dstatDEX Con:&%dstatCON} {
#T- statAbilitiesTrigger
#VAR statSUM (@statSTR+@statINT+@statWIL+@statDEX+@statCON)
#IF (@showStatSum) {
#SUB {Your base abilities are: Str:@statSTR Int:@statINT Wil:@statWIL Dex:@statDEX Con:@statCON Sum:@statSUM}
} "" {case|disable}
#TRIGGER "statBonusTrigger" {^Offensive bonus: &%dstatOffensive, Dodging bonus: &%dstatDodge, Parrying bonus: &%dstatParry} {
#T- statBonusTrigger
#VAR statTotalDefense (@statDodge+@statParry)
#IF (@showTotalDefense) {
#SUB {Offensive bonus: @statOffensive, Dodging bonus: @statDodge, Parrying bonus: @statParry, Total defense: @statTotalDefense}
} "" {case|disable}
#TRIGGER "statBMITrigger" {^Your height is &%dstatFeet feet, &%dstatInches inches, and you weigh &statWeight lbs.} {
#T- statBMITrigger
#VAR statTotalHeight (@statFeet*12+@statInches)
#VAR statHeightBMI (@statTotalHeight*@statTotalHeight)
#VAR statWeightBMI (@statWeight*10)
#VAR statBMI (%float(@statWeightBMI)/%float(@statHeightBMI))
#IF (@showBMI) {
#SUB {Your height is @statFeet feet, @statInches inches, and you weigh @statWeight lbs. Base BMI:%copy(@statBMI,1,4)}
} "" {case|disable}
#TRIGGER "statBMI2Trigger" {^You are carrying &statCarryWeight lbs and wearing &statWornWeight lbs, &statWeightCondition.} {
#T- statBMI2Trigger
#VAR statWeightTotalBMI ((@statWeight+@statWornWeight)*10)
#VAR statTotalBMI (%float(@statWeightTotalBMI)/%float(@statHeightBMI))
#IF (@showBMI) {
#SUB {You are carrying @statCarryWeight lbs and wearing @statWornWeight lbs, @statWeightCondition Total BMI:%copy(@statTotalBMI,1,4)}
} "" {case|disable}
#TRIGGER "timeTrigger" {It is &%dtimeHour o'clock &%wtimeAMPM, on the &%d{timeDay}{st|nd|rd|th} day of the month of &%wtimeMonth, year &%dtimeYear.} {
#T- timeTrigger
#T+ timeDisplayTrigger
#T+ serverTrigger
#VAR timeEvalYears (@timeYear*8736)
#VAR timeEvalMonths (%ismember(@timeMonth,@timeMonthNames)*672)
#VAR timeEvalDays (@timeDay*24)
#IF (@timeAMPM=pm) {
#VAR timeEvalHours (@timeHour+12)
} {
#VAR timeEvalHours @timeHour
#IF (@timeHour=12) {
#IF (@timeAMPM=am) {
#VAR timeEvalHours 0
} {
#VAR timeEvalHours 12
#VAR timeCurrentTotal (@timeEvalYears+@timeEvalMonths+@timeEvalDays+@timeEvalHours)
#VAR timeEvalPastYears (@timePastYear*8736)
#VAR timeEvalPastMonths (%ismember(@timePastMonth,@timeMonthNames)*672)
#VAR timeEvalPastDays (@timePastDay*24)
#IF (@timePastAMPM=pm) {
#VAR timeEvalPastHours (@timePastHour+12)
} {
#VAR timeEvalPastHours @timePastHour
#IF (@timePastHour=12) {
#IF (@timePastAMPM=am) {
#VAR timeEvalPastHours 0
} {
#VAR timeEvalPastHours 12
} {}
#VAR timePastTotal (@timeEvalPastYears+@timeEvalPastMonths+@timeEvalPastDays+@timeEvalPastHours)
#VAR timeTotalHours (@timeCurrentTotal-@timePastTotal)
#IF (@timeTotalHours > 8736) {
#VAR timeDisplayYear (%format(0,%float(@timeTotalHours/8736)))
#VAR timeTotalMonths (@timeTotalHours-@timeDisplayYear*8736)
} {
#VAR timeDisplayYear 0
#VAR timeTotalMonths @timeTotalHours
#IF (@timeTotalMonths > 672) {
#VAR timeDisplayMonth (%format(0,%float(@timeTotalMonths/672)))
