Type helpTargetMacro to view macro help file in client.
Type helpTargetCrossRace to view crossRace help file in client.
Type helpTargetWanted to view wanted help file in client.
Direct download: TargetCMUD.txt
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
#CLASS {Taunt}
#ALIAS helpTaunt {
#PRINT {%crlf <C dodgerblue>-----Taunt Help File-----</C>}
#PRINT { <C dodgerblue>[Updated: 8/29/2019]</C>}
#PRINT { Type <C dodgerblue>channelTaunt <channel></C> to change the channel used to give taunts/curses.}
#PRINT { Note: channel options are [chat|narrate|say|yell]}
#PRINT { Current channel: <C dodgerblue>%proper(@tauntChannel)</C>}
#PRINT { Type <C dodgerblue>curse <channel></C> to send a random curse to a specific channel.}
#PRINT { Note: <channel> is optional, curse alone will default to say command.}
#PRINT { Example: curse chat [sends a random curse to the chat channel]}
#PRINT { Curse List: (randomly selected when using the <C dodgerblue>curse</C> command.)}
#PRINT { Note: Curses are non-targetted, explitives from the Wheel of Time series.}
#PRINT { 1. Blood and ashes!}
#PRINT { 2. Burn me!}
#PRINT { 3. Mother's milk in a cup!}
#PRINT { 4. Burn you!}
#PRINT { 5. Flaming goat-kissing woolhead!}
#PRINT { 6. Blood and bloody ashes!}
#PRINT { 7. The Dark One's own luck!}
#PRINT { 8. Wool-headed lummox!}
#PRINT { 9. Light-blinded fool!}
#PRINT { Type <C dodgerblue>taunt</C> to taunt whoever you are currently engaged in combat.}
#PRINT { Note: works for both PC and mobs based on mud prompt.}
#PRINT { Taunt List: (randomly selected when using the <C dodgerblue>taunt</C> command)}
#PRINT { 1. You <Name>!!! Will die before your time!!}
#PRINT { 2. Burn me! <Name> you smell like a Tairen!}
#PRINT { 3. Mother's milk in a cup! <Name> is ugly.}
#PRINT { 4. Blood and bloody ashes <Name>, you stink!}
#PRINT { 5. Flaming <Name> is an ill-tempered chit!}
#PRINT { 6. Oh sheep swallop! Nothing but sheep swallop and bloody buttered onions for you <Name>!}
#PRINT { 7. <Name> is a wool-headed idiot!}
#PRINT { 8. <Name> you are a milk-hearted, light-forsaken lummox!}
#PRINT { 9. If you weren't such a light-blinded fool <Name>...}
#ALIAS channelTaunt {
#IF (%null(%1)) {
#PRINT {%crlf Usage: <C dodgerblue>channelTaunt <channel></C> [chat|narrate|say|yell]}
} {
#VAR tauntChannel %1
#PRINT {%crlf Taunt channel set to: <C dodgerblue>%proper(@tauntChannel)</C>}
#ALIAS curse {
#IF (%null(%1)) {
#SENDRAW {@tauntChannel %expand(%concat("@",curse,%random(1,9)))}
} {
#SEND {%1 %expand(%concat("@",curse,%random(1,9)))}
#ALIAS taunt {
#T+ tauntAssistPrompt
#T+ tauntNamePrompt
#T+ tauntNoPrompt
#PRINT {You begin to prepare your taunt...}
#VAR curse1 "Blood and ashes!"
#VAR curse2 "Burn me!"
#VAR curse3 "Mother's milk in a cup!"
#VAR curse4 "Burn you!"
#VAR curse5 "Flaming goat-kissing woolhead!"
#VAR curse6 "Blood and bloody ashes!"
#VAR curse7 "The Dark One's own luck!"
#VAR curse8 "Wool-headed lummox!"
#VAR curse9 "Light-blinded fool!"
#VAR tauntChannel say
#VAR tauntName {}
#VAR taunt1 "You %proper(@tauntName)!!! Will die before your time!!"
#VAR taunt2 "Burn me! %proper(@tauntName) you smell like a Tairen!!"
#VAR taunt3 "Mother's milk in a cup! %proper(@tauntName) is ugly."
#VAR taunt4 "Blood and bloody ashes %proper(@tauntName), you stink!"
#VAR taunt5 "Flaming %proper(@tauntName) is an ill-tempered chit!"
#VAR taunt6 "Oh sheep swallop! Nothing but sheep swallop and bloody buttered onions for %proper(@tauntName)!"
#VAR taunt7 "%proper(@tauntName) is a wool-headed idiot!"
#VAR taunt8 "%proper(@tauntName) you are a milk-hearted, light-forsaken lummox!"
#VAR taunt9 "If you weren't such a light-blinded fool %proper(@tauntName)..."
