House of Medakan cMUD Scripts

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Re: House of Medakan cMUD Scripts

Post by Taziar »

Type helpTarget to view help file in client.


Type helpTargetMacro to view macro help file in client.


Type helpTargetCrossRace to view crossRace help file in client.


Type helpTargetWanted to view wanted help file in client.



Direct download: TargetCMUD.txt
Last edited by Taziar on Fri Jun 05, 2020 4:07 pm, edited 3 times in total.
House of Medakan cMUD Scripts: Table of Contents

House of Medakan zMUD Scripts: Table of Contents
Posts: 157
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Location: Seattle

Re: House of Medakan cMUD Scripts

Post by Taziar »

Type helpTaunt to view help file in client.


Direct download: TauntCMUD.txt

Code: Select all

#CLASS {Taunt}
#ALIAS helpTaunt {
	#PRINT {%crlf <C dodgerblue>-----Taunt Help File-----</C>}
	#PRINT {    <C dodgerblue>[Updated: 8/29/2019]</C>}
	#PRINT {}
	#PRINT { Type <C dodgerblue>channelTaunt <channel></C> to change the channel used to give taunts/curses.}
	#PRINT {   Note: channel options are [chat|narrate|say|yell]}
	#PRINT {    Current channel: <C dodgerblue>%proper(@tauntChannel)</C>}
	#PRINT {}
	#PRINT { Type <C dodgerblue>curse <channel></C> to send a random curse to a specific channel.}
	#PRINT {  Note: <channel> is optional, curse alone will default to say command.}
	#PRINT {   Example: curse chat [sends a random curse to the chat channel]}
	#PRINT {}
	#PRINT { Curse List: (randomly selected when using the <C dodgerblue>curse</C> command.)}
	#PRINT {  Note: Curses are non-targetted, explitives from the Wheel of Time series.}
	#PRINT {   1.  Blood and ashes!}
	#PRINT {   2.  Burn me!}
	#PRINT {   3.  Mother's milk in a cup!}
	#PRINT {   4.  Burn you!}
	#PRINT {   5.  Flaming goat-kissing woolhead!}
	#PRINT {   6.  Blood and bloody ashes!}
	#PRINT {   7.  The Dark One's own luck!}
	#PRINT {   8.  Wool-headed lummox!}
	#PRINT {   9.  Light-blinded fool!}
	#PRINT {}
	#PRINT { Type <C dodgerblue>taunt</C> to taunt whoever you are currently engaged in combat.}
	#PRINT {   Note: works for both PC and mobs based on mud prompt.}
	#PRINT {}
	#PRINT {  Taunt List: (randomly selected when using the <C dodgerblue>taunt</C> command)}
	#PRINT {   1.  You <Name>!!! Will die before your time!!}
	#PRINT {   2.  Burn me! <Name> you smell like a Tairen!}
	#PRINT {   3.  Mother's milk in a cup! <Name> is ugly.}
	#PRINT {   4.  Blood and bloody ashes <Name>, you stink!}
	#PRINT {   5.  Flaming <Name> is an ill-tempered chit!}
	#PRINT {   6.  Oh sheep swallop! Nothing but sheep swallop and bloody buttered onions for you <Name>!}
	#PRINT {   7.  <Name> is a wool-headed idiot!}