#VAR timeTotalDays (@timeTotalMonths-@timeDisplayMonth*672)
} {
#VAR timeDisplayMonth 0
#VAR timeTotalDays @timeTotalMonths
#IF (@timeTotalDays > 24) {
#VAR timeDisplayDay (%format(0,%float(@timeTotalDays/24)))
#VAR timeDisplayHour (@timeTotalDays-@timeDisplayDay*24)
} {
#VAR timeDisplayDay 0
#VAR timeDisplayHour @timeTotalDays
#VAR timePastAMPM @timeAMPM
#VAR timePastMonth @timeMonth
#VAR timePastHour @timeHour
#VAR timePastDay @timeDay
#VAR timePastYear @timeYear
#VAR %concat(%char,AMPM) {@timeAMPM} {_nodef} {ScoreStatTime|%concat(sst,%char)}
#VAR %concat(%char,Month) {@timeMonth} {_nodef} {ScoreStatTime|%concat(sst,%char)}
#VAR %concat(%char,Hour) {@timeHour} {_nodef} {ScoreStatTime|%concat(sst,%char)}
#VAR %concat(%char,Day) {@timeDay} {_nodef} {ScoreStatTime|%concat(sst,%char)}
#VAR %concat(%char,Year) {@timeYear} {_nodef} {ScoreStatTime|%concat(sst,%char)}
} "" {case|disable}
#TRIGGER "timeDisplayTrigger" {^Forums: * Wiki: * Web client: *$} {
#IF (@showTimeDisplay) {} {#ABORT 1}
#IF (@showTimeMessage) {
#PRINT {<C dodgerblue>It has been %if(@timeDisplayYear>1,@timeDisplayYear years~," ","")%if(@timeDisplayYear=1,1 year~," ","")%if(@timeDisplayMonth>1,@timeDisplayMonth months~," ","")%if(@timeDisplayMonth=1,1 month~," ","")%if(@timeDisplayDay>1,@timeDisplayDay days~," ","")%if(@timeDisplayDay=1,1 day~," ","")%if(@timeDisplayHour>0,@timeDisplayHour hour,"0 hours")%if(@timeDisplayHour>1,"s "," ")since your last time command.</C> ~(game time~)}
} {}
#IF (@showTimeConnection) {
#PRINT {<C dodgerblue>It has been %if(@timeDisplayYear>1,@timeDisplayYear years~," ","")%if(@timeDisplayYear=1,1 year~," ","")%if(@timeDisplayMonth>1,@timeDisplayMonth months~," ","")%if(@timeDisplayMonth=1,1 month~," ","")%if(@timeDisplayDay>1,@timeDisplayDay days~," ","")%if(@timeDisplayDay=1,1 day~," ","")%if(@timeDisplayHour>0,@timeDisplayHour hour,"0 hours")%if(@timeDisplayHour>1,"s "," ")since %char last connected.</C> ~(game time~)}
} {}
#IF (@showTimeDisconnect) {#PRINT {<C dodgerblue>%char's disconnection time has been saved.</C>}}
} "" {case|disable}
#COND {$} {
#T- timeDisplayTrigger
#IF (@showTimeDisplay) {} {#ABORT 1}
#IF (@showTimeMessage) {#GAG} {}
#IF (@showTimeConnection) {#GAG} {}
#IF (@showTimeDisconnect) {#GAG} {}
#VAR showTimeMessage 1
#VAR showTimeConnection 0
#VAR showTimeDisconnect 0
#TRIGGER "serverTrigger" {^~(Server: %w &%wserverMonth { ||}&%dserverDay %d:%d:%d &%dserverYear EST} {
#T- serverTrigger
#VAR serverDisplayDays 0
#VAR serverDisplayMonths 0
#IF (@scoreLevel>29) {#VAR showTimeDeletion 0} {#VAR showTimeDeletion 1}
#IF (@scoreLevel>19 AND @scoreLevel<30) {#VAR serverDisplayMonths 6} {}
#IF (@scoreLevel>9 AND @scoreLevel<20) {#VAR serverDisplayMonths 3} {}
#IF (@scoreLevel>4 AND @scoreLevel<10) {#VAR serverDisplayMonths 1} {}
#IF (@scoreLevel>1 AND @scoreLevel<5) {#VAR serverDisplayDays 7} {}
#IF (@scoreLevel=1) {#VAR serverDisplayDays 3} {}
#IF (@serverDisplayMonths>0) {
#VAR serverDisplayMonth @serverDisplayMonths+%ismember(@serverMonth,@serverMonthNames)
#IF (@serverDisplayMonth>12) {