#TRIGGER "tauntNamePrompt" {^{o|*} * - (*): [A-Z]%w >} {
#RAISE eventTaunt {%1}
} "" {case|disable|nocr|prompt}
#TRIGGER "tauntAssistPrompt" {^{o|*} * - *: %w - (*): [A-Z]%w >} {
#RAISE eventTaunt {%1}
} "" {case|disable|nocr|prompt}
#TRIGGER "tauntNoPrompt" {^{o|*}*HP:* MV:%w >} {
#RAISE eventTauntFailed
} "" {case|disable|nocr|prompt}
#EVENT eventTaunt {
#T- tauntAssistPrompt
#T- tauntNamePrompt
#T- tauntNoPrompt
#IF (%begins(%1,"a ")) {
#VAR tauntName {%remove("a ",%1)}
} {
#IF (%begins(%1,"an ")) {
#VAR tauntName {%remove("an ",%1)}
} {
#IF (%begins(%1,"the ")) {
#VAR tauntName {%remove("the ",%1)}
} {
#VAR tauntName {%1}
#SENDRAW {@tauntChannel %expand(%concat("@",taunt,%random(1,9)))}
#VAR tauntName {}
#EVENT eventTauntFailed {
#T- tauntAssistPrompt
#T- tauntNamePrompt
#T- tauntNoPrompt
#PRINT {You are not in a position to taunt anyone! (not engaged in combat)}
#VAR tauntName {}
Code: Select all
#CLASS {Timing}
#ALIAS helpTiming {
#PRINT {%crlf <C dodgerblue>-----Timing Help File-----</C>}
#PRINT { <C dodgerblue>[Update:9/1/2019]</C>}
#PRINT { Set timing on login by forcing mud to show tic emote message.}
#PRINT { Note: 4 flees will give a "calms" message on next tic}
#PRINT { <C white green> Timer now at %d secs. </C> is a registered tic notification.}
#PRINT { <C white dodgerblue> Timer now at %d secs. </C> is an estimated tic notification.}
#PRINT { Type <C dodgerblue>toggleTimer</C> to turn the estimated tics message ON/OFF. }
#PRINT { Estimated timer is currently: <C dodgerblue>%if(@showEstimatedTic,ON,OFF)</C>}
#PRINT { Type <C dodgerblue>ticData</C> to view tic statistics.}
#ALIAS ticData {
#IF (%null(@timingList)) {
#PRINT {%crlf Sorry, insufficient tic data gathered...}
#PRINT {%lf Note: flee 2-4 times for 2 consecutive tics.}
#PRINT {%lf This will give consecutive calms messages to accurately create data.}
} {
#PRINT {%crlf Minimum tic time: <C dodgerblue>%min(@timingList) seconds</C>}
#PRINT {%lf Average tic time: <C dodgerblue>%copy(%eval(%float(%eval(%replace(@timingList,|,+)))/%numitems(@timingList)),1,5) seconds</C>}
#PRINT {%lf Maximum tic time: <C dodgerblue>%max(@timingList) seconds</C>}
#PRINT {%lf Total number of consecutive recorded tics: <C dodgerblue>%eval(%numitems(@timingList)-1)</C>}
#ALIAS toggleTimer {
#IF (@showEstimatedTic) {
#VAR showEstimatedTic 0
#PRINT {%crlf Estimated tic is now: <C dodgerblue>OFF</C>}
} {
#VAR showEstimatedTic 1
#PRINT {%crlf Estimated tic is now: <C dodgerblue>ON</C>}
#EVENT eventAlarmPulse {
#T- eventMobPulse
#ALARM "alarmMobPulse" {11} {
#RAISE eventAlarmPulse
} "Timing"
#IF (@timingPulse=50) {
#VAR timingTic 0
#VAR timingPulse 0
#IF (%null(@timingAverage)) {
#TSET 62
} {
#TSET %eval(@timingAverage+2)
#ALARM "alarmMobPulse" {13} {
#RAISE eventAlarmPulse
} "Timing"
} {
#IF (@timingPulse=40) {
#T+ Timing|TicZonePatterns
#VAR timingPulse (@timingPulse+10)
#ALARM "alarmPulseTic" {+3} {
#T+ eventMobPulse
#T+ eventTimingTic
} "Timing"
#EVENT eventMobPulse {
#T- eventMobPulse
#ALARM "alarmMobPulse" {11} {
#RAISE eventAlarmPulse
} "Timing"
#IF (@timingPulse=50) {
#RAISE eventTimingTic
} {
#IF (@timingPulse=40) {
#T+ Timing|TicZonePatterns
#VAR timingPulse (@timingPulse+10)
#ALARM "alarmPulseTic" {+3} {
#T+ eventMobPulse
#T+ eventTimingTic
} "Timing"
#EVENT eventTimingTic {
#T- eventTimingTic
#T- eventMobPulse
#T- Timing|TicZonePatterns
#VAR timingTic 1
#VAR timingPulse 0
#IF (%null(@timingAverage)) {
#TSET 62
} {
#TSET @timingAverage
#ALARM "alarmMobPulse" {12} {
#RAISE eventAlarmPulse
} "Timing"
#ALARM "alarmPulseTic" {+3} {
#T+ eventMobPulse
#T+ eventTimingTic
} "Timing"
#EVENT onConnect {
#ALARM "alarmMobPulse" {180} {
#RAISE eventAlarmPulse
} "Timing"
#EVENT onDisconnect {
#SUSPEND alarmMobPulse
#VAR showEstimatedTic 1
#VAR timingAverage {} {}
#VAR timingConnection {0} {0}
#VAR timingConnection2 {0} {0}
#VAR timingLength {}
#VAR timingList {} {}
#VAR timingMob {}
#VAR timingPet {}
#VAR timingPulse {}
#VAR timingShadow {a crow|a flock of crows|a rat|a raven|a red-eyed raven}
#VAR timingTic {1}
#TRIGGER "timingTimerTrigger" {(Timer now at %d secs.)$} {
#RAISE eventOnTic
#IF (@timingTic) {
#SUB { %1 }
#CW {white,green}
#VAR timingConnection %ctime
#VAR timingLength (@timingConnection-@timingConnection2)
#VAR timingConnection2 %ctime
#IF (@timingLength<70 AND @timingLength>59) {
#VAR timingList %additem(@timingLength,@timingList)
#VAR timingAverage %copy(%eval(%float(%eval(%replace(@timingList,"|","+")))/%numitems(@timingList)),1,2)
} {}
} {
#IF (@showEstimatedTic) {
#SUB { %1 }
#CW {white,dodgerblue}
} {
#PSUB {} %x1
#TRIGGER "timingCrossArrived" {^~*([A-Z]%w)~* has arrived from {above|below|the east|the north|the south|the west}} {
#T- timingMobArrived
#T+ timingPrompt
} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "timingPCArrived" {^[A-Z]%w has arrived from {above|below|the east|the north|the south|the west}} {
#T- timingMobArrived
#T+ timingPrompt
} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "timingMobArrived" {^({A|An|The} *) has arrived from {above|below|the east|the north|the south|the west}} {
#IF (%ismember(%lower(%1),@timingPet) OR %lower(%1)=@timingMob OR %ismember(%lower(%1),@timingShadow)) {
#T- timingMobArrived
#T+ timingPrompt
} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "timingCrossLeaves" {^~*([A-Z]%w)~* leaves {down|east|north|south|west|up}} {
#T- timingMobLeaves
#T+ timingPrompt
} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "timingPCLeaves" {^[A-Z]%w leaves {down|east|north|south|west|up}} {
#T- timingMobLeaves
#T+ timingPrompt
} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "timingMobLeaves" {^({A|An|The} *) leaves {down|east|north|south|west|up}} {
#IF (%ismember(%lower(%1),@timingPet) OR %ismember(%lower(%1),@timingShadow)) {
#T- timingMobLeaves
#T+ timingPrompt
} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "timingMobLead" {({A|An|The} *) starts following you.$} {
#ADDITEM timingPet %lower(%1)
} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "timingMobStop" {({A|An|The} *) stops following you.$} {
#DELITEM timingPet %lower(%1)
} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "timingMobHate" {({A|An|The} *) hates your guts!$} {
#DELITEM timingPet %lower(%1)
} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "timingMobDisband" {You have disbanded the group.$} {
#VAR timingPet {}
} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "timingMobDisband" {You are currently working solo.$} {
#VAR timingPet {}
} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "timingMobGroup" {Your group consists of:$} {
#T+ timingGroupList
#T+ timingPrompt
} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "timingGroupList" {^([a-z]*)$} {
#ADDITEM timingPet %lower(%1)
} "" {case|disable}
#TRIGGER "timingFlyHigher" {^{A|An|The} * flaps {his|her|its} wings and flies high into the sky.$} {
#RAISE eventMobPulse
} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "timingFlyLower" {^{A|An|The} * is flying much lower now...$} {
#RAISE eventMobPulse
} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "timingMobLanding" {^{A|An|The} * flaps {his|her|its} wings as {he|she|it} comes in to land nearby.$} {
#RAISE eventMobPulse
} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "timingMobStand" {^{A|An|The} * clambers to * feet.$} {
#RAISE eventMobPulse
} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "timingMobStand" {^{A|An|The} * sniffs the ground...$} {
#RAISE eventMobPulse
} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "timingPrompt" {^{o|*} * >} {
#T- timingPrompt
#IF (%class(timingGroupList)) {
#T- timingGroupList
} {
#IF (%class(timingMobLeaves)=0 OR %class(timingMobArrived)=0) {
#T+ timingMobLeaves
#T+ timingMobArrived
} {
#RAISE eventMobPulse
} "" {disable|nocr|prompt}
#TRIGGER "timingNamePrompt" {^{o|*} * - ([a-z]*): [A-Z]%w >} {
#IF (%1=@timingMob) {} {#VAR timingMob {%1}}
} "" {case|nocr|prompt}
#TRIGGER "timingAssistPrompt" {^{o|*} * - *: %w - ([a-z]*): [A-Z]%w >} {
#IF (%1=@timingMob) {} {#VAR timingMob {%1}}
} "" {case|nocr|prompt}
#TRIGGER "timingRankTrigger" {^This ranks you as } {
#T- timingHungryTrigger
#T- timingThirstyTrigger
#T+ timingRanksPrompt
} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "timingRanksPrompt" {^{*|o} * >} {
#T- timingRanksPrompt
#T+ timingHungryTrigger
#T+ timingThirstyTrigger
} "" {case|disable|nocr|prompt}
#TRIGGER "timingHungryTrigger" {You are hungry.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "timingThirstyTrigger" {You are thirsty.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#CLASS {Timing|TicPatterns}
#VAR timingFeelList {better|less paranoid|less sure of yourself|parched from the hot weather|the blindness fade|your extra strength fading|your limbs are now responding again}
#TRIGGER {^A glowing portal fades from existence.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^As you watch * seems to melt into the background, vanishing.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The Wheel of Time {spins between|turns towards} the} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The ancient greatsword, Justice {begins to|stops} {glow|glowing}...$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The corpse of * has decayed into a pile of dust.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The flows holding the light ball have dissipated.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The {day|night} has begun.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^You breathe easier again as the cold sweats have faded.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^You feel {@timingFeelList}.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^You have been idle, and are pulled into a void.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^You move slightly, settling your cloak into position.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^You suddenly feel less protected.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Your %w aura has faded.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Your ears seem to be all cleared up.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Your extra burst of stamina fades.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Your eyes feel less protected.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Your heartbeat {calms|races} *.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^[A-Z]%w disappears into the void.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^[A-Z]* begins to dim a little.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^[A-Z]* has gone out!$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^[A-Z]* is about to go out!$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^[A-Z]* is definitely fading.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#CLASS {Timing|TicZonePatterns} {disable}
#TRIGGER {^A ball of red light rises slowly from the edge of the grassland, bringing light to the savannah.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^A blanket of heat covers the land as the sun rises.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^A bright orange sun rises above the morning fog.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^A brilliant light spreads across the grassland.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^A calm descends over the fort as night falls.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^A chill breeze cuts through you as the sun sinks below the hills.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^A deep orange sunset heralds the end of the day.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^A dim orange glow spills over the land as the sun rises to the east.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^A dismal light is cast across Shayol Ghul with the rising of the sun.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^A dismal light is cast with the rising of the sun.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^A dull light is cast through the sickly trees as the sun rises.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^A feeble light casts shadows across the ruined landscape.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^A gloomy light is cast across the twisted landscape.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^A harsh light emerges as the sun rises.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^A light, airy blue through the trees heralds the sunrise.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^A rainbow of colors springs to life above the hills.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^A red sun rises in the east, coloring the forest in shades of red and gold.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^A shadow is cast over the land as the sun vanishes beyond Garen's Wall.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^A sickly reddish glow spreads over the world as the sun returns.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^A warm glow bathes the Illian road in a bright light.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^A warm glow is cast by the rising sun.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^A yellow glow from above descends beneath black spires.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Amidst soft colors the sun rises above the mountains in the east.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^An eerie howl breaks the silence as the sun slowly sets below the horizon.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^An orange glow covers the grassland as the sun slowly sinks into the horizon.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^An orange hue paints the sky as the setting sun glints off the Aryth Ocean.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^As a glorious ball of brightly minted gold, the sun rises in the east.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^As if by a painter's brush, the sun sets in a sky of violet, red, and blue.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^As the night falls the cool of night refreshes the land.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^As the sky burns in shades of fuchsia and gold the sun sets in the west.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^As the sun dips below the horizon, the sounds of the forest take over.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^As the sun lowers beneath the horizon, a gloomy darkness descends on the long road.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^As the sun sets in the west, darkness descends on the forest.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^As the sun sets over the Fortress of Light, torches blaze to bring the Light again.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^As the sun sets, its rays fall blindingly on the Sea of Storms.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^As the sun sets, the nocturnal sounds of the forest take over.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^As the sun starts to set, the sounds of the night take over.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Birds begin to chatter as the sun rises.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Birds chirp merrily as the sun rises in the east.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Black peaks create looming shadows as the sun drops beneath the horizon.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Casting jagged shadows, the sun rises over the Mountains of Mist.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Colorful birds chirp happily as the sun rises out of the eastern seas.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Creatures begin to stir among the grass as the sun rises in the east.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Dank shadows shroud the trees, the sun dipping beneath the horizon.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Dapples of sunlight fall onto the forest floor.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Darkness covers the land, hiding the corruption of the Blight.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Darkness descends on the land.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Darkness descends upon the Spine of the World with the setting of the sun.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Darkness embraces the land once again.