Weaves ... someones hates it, someone likes it.
It required a lot of tests to reveal its damage and dependencies.
Notice to weaves:
Fails of weaves depends only on weave pracs.
All damage weaves ignores abs and defense of opponent.
Damage of weaves does not depend on weave pracs.
Masters has master bonus (2d5) to damage weaves.
Conclusions are first, tables with results are last. Damage is close to results.
1) Ice spike
Damage depends on temperature. Wind/Rain/Snow has no affect on it.
t:0-55, 8d16
t:60-65, 8d9
t:70-95, 8d7
2) Hailstorm
Damage depends on temperature. Wind/Rain/Snow has no affect on it.
t:0-75, 15d3
t:80-95, 11d3
3) Flame Strike
Damage is independed on anything.
t:0-95, 9d6
4) Fireball
Damage depends on temperature, Wind has no affect on it, Rain/Snow lowers its damage.
Damage(without rain/snow):
t:0-15, 15d3
t:20-25, 13d4
t:30-35, 12d6
t:40-95, 8d16
Damage(with rain/snow):
t:0-15, 9d4
t:20-25, no data
t:30-35, no data
t:40-90, few results ~8d15
t:95, fireball does not fizzle, but no tests yet
6) Hammer of Air
Damage is independed on anything. Bash effect wind dependency is under tests still.
t:0-95, 9d5
P.S. (03.09.2017)
Sorry, i'm still thinking how to write tables to undestand why i wrote about damage. Too many data ...