#VAR serverDisplayMonth @serverDisplayMonth-12
#VAR serverDisplayMonth %item(@serverMonthNames,@serverDisplayMonth)
} {
#VAR serverDisplayMonth %item(@serverMonthNames,@serverDisplayMonth)
#VAR serverDisplayDay @serverDay
} {
#VAR serverDisplayMonth @serverMonth
#IF (@serverDisplayDays>0) {
#VAR serverDisplayDay @serverDisplayDays+@serverDay
#IF (@serverDisplayDay>%eval(%item(@serverMonthDays,%ismember(@serverMonth,@serverMonthNames)))) {
#VAR serverDisplayDay @serverDisplayDay-%eval(%item(@serverMonthDays,%ismember(@serverMonth,@serverMonthNames)))
#VAR serverDisplayMonth %item(@serverMonthNames,(%ismember(@serverMonth,@serverMonthNames)+1))
} {
#VAR serverDisplayDay @serverDisplayDays+@serverDay
} {}
#IF (@statAge<200) {
#VAR serverCalTemp (200-@statAge)*10
} {
#VAR serverCalTemp (%concat(%eval(%copy(@statAge,1,1)+1),00)-@statAge)*10
#VAR serverRerollMonths @serverCalTemp/30
#VAR serverRerollYear 0
#WHILE (@serverRerollMonths>11) {
#VAR serverRerollYear @serverRerollYear+1
#VAR serverRerollMonths @serverRerollMonths-12
#VAR serverRerollMonth @serverRerollMonths+%ismember(@serverMonth,@serverMonthNames)
#IF (@serverRerollMonth>12) {
#VAR serverRerollYear @serverRerollYear+1
#VAR serverRerollMonth @serverRerollMonth-12
} {}
#VAR serverRerollMonth %item(@serverMonthNames,@serverRerollMonth)
#VAR serverRerollYear @serverRerollYear+@serverYear
#IF (@showTimeDeletion) {
#PRINT {<C red>%char will delete in %if(@serverDisplayMonths=1,@serverDisplayMonths month,%if(@serverDisplayMonths>1,@serverDisplayMonths months,@serverDisplayDays days)) on @serverDisplayMonth @serverDisplayDay if not logged in before this date.</C>}
} {}
#IF (@scoreLevel<30) {
#VAR timeDeleteReroll {%char will delete on @serverDisplayMonth @serverDisplayDay.}
} {
#VAR timeDeleteReroll {%char will reroll in @serverRerollMonth @serverRerollYear.}
} "" {case|disable}
#TRIGGER "sstSleepWellWake" {You {drawl|hiss|say} 'sleep well and wake'$} {
#RAISE eventRentNotes
#RAISE eventCharacterNotes
} "" {}
#ONINPUT "sstQuitInput" {^quit$} {
#TEMP "quitTEMP" {^~(Server: * EST, last rebooted *~)$} {
#IF (%class(Rent)=1) {#RAISE eventRentNotes} {}
#RAISE eventCharacterQuit
} "ScoreStatTime" {case}
#RAISE eventTimeDisconnect
#ONINPUT "sstRentInput" {^{ren|rent}$} {
#TEMP "rentTEMP" {^~(Server: * EST, *~)$} {
#RAISE eventRentNotes
#RAISE eventCharacterNotes
} "ScoreStatTime" {case}
#RAISE eventTimeDisconnect
#ONINPUT "sstSaveInput" {^{sav|save}$} {
#RAISE eventRentNotes
#RAISE eventCharacterNotes
#ONINPUT "sstScoreInput" {^{sc|sco|scor|score}$} {
#T+ scoreTrigger
#T+ scorePointsTrigger
#T+ ScoreStatTime|CharacterNotes|ScoreNotes
#ONINPUT "sstStatInput" {^stat$} {
#T+ statTrigger
#T+ ScoreStatTime|CharacterNotes|StatNotes
#ONINPUT "sstTimeInput" {^{ti|tim|time}$} {
#T+ timeTrigger
#T+ ScoreStatTime|CharacterNotes|TimeNotes
#EVENT OnConnect {
#T+ sstWelcomeTrigger
#T+ sstReconnectTrigger
#T+ sstAlreadyTrigger
#VAR eqNotesList {}
#VAR rentNotesList {}
#VAR rentNotesTemp {}
#VAR scoreNotesList {}
#VAR statNotesList {}
#VAR timeNotesList {}