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Darkness engulfs the terrain as the sun disappears behind the black mountains$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Darkness falls across the road.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Darkness falls, casting pitch black shadows.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Darkness fills the Blight as the sun sets.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Darkness flees as the sun rises.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Darkness gently falls as the sun slips behind the rolling hills.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Darkness sets in as day turns to night.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Darkness settles on the land with the setting of the sun.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Darkness shrouds the island as the sun dips below the edge of the horizon.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Darkness spreads across the Spine of the World as the sun sets in the west.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Dawn breaks, painting the sky with pink and amber hues.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Dawn glints through the leaves of Stedding Tsochan.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Dawn heralds another storm on the horizon.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Day breaks over the hills.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Daylight breaches the foliage overhead.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Dew settles on the grasslands as darkness descends.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Dew settles on the ground as the sun sets west of the mountains.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Dusk approaches, bringing glorious darkness upon the land.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Dusk gathers like a cloud over Stedding Tsochan.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Ebbing red and gold, the sun slowly sinks beneath the horizon.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Everything becomes a little darker.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Gilded rooftops shimmer as the sun rises above the Tower of Morning.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Gloomy light is cast through the dark skies as the sun rises.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Gnarled trees cast jagged shadows as the sun drops beneath the horizon.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Golden rays of morning sun peak from behind the horizon.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Golden rays of sunshine peek over the hills of the surrounding countryside.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Golden rays of the sunshine peek over the treetops to the east.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Heatwaves shimmer as the blistering sun arcs into the sky.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^In the west, the setting sun shows the dark silhouette of the Mountains of Mist.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Light begins to peak from behind the hills.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Light breaks over the horizon through waves of heat as a new day begins.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Light fades as the red evening sun slowly drops below the horizon.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Light splashes across the sky as the sun rises above the rooftops of Emonds Field.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Long shadows are cast as the sun rises behind the mountains to the east.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Long shadows are cast throughout the forest as the sun slowly sets.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Long shadows rise along the hills as the sun sets.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Low deep bronze tones fill the air as a wind blows from the north.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Morning dew glitters in the days first sunrays.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Mountain peaks hide the sun as it sets in the west.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Night falls over the ruined city, casting eerie shadows.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Radiant hues permeate the horizon as the sun sinks in the west.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Rays of light spread over the grasslands, stirring animals to life.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Rays of the golden sun spreads over the rugged hills as the sun rises.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Ruddy amber hues streak across the vanishing horizon as night falls.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Scarlet and gold paint the sky as the sun sets in the west.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Shadows dance as the sun makes its way into the sky.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Shadows descend upon the land as the sun drops behind the hills to the west.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Shadows embrace the city as twilight falls over Seandar.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Shadows grow beneath the peaks as dusk arrives.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Shadows lengthen along Garen's Wall as the sun sets.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Shadows lengthen as the sun approaches the horizon.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Shadows lengthen as the sun gently sinks behind the horizon.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Shadows lengthen as the sun sets beyond the mountains.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Shadows thicken as the sun sets behind the mountains.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Soft rays of morning sun peak from behind the rolling hills.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Sparkles of light dance upon the sea as the sun rises.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Sparkling light draws a track toward the eastern horizon, heralding the sunrise.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The Dark One releases the sun to illuminate his minions.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The Dark One's hand covers the sun.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The Imperial Capital is bathed in a warm glow as the sun rises.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The White Tower is bathed in a reddish orange light as the sun sets.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The White Tower's spire gleams softly in the first light of a new day.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The air catches a chill as the sun falls below the horizon.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The area becomes extremely dark.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The blazing hot sun sinks beneath the horizon of the Waste.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The blazing sun fades into greyness behind the towers.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The blazing sun rises over the eastern horizon.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The blistering sun scorches the parched ground.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The blistering wind gusts with the first rays of dawn over the mountains.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The blood red sun disappears behind the mountains.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The blush of a new dawn replaces the darkness.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The blustery plains are lit up with the sunrise.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The boiling red sun slowly rises over the blighted lands.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The burning sun rises above the mountains to the east.