	#PRINT {   8.  <Name> you are a milk-hearted, light-forsaken lummox!}
	#PRINT {   9.  If you weren't such a light-blinded fool <Name>...}
	#PRINT {}
#ALIAS channelTaunt {
	#IF (%null(%1)) {
		#PRINT {%crlf Usage: <C dodgerblue>channelTaunt <channel></C> [chat|narrate|say|yell]}
		} {
		#VAR tauntChannel %1
		#PRINT {%crlf Taunt channel set to: <C dodgerblue>%proper(@tauntChannel)</C>}
#ALIAS curse {
	#IF (%null(%1)) {
		#SENDRAW {@tauntChannel %expand(%concat("@",curse,%random(1,9)))}
		} {
		#SEND {%1 %expand(%concat("@",curse,%random(1,9)))}
#ALIAS taunt {
	#T+ tauntAssistPrompt
	#T+ tauntNamePrompt
	#T+ tauntNoPrompt
	#PRINT {You begin to prepare your taunt...}
#VAR curse1 "Blood and ashes!"
#VAR curse2 "Burn me!"
#VAR curse3 "Mother's milk in a cup!"
#VAR curse4 "Burn you!"
#VAR curse5 "Flaming goat-kissing woolhead!"
#VAR curse6 "Blood and bloody ashes!"
#VAR curse7 "The Dark One's own luck!"
#VAR curse8 "Wool-headed lummox!"
#VAR curse9 "Light-blinded fool!"
#VAR tauntChannel say
#VAR tauntName {}
#VAR taunt1 "You %proper(@tauntName)!!! Will die before your time!!"
#VAR taunt2 "Burn me! %proper(@tauntName) you smell like a Tairen!!"
#VAR taunt3 "Mother's milk in a cup! %proper(@tauntName) is ugly."
#VAR taunt4 "Blood and bloody ashes %proper(@tauntName), you stink!"
#VAR taunt5 "Flaming %proper(@tauntName) is an ill-tempered chit!"
#VAR taunt6 "Oh sheep swallop! Nothing but sheep swallop and bloody buttered onions for %proper(@tauntName)!"
#VAR taunt7 "%proper(@tauntName) is a wool-headed idiot!"
#VAR taunt8 "%proper(@tauntName) you are a milk-hearted, light-forsaken lummox!"
#VAR taunt9 "If you weren't such a light-blinded fool %proper(@tauntName)..."
#TRIGGER "tauntNamePrompt" {^{o|*} * - (*): [A-Z]%w >} {
   #RAISE eventTaunt {%1}
   } "" {case|disable|nocr|prompt}
#TRIGGER "tauntAssistPrompt" {^{o|*} * - *: %w - (*): [A-Z]%w >} {
   #RAISE eventTaunt {%1}
	} "" {case|disable|nocr|prompt}
#TRIGGER "tauntNoPrompt" {^{o|*}*HP:* MV:%w >} {
   #RAISE eventTauntFailed
   } "" {case|disable|nocr|prompt}
#EVENT eventTaunt {
	#T- tauntAssistPrompt
	#T- tauntNamePrompt
	#T- tauntNoPrompt
	#IF (%begins(%1,"a ")) {
		#VAR tauntName {%remove("a ",%1)}
		} {
		#IF (%begins(%1,"an ")) {
			#VAR tauntName {%remove("an ",%1)}
			} {
			#IF (%begins(%1,"the ")) {
				#VAR tauntName {%remove("the ",%1)}
				} {
				#VAR tauntName {%1}
	#SENDRAW {@tauntChannel %expand(%concat("@",taunt,%random(1,9)))}
	#VAR tauntName {}
#EVENT eventTauntFailed {
	#T- tauntAssistPrompt
	#T- tauntNamePrompt
	#T- tauntNoPrompt
	#PRINT {You are not in a position to taunt anyone! (not engaged in combat)}
	#VAR tauntName {}
Last edited by Taziar on Wed Oct 16, 2019 3:13 am, edited 2 times in total.
House of Medakan cMUD Scripts: Table of Contents