#IF (%class(ScoreStatTime|%concat(sst,%char))=-1) {
#CLASS {ScoreStatTime|%concat(sst,%char)} {disable}
#VAR %concat(%char,AMPM) {}
#VAR %concat(%char,Month) {}
#VAR %concat(%char,Hour) {0}
#VAR %concat(%char,Day) {0}
#VAR %concat(%char,Year) {0}
} {
#T+ ScoreStatTime|%concat(sst,%char)
#EVENT eventSSTconnection {
#T- sstWelcomeTrigger
#T- sstReconnectTrigger
#T- sstAlreadyTrigger
#T+ scoreTrigger
#IF (@showEXP) {
#T+ scorePointsTrigger
} {
#T- scorePointsTrigger
#T+ statTrigger
#T+ timeTrigger
#T+ ScoreStatTime|CharacterNotes|TimeNotes
#VAR timePastAMPM {%expand(%concat("@",%char,AMPM))} {_nodef} {ScoreStatTime}
#VAR timePastMonth {%expand(%concat("@",%char,Month))} {_nodef} {ScoreStatTime}
#VAR timePastHour {%expand(%concat("@",%char,Hour))} {_nodef} {ScoreStatTime}
#VAR timePastDay {%expand(%concat("@",%char,Day))} {_nodef} {ScoreStatTime}
#VAR timePastYear {%expand(%concat("@",%char,Year))} {_nodef} {ScoreStatTime}
#SENDRAW {score}
#SENDRAW {stat}
#SENDRAW {time}
#EVENT eventTimeDisconnect {
#T+ timeTrigger
#T+ ScoreStatTime|CharacterNotes|TimeNotes
#VAR showTimeMessage 0
#VAR showTimeDisconnect 1
#TEMP "disconnectTEMP" {^Forums: * Wiki: * Web client: *$} {
#VAR %concat(%char,AMPM) {@timeAMPM} {_nodef} {ScoreStatTime|%concat(sst,%char)}
#VAR %concat(%char,Month) {@timeMonth} {_nodef} {ScoreStatTime|%concat(sst,%char)}
#VAR %concat(%char,Hour) {@timeHour} {_nodef} {ScoreStatTime|%concat(sst,%char)}
#VAR %concat(%char,Day) {@timeDay} {_nodef} {ScoreStatTime|%concat(sst,%char)}
#VAR %concat(%char,Year) {@timeYear} {_nodef} {ScoreStatTime|%concat(sst,%char)}
} "ScoreStatTime" {case}
#SENDRAW {time}
#ALIAS linkless {
#TEMP "linklessTEMP" {^~(Server: * EST, *~)$} {
#RAISE eventRentNotes
#RAISE eventCharacterNotes
} "ScoreStatTime" {case}
#RAISE eventTimeDisconnect
#CLASS {ScoreStatTime|CharacterNotes}
#VAR eqNotesList {}
#VAR rentNotesList {}
#VAR rentNotesTemp {}
#VAR scoreNotesList {}
#VAR statNotesList {}
#VAR timeNotesList {}
#TRIGGER "eqNotesTrigger" {You are using:$} {
#T+ ScoreStatTime|CharacterNotes|EquipmentNotes
#VAR eqNotesList {}
} "" {case}
#EVENT eventCharacterNotes {
#CALL {%charnotes(@timeDeleteReroll)}
#CALL {%charcomment("Rent location: "%roomname() %crlf)}
#CALL {%charcomment(%replace(@scoreNoteslist,"|",%lf) %crlf)}
#CALL {%charcomment(%replace(@statNotesList,"|",%lf) %crlf)}
#CALL {%charcomment(%replace(@timeNotesList,"|",%lf) %crlf)}
#CALL {%charcomment(%replace(@eqNotesList,"|",%lf) %crlf)}
#CALL {%charcomment(%replace(@rentNotesList,"|",%lf) %crlf)}
#EVENT eventCharacterQuit {
#CALL {%charnotes(@timeDeleteReroll)}
#CALL {%charcomment("Quit location: "%roomname() %crlf)}
#CALL {%charcomment(%replace(@scoreNoteslist,"|",%lf) %crlf)}
#CALL {%charcomment(%replace(@statNotesList,"|",%lf) %crlf)}
#CALL {%charcomment(%replace(@timeNotesList,"|",%lf) %crlf)}
#CALL {%charcomment(Equipment notes for %char were deleted due to using the quit command! %crlf)}
#CALL {%charcomment(%replace(@rentNotesList,"|",%lf) %crlf)}
#EVENT eventRentNotes {
#VAR rentNotesList {-----Rent Contents for %char-----}