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The burnished disk of the sun settles behind the spires of Tar Valon.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The clouds brooding above darken as the sun sets.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The clouds in the east burn pink and violet with the rising of the sun.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The darkness comes.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The darkness leaves.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The darkness turns to a bright haze as the sun breaks the horizon to the east.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The day breaks, and sunlight starts to stream down onto the jungle floor.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The day has begun.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The desert air begins to cool with the setting of the sun.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The dull red sun becomes visible over the high peaks.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The dust of the plains in the air turns golden with the falling hush of dusk.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The evening sun sinks behind the horizon.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The faint rosy hue finally fades away as the sun dips below the horizon.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The fiery colors of dawn settle into the forest with the rising sun.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The fires of the sun begin to extinguish as it disappears on the horizon.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The first light of dawn illuminates Tarwin's Gap.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The first light of morning glows in the eastern sky.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The first light of morning shines on Amador.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The first rays of dawn appear in the east.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The first rays of light peak across the waters of the great sea to the east.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The first rays of sun shine on the broken gorge.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The forest comes to life with the rising of the sun.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The forest comes to life with the song of the forest birds and the chattering of squirrels.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The glorious darkness is broken by the rising of the sun.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The glow of the morning sun filters through the cracks of Garen's Wall.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The golden rays of dawn slowly appear over the palace walls.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The golden sun breaches the horizon, burnished rays burning away the night.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The golden sun sinks down behind the rugged hills.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The hills are awash in shadows as the sun sinks in the west.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The hot sun rises above the hard, cracked ground.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The howls of wolves fill the air as the sun sets.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The last rays of light begin to fade into blackness.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The last rays of light burn red against the foothills.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The last rays of light disappear as the sun sets in the west.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The last rays of the red sun disappear below the sea of green grass to the west.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The last ships sail from the harbor as the sun dips below the Calpene Peninsula.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The light becomes a little brighter.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The light begins to filter through the trees.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The lilac blue of dawn begins to grace the sky from the east.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The night chases the sun over the edge of the world.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The night has begun.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The nocturnal sounds of the forest begin to rise as the sun sets in the west.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The orange disk of the sun sinks below the grassy horizon.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The orange glow of the sun decends below the horizon.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The orange sun slowly rises from the Sea of Storms.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The piercing rays of dawn peek above the eastern horizon.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The piercing rays of the sun streak across the morning sky.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The pink hues of dusk slowly descend over the palace towers.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The plains are covered in a harsh red light as the sun sinks below the horizon.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The plains grow dark and lonely with the day's end.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The rising sun announces another day.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The rising sun casts both warm light and long shadows across the mountains.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The rising sun colors the Westwood red and gold.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The setting sun casts a dim red glow throughout the forest.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The setting sun frames the famed blue dome of Far Madding.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The shadows lengthen as the sun sinks beyond the horizon.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The shrill call of a jungle bird breaks the silence as the sun rises.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sinking sun dips below the moss covered tree limbs.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sky brightens as the sun rises over the Tower of Morning.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sky darkens as the sun sets in the west.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sky glistens with beams of light as the sun rises over Tamika.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sky glows with subdued light as the sun dips below the horizon.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sky glows with the rising of the sun.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sky grows brighter as the sun peeks above the mountains.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sky is awash in a burst of burning gold and crimson glory as the sun sets.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sky is awash in shades of red and purple as the sun sinks behind the mountains.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sky is painted in shades of red and purple as the sun slowly descends.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sky turns orange and pink as the sun sinks into the Aryth Ocean.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sky turns red as a fiery sun sets in the west.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sky turns the color liquid gold as the sun sets beyond the plains.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sound of roosters crowing greets the rising sun.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun begins its journey to its peak in the sky.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun begins to cast an orange glow on the trees as it rises.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun breaks into view as it rises over the walls.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun breaks the darkness as it rises over the eastern peaks.