House of Medakan zMUD Scripts: Table of Contents
Posts: 157
Joined: Tue Apr 07, 2015 8:24 pm
Location: Seattle

Re: House of Medakan cMUD Scripts

Post by Taziar »

Type helpTiming to view help file in client.


Direct download: TimingCMUD.txt

Code: Select all

#CLASS {Timing}
#ALIAS helpTiming {
	#PRINT {%crlf <C dodgerblue>-----Timing Help File-----</C>}
	#PRINT {     <C dodgerblue>[Update:9/1/2019]</C>}
	#PRINT {}
	#PRINT { Set timing on login by forcing mud to show tic emote message.}
	#PRINT {  Note: 4 flees will give a "calms" message on next tic}
	#PRINT {}
	#PRINT { <C white green> Timer now at %d secs. </C> is a registered tic notification.}
	#PRINT {}
	#PRINT { <C white dodgerblue> Timer now at %d secs. </C> is an estimated tic notification.}
	#PRINT {}
	#PRINT { Type <C dodgerblue>toggleTimer</C> to turn the estimated tics message ON/OFF. }
	#PRINT {   Estimated timer is currently: <C dodgerblue>%if(@showEstimatedTic,ON,OFF)</C>}
	#PRINT {}
	#PRINT { Type <C dodgerblue>ticData</C> to view tic statistics.}
	#PRINT {}
#ALIAS ticData {
	#IF (%null(@timingList)) {
		#PRINT {%crlf Sorry, insufficient tic data gathered...}
		#PRINT {%lf Note: flee 2-4 times for 2 consecutive tics.}
		#PRINT {%lf This will give consecutive calms messages to accurately create data.}
		} {
		#PRINT {%crlf Minimum tic time: <C dodgerblue>%min(@timingList) seconds</C>}
		#PRINT {%lf Average tic time: <C dodgerblue>%copy(%eval(%float(%eval(%replace(@timingList,|,+)))/%numitems(@timingList)),1,5) seconds</C>}
		#PRINT {%lf Maximum tic time: <C dodgerblue>%max(@timingList) seconds</C>}
		#PRINT {%lf Total number of consecutive recorded tics: <C dodgerblue>%eval(%numitems(@timingList)-1)</C>}
#ALIAS toggleTimer {
	#IF (@showEstimatedTic) {
		#VAR showEstimatedTic 0
		#PRINT {%crlf Estimated tic is now: <C dodgerblue>OFF</C>}
		} {
		#VAR showEstimatedTic 1
		#PRINT {%crlf Estimated tic is now: <C dodgerblue>ON</C>}
#EVENT eventAlarmPulse {
	#T- eventMobPulse
	#ALARM "alarmMobPulse" {11} {
		#RAISE eventAlarmPulse
		} "Timing"
	#IF (@timingPulse=50) {
		#VAR timingTic 0
		#VAR timingPulse 0
		#IF (%null(@timingAverage)) {
			#TSET 62
			} {
			#TSET %eval(@timingAverage+2)
		#ALARM "alarmMobPulse" {13} {
			#RAISE eventAlarmPulse
			} "Timing"
		} {
		#IF (@timingPulse=40) {
			#T+ Timing|TicZonePatterns
		#VAR timingPulse (@timingPulse+10)
	#ALARM "alarmPulseTic" {+3} {
		#T+ eventMobPulse
		#T+ eventTimingTic
		} "Timing"
#EVENT eventMobPulse {
	#T- eventMobPulse
	#ALARM "alarmMobPulse" {11} {
		#RAISE eventAlarmPulse
		} "Timing"
	#IF (@timingPulse=50) {
		#RAISE eventTimingTic
		} {
		#IF (@timingPulse=40) {
			#T+ Timing|TicZonePatterns
		#VAR timingPulse (@timingPulse+10)
	#ALARM "alarmPulseTic" {+3} {
		#T+ eventMobPulse
		#T+ eventTimingTic
		} "Timing"
#EVENT eventTimingTic {
	#T- eventTimingTic
	#T- eventMobPulse
	#T- Timing|TicZonePatterns
	#VAR timingTic 1
	#VAR timingPulse 0
	#IF (%null(@timingAverage)) {
		#TSET 62
		} {
		#TSET @timingAverage
	#ALARM "alarmMobPulse" {12} {
		#RAISE eventAlarmPulse
		} "Timing"
	#ALARM "alarmPulseTic" {+3} {
		#T+ eventMobPulse
		#T+ eventTimingTic
		} "Timing"
#EVENT onConnect {
	#ALARM "alarmMobPulse" {180} {
		#RAISE eventAlarmPulse
		} "Timing"
#EVENT onDisconnect {
	#SUSPEND alarmMobPulse
#VAR showEstimatedTic 1
#VAR timingAverage {} {}
#VAR timingConnection {0} {0}
#VAR timingConnection2 {0} {0}
#VAR timingLength {}
#VAR timingList {} {}
#VAR timingMob {}
#VAR timingPet {}
#VAR timingPulse {}
#VAR timingShadow {a crow|a flock of crows|a rat|a raven|a red-eyed raven}
#VAR timingTic {1}
#TRIGGER "timingTimerTrigger" {(Timer now at %d secs.)$} {
	#RAISE eventOnTic
	#IF (@timingTic) {
		#SUB { %1 }
		#CW {white,green}
		#VAR timingConnection %ctime
		#VAR timingLength (@timingConnection-@timingConnection2)
		#VAR timingConnection2 %ctime
		#IF (@timingLength<70 AND @timingLength>59) {
			#VAR timingList %additem(@timingLength,@timingList)
			#VAR timingAverage %copy(%eval(%float(%eval(%replace(@timingList,"|","+")))/%numitems(@timingList)),1,2)
			} {}
		} {
		#IF (@showEstimatedTic) {
			#SUB { %1 }
			#CW {white,dodgerblue}
			} {
			#PSUB {} %x1
#TRIGGER "timingCrossArrived" {^~*([A-Z]%w)~* has arrived from {above|below|the east|the north|the south|the west}} {
	#T- timingMobArrived
	#T+ timingPrompt
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "timingPCArrived" {^[A-Z]%w has arrived from {above|below|the east|the north|the south|the west}} {
	#T- timingMobArrived
	#T+ timingPrompt
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "timingMobArrived" {^({A|An|The} *) has arrived from {above|below|the east|the north|the south|the west}} {
	#IF (%ismember(%lower(%1),@timingPet) OR %lower(%1)=@timingMob OR %ismember(%lower(%1),@timingShadow)) {
		#T- timingMobArrived
	#T+ timingPrompt
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "timingCrossLeaves" {^~*([A-Z]%w)~* leaves {down|east|north|south|west|up}} {
	#T- timingMobLeaves
	#T+ timingPrompt
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "timingPCLeaves" {^[A-Z]%w leaves {down|east|north|south|west|up}} {
	#T- timingMobLeaves
	#T+ timingPrompt
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "timingMobLeaves" {^({A|An|The} *) leaves {down|east|north|south|west|up}} {
	#IF (%ismember(%lower(%1),@timingPet) OR %ismember(%lower(%1),@timingShadow)) {
		#T- timingMobLeaves
	#T+ timingPrompt	