#LOOP 1,%numitems(@rentKey) {
#VAR rentNotesTemp %item(@rentKey,%i)
#IF (%numitems(%expand(%concat("@",%char,@rentNotesTemp)))) {
#ADDITEM rentNotesList {%crlf %item(@rentZone,%i) - %item(@rentName,%i)}
#LOOP 1,%numitems(%expand(%concat("@",%char,@rentNotesTemp))) {
#VAR rentNotesList {%additem(%item(%expand(%concat("@",%char,@rentNotesTemp)),%j),@rentNotesList)}
#CLASS {ScoreStatTime|CharacterNotes|ScoreNotes} {enable}
#TRIGGER "scoreNote1" {(You have %d~(%d~) hit*movement points.)$} {
#VAR scoreNotesList {}
#VAR scoreNotesList %additem(%1,@scoreNotesList)
} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "scoreNote2" {^(You have scored %d experience points and %d quest points.)$} {#VAR scoreNotesList %additem(%1,@scoreNotesList)} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "scoreNote3" {^(You need %d exp to *.)$} {#VAR scoreNotesList %additem(%1,@scoreNotesList)} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "scoreNote4" {^(You have acquired %d alt qps to date.)$} {#VAR scoreNotesList %additem(%1,@scoreNotesList)} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "scoreNote5" {^(You have amassed %d Turn points to date.)$} {#VAR scoreNotesList %additem(%1,@scoreNotesList)} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "scoreNote6" {^(You have played %d days and %d hours ~(real time~).)$} {#VAR scoreNotesList %additem(%1,@scoreNotesList)} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "scoreNote7" {^(This ranks you as [A-Z]%w * ~(Level %d~).)$} {
#T- ScoreStatTime|CharacterNotes|ScoreNotes
#VAR scoreNotesList %additem(%1,@scoreNotesList)
} "" {case}
#CLASS {ScoreStatTime|CharacterNotes|StatNotes} {enable}
#TRIGGER "statNote1" {(You are a %d year old *.)$} {
#VAR statNotesList {}
#VAR statNotesList %additem(%1,@statNotesList)
} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "statNote2" {^(Your height is %d feet, %d inches, and you weigh * lbs.*)$} {#VAR statNotesList %additem(%1,@statNotesList)} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "statNote3" {^(You are carrying * lbs and wearing * lbs, *.*)$} {#VAR statNotesList %additem(%1,@statNotesList)} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "statNote4" {^(Your base abilities are: Str:%d Int:%d Wil:%d Dex:%d Con:%d*.*)$} {#VAR statNotesList %additem(%1,@statNotesList)} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "statNote5" {^(Offensive bonus: %d, Dodging bonus: %d, Parrying bonus: *)$} {#VAR statNotesList %additem(%1,@statNotesList)} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "statNote6" {^(Your mood is: %w. You will flee below: %d Hit Points)$} {#VAR statNotesList %additem(%1,@statNotesList)} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "statNote7" {^(Your posture is: %w.)$} {#VAR statNotesList %additem(%1,@statNotesList)} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "statNote8" {^(You are wanted by:*)$} {#VAR statNotesList %additem(%1,@statNotesList)} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "statNote9" {^(Your armor absorbs about * on average.)$} {