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun bursts into the eastern skies.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun casts a dim glow across the barren hills.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun casts a dim light through dismal skies.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun casts a golden glow over the city.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun casts its dreary morning light through the hazy sky.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun casts its yellow light over the long road.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun casts rays of burnished gold over the Spine of the World.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun climbs above the eastern horizon, sparkling on the city and the sea.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun climbs slowly above the trees in the east.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun creeps up from below the black towering peaks.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun creeps up over the trees.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun crests over the towers of Mayene, flooding the city with light.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun crests the horizon and light breaks through the trees.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun crests the horizon lighting the sky afire.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun crests the peaks of the Dragonwall to the east.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun descends below the treeline.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun descends beyond the horizon.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun descends past the horizon, striking red fire through the fetid air.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun dips behind the mountains in the west, enveloping the land in shadow.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun drops below the flat horizon of the plains.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun drops below the walls of the keep.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun drops quickly in the west in a glory of color.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun falls behind the jagged snowy peaks.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun falls slowly behind the walls of the city.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun lowers beyond the trees, lengthening the shadows.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun lowers in the sky, covering the landscape in eery twilight.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun paints the sky as it sets.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun peeks above the mountains washing the prairie in a yellow glow.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun peeks across the scorched hills of Kandor.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun peeks over the Mountains of Mist.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun peeks over the eastern seas.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun peeks over the eastern wall of the city.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun peeks over the high watchtower of the keep.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun peeks over the topless towers of the city.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun peeks over the trees, heralding the dawn of a new day.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun peeks over the treetops, shedding light across the land.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun rises above the tops of the black mountains.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun rises from behind the distant Spine of the World.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun rises gloriously above the Menagerie.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun rises in the east above the Spine of the World.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun rises in the east breathing life into a new day.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun rises in the east.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun rises in the eastern sky, setting it afire with color.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun rises in the eastern sky.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun rises over the eastern hills.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun rises over the eastern walls of the castle.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun rises over the peaks of the Spine.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun rises over the water, sending it into glittering shards of clear light.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun rises slowly from behind the Mountains of Mist.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun rises through the lilac and gold tinged clouds in the east.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun rises, bathing the Fortress of Light in a wash of gold.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun rises, casting bright light to drive away the shadows.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun rises, casting light into the shadows.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun rises, cutting through the sharp profiles of rocky mountains.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun rises.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun sets behind the Spine of the World.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun sets behind the city's western wall.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun sets below the water, turning it into a blaze of glorious colors.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun sets in the west as a blaze of dark gold and bronzed red.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun sets in the western sky, throwing everything into twilight color.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun sets in the western sky.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun sets on the hazy western horizon.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun sets over fields of grain to the west.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun sets over the broken gorge.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun sets over the river.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun sets the plains afire as it rises in the east.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun sets with a vivid display of colors over the western sky.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun sets, allowing shadows to creep forward.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun sets, casting the streets into cool, violet shadows.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun sets, painting the skies over Seandar in a multitude of shades of red.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun sets, washing the city in fiery colors.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun sets.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun sinks behind the Spine of the World.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun sinks behind the Westwood to the west$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun sinks behind the towering trees.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun sinks behind the waving plains of grass in the west.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun sinks behind the western wall of the city.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun sinks below the western horizon.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun sinks into a cloudbank in the western sky.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun sinks into the hills.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun sinks over the sea to the west.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun sinks quietly beneath the western horizon.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun sinks slowly beneath the Aryth Ocean on the western horizon.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun sinks slowly beneath the rolling hills to the west.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun slides gently behind the Menagerie tent spires.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun slides out of sight behind the walls of the Keep.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun slips below the hills to the west.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun slips slowly below the city walls.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun slowly descends behind the hills.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun slowly disappears in the western horizon.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun slowly rises above the plains.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun slowly rises, casting a warm glow across the Saldaean fields.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun slowly sets over the castle walls to the west.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun slowly sets.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun slowly sinks behind the majestic towers of Mayene.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun slowly sinks in the west, casting long shadows across the city.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun starts to rise above the walls of the city.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun vanishes amongst the trees, letting night sweep the land.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun's blinding light is reflected in the lake's waters as it sets.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun's first rays touch the eastern slopes of Garen's Wall.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun's golden rays glisten over the Aryth ocean as it rises.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun's light fills the sky as it rises.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun's orange rays streak the landscape as it sets.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun's rays flash across the grass as it sets in the west.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sunlight sweeps across the plains with the dawn.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The symphony of bird song fills the air as the sun filters through the trees.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The tall towers above you shimmer brightly in the light of the rising sun.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The towers of the palace are painted in burning reds as the sun sets.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The twisted forestland darkens as the sun slowly sets.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The warmth of the morning sun heats the air.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The western horizon glows in shades of red and violet as the sun sets.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The western sky blazes in shades of red as the sun slowly sets.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The world is submerged into coolness as the sun sinks into the horizon.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Thin rays of sunlight pierce the sky over the marshes.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Unseen watchers howl as the sun hides behind the horizon.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Violet hues light the snow-capped peaks to the west as the sun dips below them.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Vivid colors flood the sky as the sun sets over the hills.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Warm golden light embraces the palace as the sun rises.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Weak daylight fades to black as the sun slowly sets.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Weak light is cast through the grove as the sun rises.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Weak sunlight strains to brighten this blighted wasteland as the sun rises.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
Code: Select all
#CLASS {Tracking}
#ALIAS helpTracking {
#PRINT {%crlf <C dodgerblue>-----Tracking Help File-----</C>}
#PRINT { <C dodgerblue>[Update:10/12/19]</C>}
#PRINT { Places directional characters around direction word to aid in quick visualization of tracks.}
#PRINT { Type <C dodgerblue>helpTrackColor</C> for track color specific commands list.}
#PRINT { Colors specific text in both auto track and manual track lines.}
#PRINT { Type <C dodgerblue>helpTrackCase</C> for caps specific commands list.}
#PRINT { Changes the upper and lower case of specific text in track lines.}
#ALIAS helpTrackColor {
#PRINT {%crlf -----Track Color Help File-----}
#PRINT { Type <C dodgerblue>trackColor <type> <color></C> to set color for specified track type.}
#PRINT { Note: trackColor entered without a type and color will display list of available types.}
#PRINT { Available types:}
#PRINT { <C dodgerblue> bloody</C> text color for bloody traces.}
#PRINT { <C dodgerblue> character</C> text color of symbols that encompass track direction}
#PRINT { <C dodgerblue> direction</C> text color of the cardinal directions {north|south|east|west|up|down}}
#PRINT { <C dodgerblue> dreadlord</C> text color when tracking a dreadlord.}
#PRINT { <C dodgerblue> human</C> text color when tracking a human.}
#PRINT { <C dodgerblue> mount</C> text color when tracking a ridden mount.}
#PRINT { <C dodgerblue> myrddraal</C> text color when tracking a myrddraal.}
#PRINT { <C dodgerblue> player</C> text color when tracking player names.}
#PRINT { <C dodgerblue> trolloc</C> text color when tracking a trolloc.}
#ALIAS helpTrackCase {
#PRINT {%crlf -----Track Case Help File-----}
#PRINT { Type <C dodgerblue>trackCase <type></C> to toggle the upper and lower cases for track types.}
#PRINT { Note: trackCase entered without a type will display list of available types.}
#PRINT { Available types:}
#PRINT { <C dodgerblue> bloody</C> toggle the upper and lower case of bloody traces.}
#PRINT { <C dodgerblue> direction</C> toggle the upper and lower case of the cardinal directions.}
#PRINT { <C dodgerblue> dreadlord</C> toggle the upper and lower case of dreadlord.}
#PRINT { <C dodgerblue> human</C> toggle the upper and lower case of human.}
#PRINT { <C dodgerblue> mount</C> toggle the upper and lower case of ridden mount.}
#PRINT { <C dodgerblue> myrddraal</C> toggle the upper and lower case of myrddraal.}
#PRINT { <C dodgerblue> player</C> toggle the upper and proper case of a players name.}
#PRINT { <C dodgerblue> trolloc</C> toggle the upper and lower case of trolloc.}
#ALIAS trackColor {
#IF (%null(%1)) {
#PRINT { Usage: <C dodgerblue>trackColor <type> <color></C>}
#PRINT { Available types:}
#PRINT { <C dodgerblue> bloody</C>}
#PRINT { <C dodgerblue> character</C>}
#PRINT { <C dodgerblue> direction</C>}
#PRINT { <C dodgerblue> dreadlord</C>}
#PRINT { <C dodgerblue> human</C>}
#PRINT { <C dodgerblue> mount</C>}
#PRINT { <C dodgerblue> myrddraal</C>}
#PRINT { <C dodgerblue> player</C>}
#PRINT { <C dodgerblue> trolloc</C>}
} {
#IF (%class(%concat(trackColor,%1))=-1) {
#PRINT {%1 is an invalid type selection...}
} {
#IF (%colorname(%2)=536870911 AND %color(%2)=0) {
#VAR %concat(trackColor,%1) {}
#PRINT { %2 is an invalid color. %concat(trackColor,%proper(%1)) variable cleared.}
} {
#IF (%len(%3)) {
#VAR %concat(trackColor,%1) {%concat(%2," ",%3)}
} {
#VAR %concat(trackColor,%1) {%2}
#PRINT {Color set: <C %eval(%concat("@",trackColor,%1))>%1</C>}
#ALIAS trackCase {
#IF (%null(%1)) {
#PRINT { Usage: trackCase <type>}
#PRINT { Available types:}
#PRINT { bloody}
#PRINT { direction}
#PRINT { dreadlord}
#PRINT { human}
#PRINT { mount}
#PRINT { myrddraal}
#PRINT { player}
#PRINT { trolloc}
} {
#IF (%class(%concat(trackCase,%1))=-1) {
#PRINT {%-1 is an invalid type selection...}
} {
#IF (%eval(%concat("@",trackCase,%1))) {
#VAR %concat("@",trackCase,%proper(%1)) {0} {_nodef} "Tracking"
} {
#VAR %concat("@",trackCase,%proper(%1)) {1} {_nodef} "Tracking"