#T- ScoreStatTime|CharacterNotes|StatNotes
#VAR statNotesList %additem(%1,@statNotesList)
} "" {case}
#CLASS {ScoreStatTime|CharacterNotes|TimeNotes} {enable}
#TRIGGER "timeNote1" {(It is * day of the month of %w, year %d.)$} {
#VAR timeNotesList {}
#VAR timeNotesList %additem(%1,@timeNotesList)
} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "timeNote2" {^(~(Server: * EST, *~))$} {
#T- {ScoreStatTime|CharacterNotes|TimeNotes}
#VAR timeNotesList %additem(%1,@timeNotesList)
} "" {case}
#CLASS {ScoreStatTime|CharacterNotes|EquipmentNotes}
#TRIGGER "eqNote1" {^(~<used as light>*)$} {#VAR eqNotesList %additem(%1,@eqNotesList)} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "eqNote2" {^(~<held>*)$} {#VAR eqNotesList %additem(%1,@eqNotesList)} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "eqNote3" {^(~<worn on finger>*)$} {#VAR eqNotesList %additem(%1,@eqNotesList)} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "eqNote4" {^(~<worn on head>*)$} {#VAR eqNotesList %additem(%1,@eqNotesList)} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "eqNote5" {^(~<worn around neck>*)$} {#VAR eqNotesList %additem(%1,@eqNotesList)} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "eqNote6" {^(~<worn on body>*)$} {#VAR eqNotesList %additem(%1,@eqNotesList)} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "eqNote7" {^(~<worn about body>*)$} {#VAR eqNotesList %additem(%1,@eqNotesList)} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "eqNote8" {^(~<slung on back>*)$} {#VAR eqNotesList %additem(%1,@eqNotesList)} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "eqNote9" {^(~<worn on arms>*)$} {#VAR eqNotesList %additem(%1,@eqNotesList)} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "eqNote10" {^(~<worn on hands>*)$} {#VAR eqNotesList %additem(%1,@eqNotesList)} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "eqNote11" {^(~<worn around wrist>*)$} {#VAR eqNotesList %additem(%1,@eqNotesList)} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "eqNote12" {^(~<worn as shield>*)$} {#VAR eqNotesList %additem(%1,@eqNotesList)} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "eqNote13" {^(~<wielded>*)$} {#VAR eqNotesList %additem(%1,@eqNotesList)} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "eqNote14" {^(~<wielded two-handed>*)$} {#VAR eqNotesList %additem(%1,@eqNotesList)} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "eqNote15" {^(~<worn about waist>*)$} {#VAR eqNotesList %additem(%1,@eqNotesList)} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "eqNote16" {^(~<worn on belt>*)$} {#VAR eqNotesList %additem(%1,@eqNotesList)} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "eqNote17" {^(~<worn on legs>*)$} {#VAR eqNotesList %additem(%1,@eqNotesList)} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "eqNote18" {^(~<worn on feet>*)$} {#VAR eqNotesList %additem(%1,@eqNotesList)} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "eqNotesPrompt" {^{o|*} * >} {
#T- ScoreStatTime|CharacterNotes|EquipmentNotes
} "" {nocr|prompt}