#IF (%lower(%1)=bloody) {
#IF (@trackCaseBloody) {
#PRINT {BLOODY TRACES are now upper case.}
} {
#PRINT {bloody traces are now lower case.}
} {
#IF (%lower(%1)=direction) {
#IF (@trackCaseDirection) {
#PRINT {NORTH|EAST|SOUTH|WEST|UP|DOWN are now upper case.}
} {
#PRINT {north|east|south|west|up|down are now lower case.}
} {
#IF (%lower(%1)=mount) {
#IF (@trackCaseMount) {
#PRINT {RIDDEN MOUNT is now upper case.}
} {
#PRINT {ridden mount is now lower case.}
} {
#IF (%lower(%1)=player) {
#IF (@trackCasePlayer) {
#PRINT {PLAYER NAME is now upper case.}
} {
#PRINT {Player Name is now proper case.}
} {
#IF (%eval(%concat("@",trackCase,%1))) {
#PRINT {%upper(%1) is now upper case.}
} {
#PRINT {%lower(%1) is now lower case.}
#VAR trackCaseBloody {0}
#VAR trackCaseDirection {1}
#VAR trackCaseDreadlord {0}
#VAR trackCaseHuman {0}
#VAR trackCaseMount {0}
#VAR trackCaseMyrddraal {0}
#VAR trackCasePlayer {0}
#VAR trackCaseSeanchan {0}
#VAR trackCaseTrolloc {0}
#VAR trackCharacterDirectional {}
#VAR trackCharacterDown {--}
#VAR trackCharacterEast {>>}
#VAR trackCharacterNorth {^^}
#VAR trackCharacterSouth {vv}
#VAR trackCharacterUp {++}
#VAR trackCharacterWest {<<}
#VAR trackColorBloody {red}
#VAR trackColorCharacter {darkorchid}
#VAR trackColorDirection {steelblue}
#VAR trackColorDreadlord {firebrick}
#VAR trackColorHuman {steelblue}
#VAR trackColorMount {blue}
#VAR trackColorMyrddraal {firebrick}
#VAR trackColorPlayer {firebrick}
#VAR trackColorSeanchan {magenta}
#VAR trackColorTracks {}
#VAR trackColorTrolloc {red}
#VAR trackColorType {}
#VAR trackDirectionSub {}
#VAR trackManualTime {fresh|recent|fairly recent|almost day-old|day-old|two day-old|three day-old|half week-old|week-old}
#VAR trackManualType {obvious |clear ||faint |rather faint |very faint }
#VAR trackTracesSub {}
#VAR trackTypeList {dreadlord|human|myrddraal|ridden mount|trolloc}
#VAR trackTypeSub {}
#TRIGGER "trackExitsTrigger" {^~[ obvious exits: *~]$} {
#T+ trackAutoTrigger
#T+ trackAutoPrompt
} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "trackAutoPrompt" {{o|*} * > } {
#T- trackAutoPrompt
#T- trackAutoTrigger
} "" {case|disable|nocr|prompt}
#TRIGGER "trackAutoTrigger" {^There are some ({tracks|bloody traces}) of a ({@trackTypeList}) leaving (%w).$} {
#IF (%1=tracks) {
#VAR trackColorTracks {}
#VAR trackTracesSub {%1}
} {
#VAR trackColorTracks {@trackColorBloody}
#IF (@trackCaseBloody) {
#VAR trackTracesSub {%upper(%1)}
} {
#VAR trackTracesSub {%1}
#IF (%2=ridden mount) {
#IF (@trackCaseMount) {
#VAR trackTypeSub {RIDDEN MOUNT}
} {
#VAR trackTypeSub {ridden mount}
#VAR trackColorType {@trackColorMount}
} {
#IF (%eval(%concat("@",trackCase,%2))) {
#VAR trackTypeSub {%upper(%2)}
} {
#VAR trackTypeSub {%2}
#IF (%ismember(%2,@trackTypeList)) {
#VAR trackColorType (%expand(%concat("@",trackColor,%2)))
} {
#VAR trackColorType {}
#IF (@trackCaseDirection) {
#VAR trackDirectionSub {%upper(%3)}
} {
#VAR trackDirectionSub {%3}
#VAR trackCharacterDirectional (%expand(%concat("@",trackCharacter,%3)))
#SUB {There are some <C @trackColorTracks>@trackTracesSub</C> of a <C @trackColorType>@trackTypeSub</C> leaving <C @trackColorCharacter>@trackCharacterDirectional<C @trackColorDirection>@trackDirectionSub<C @trackColorCharacter>@trackCharacterDirectional</C>}
} "" {case|disable}
#ONINPUT {^{tr|tra|trac|track}$} {
#T+ Tracking|TrackManual
#T+ trackSomeTrigger
} "" {}
#CLASS {Tracking|TrackManual} {disable}
#TRIGGER {^Cancelled.$} {
#T- Tracking|TrackManual
} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^You could find no tracks at all.$} {
#T- Tracking|TrackManual
} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "trackSomeTrigger" {^Some} {
#T- trackSomeTrigger
#T+ trackManualPromptTrigger
} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {You can't track indoors or in cities.$} {
#T- Tracking|TrackManual
} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "trackManualPromptTrigger" {{o|*} * > } {
#T- trackManualPromptTrigger
#T- Tracking|TrackManual
} "" {case|disable|nocr|prompt}
#TRIGGER "trackBloodyTrigger" {^Some ({@trackManualType}{@trackManualTime}) bloody traces of a ([A-Z]%w) leaving (%w).$} {
#IF (@trackCaseBloody) {
#VAR trackTracesSub {BLOODY TRACES}
} {
#VAR trackTracesSub {bloody traces}
#IF (%eval(%concat("@",trackCase,%2))) {
#VAR trackTypeSub {%upper(%2)}
} {
#VAR trackTypeSub {%2}
#IF (%ismember(%2,@trackTypeList)) {
#VAR trackColorType (%expand(%concat("@",trackColor,%2)))
} {
#VAR trackColorType {}
#IF (@trackCaseDirection) {
#VAR trackDirectionSub {%upper(%3)}
} {
#VAR trackDirectionSub {%3}
#VAR trackCharacterDirectional (%expand(%concat("@",trackCharacter,%3)))
#SUB {Some %1 <C @trackColorBloody>@trackTracesSub</C> of a <C @trackColorType>@trackTypeSub</C> leaving <C @trackColorCharacter>@trackCharacterDirectional<C @trackColorDirection>@trackDirectionSub<C @trackColorCharacter>@trackCharacterDirectional</C>}
} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "trackPlayerTrigger" {^Some ({@trackManualType}{@trackManualTime} tracks of) ([A-Z]%w) leaving (%w).$} {
#IF (@trackCasePlayer) {
#VAR trackTypeSub {%upper(%2)}
} {
#VAR trackTypeSub {%2}
#IF (@trackCaseDirection) {
#VAR trackDirectionSub {%upper(%3)}
} {
#VAR trackDirectionSub {%3}
#VAR trackCharacterDirectional (%expand(%concat("@",trackCharacter,%3)))
#SUB {Some %1 <C @trackColorPlayer>@trackTypeSub</C> leaving <C @trackColorCharacter>@trackCharacterDirectional<C @trackColorDirection>@trackDirectionSub<C @trackColorCharacter>@trackCharacterDirectional</C>}
} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "trackRiddenTrigger" {^Some ({@trackManualType}{@trackManualTime} tracks of {a|an}) (*) ~(ridden~) leaving (%w).$} {
#IF (@trackCaseMount) {
#VAR trackTypeSub {%upper(%2)}
} {
#VAR trackTypeSub {%2}
#IF (@trackCaseDirection) {
#VAR trackDirectionSub {%upper(%3)}
} {
#VAR trackDirectionSub {%3}
#VAR trackCharacterDirectional (%expand(%concat("@",trackCharacter,%3)))
#SUB {Some %1 <C @trackColorMount>@trackTypeSub</C> (ridden) leaving <C @trackColorCharacter>@trackCharacterDirectional<C @trackColorDirection>@trackDirectionSub<C @trackColorCharacter>@trackCharacterDirectional</C>}
} "" {case}
Code: Select all
#CLASS {Treasury}
#ALIAS helpTreasury {
#PRINT {%crlf <C dodgerblue>-----Treasury Help File-----</C>}
#PRINT { <C dodgerblue>[Updated: 8/29/2019]</C>}
#PRINT { Type <C dodgerblue>withGold <amount> <name></C> to autowithdraw from clan coffer.}
#PRINT { Notes: only council can authorize withdrawl, use your character name in <name> field.}
#PRINT { Automatically rounds <amount> to the nearest amount divisable by 250. }
#ALIAS withGold {
#VAR goldAmount {}
#VAR goldCount 0
#VAR goldName {}
#IF (%null(%1)) {
#PRINT {%crlf Usage: <C dodgeblue>withGold <amount> <name></C>}
} {
#IF (%null(%2)) {
#PRINT {%crlf Who are you authorizing!?}
} {
#VAR goldAmount (%1/250)
#VAR goldName %lower(%2)
#PRINT {%crlf Withdrawing %eval(@goldAmount*250) gold crowns...}
#T+ goldAuthorize
#SEND {say authorize @goldName withdrawal}
#VAR goldAmount {}
#VAR goldName {}
#VAR goldCount {}
#TRIGGER "goldAuthorize" {A treasurer says 'I have recorded an authorizaton for withdrawal by %w.'} {
#T- goldAuthorize
#T+ goldGiven
#SEND {say withdraw coffer}
} "" {case|disable}
#TRIGGER "goldGiven" {A treasurer gives you 250 crowns.} {
#T- goldGiven
#VAR goldCount (@goldCount+1)
#IF (@goldAmount=@goldCount) {
#PRINT {%crlf %eval(@goldAmount*250) withdrawn from clan coffer.}
} {
#T+ goldAuthorize
#SEND {say authorize @goldName withdrawal}
} "" {case|disable}
Code: Select all
#CLASS {Vote}
#ALIAS helpVote {
#PRINT {%crlf <C dodgerblue>-----Vote Help File-----</C>}
#PRINT { <C dodgerblue>[Updated: 10/12/2019]</C>}
#PRINT { On connection Vote script detects if you have voted on Top Mud Sites}
#PRINT { in the last 12 hours, if not script will open WoTMUD vote page in browser.}
#VAR voteCurrentTime {}
#VAR voteTimeLastVote 0
#EVENT onConnection {
#VAR voteCurrentTime %eval((%time(hh)+(%time(dd)-1))*24)
#IF (%eval(@voteCurrentTime-@voteTimeLastVote)<0) {
#VAR voteTimeLastVote 0
#IF (%eval(@voteCurrentTime-@voteTimeLastVote)>12) {
#VAR voteTimeLastVote @voteCurrentTime
#URL http://www.topmudsites.com/vote-wotmud.html