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "timingMobLead" {({A|An|The} *) starts following you.$} {
	#ADDITEM timingPet %lower(%1)
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "timingMobStop" {({A|An|The} *) stops following you.$} {
	#DELITEM timingPet %lower(%1)
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "timingMobHate" {({A|An|The} *) hates your guts!$} {
	#DELITEM timingPet %lower(%1)
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "timingMobDisband" {You have disbanded the group.$} {
	#VAR timingPet {}
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "timingMobDisband" {You are currently working solo.$} {
	#VAR timingPet {}
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "timingMobGroup" {Your group consists of:$} {
	#T+ timingGroupList
	#T+ timingPrompt
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "timingGroupList" {^([a-z]*)$} {
	#ADDITEM timingPet %lower(%1)
	} "" {case|disable}
#TRIGGER "timingFlyHigher" {^{A|An|The} * flaps {his|her|its} wings and flies high into the sky.$} {
	#RAISE eventMobPulse
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "timingFlyLower" {^{A|An|The} * is flying much lower now...$} {
	#RAISE eventMobPulse
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "timingMobLanding" {^{A|An|The} * flaps {his|her|its} wings as {he|she|it} comes in to land nearby.$} {
	#RAISE eventMobPulse
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "timingMobStand" {^{A|An|The} * clambers to * feet.$} {
	#RAISE eventMobPulse
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "timingMobStand" {^{A|An|The} * sniffs the ground...$} {
	#RAISE eventMobPulse
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "timingPrompt" {^{o|*} * >} {
	#T- timingPrompt
	#IF (%class(timingGroupList)) {
		#T- timingGroupList
		} {
		#IF (%class(timingMobLeaves)=0 OR %class(timingMobArrived)=0) {
			#T+ timingMobLeaves
			#T+ timingMobArrived
			} {
			#RAISE eventMobPulse
	} "" {disable|nocr|prompt}
#TRIGGER "timingNamePrompt" {^{o|*} * - ([a-z]*): [A-Z]%w >} {
	#IF (%1=@timingMob) {} {#VAR timingMob {%1}}
	} "" {case|nocr|prompt}
#TRIGGER "timingAssistPrompt" {^{o|*} * - *: %w - ([a-z]*): [A-Z]%w >} {
	#IF (%1=@timingMob) {} {#VAR timingMob {%1}}
	} "" {case|nocr|prompt}
#TRIGGER "timingRankTrigger" {^This ranks you as } {
	#T- timingHungryTrigger
	#T- timingThirstyTrigger
	#T+ timingRanksPrompt
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "timingRanksPrompt" {^{*|o} * >} {
	#T- timingRanksPrompt
	#T+ timingHungryTrigger
	#T+ timingThirstyTrigger
	} "" {case|disable|nocr|prompt}
#TRIGGER "timingHungryTrigger" {You are hungry.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "timingThirstyTrigger" {You are thirsty.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#CLASS {Timing|TicPatterns}
#VAR timingFeelList {better|less paranoid|less sure of yourself|parched from the hot weather|the blindness fade|your extra strength fading|your limbs are now responding again}
#TRIGGER {^A glowing portal fades from existence.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^As you watch * seems to melt into the background, vanishing.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The Wheel of Time {spins between|turns towards} the} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The ancient greatsword, Justice {begins to|stops} {glow|glowing}...$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The corpse of * has decayed into a pile of dust.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The flows holding the light ball have dissipated.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The {day|night} has begun.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^You breathe easier again as the cold sweats have faded.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^You feel {@timingFeelList}.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^You have been idle, and are pulled into a void.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^You move slightly, settling your cloak into position.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^You suddenly feel less protected.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Your %w aura has faded.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Your ears seem to be all cleared up.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Your extra burst of stamina fades.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Your eyes feel less protected.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Your heartbeat {calms|races} *.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^[A-Z]%w disappears into the void.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^[A-Z]* begins to dim a little.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^[A-Z]* has gone out!$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^[A-Z]* is about to go out!$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^[A-Z]* is definitely fading.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#CLASS {Timing|TicZonePatterns} {disable}
#TRIGGER {^A ball of red light rises slowly from the edge of the grassland, bringing light to the savannah.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^A blanket of heat covers the land as the sun rises.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^A bright orange sun rises above the morning fog.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^A brilliant light spreads across the grassland.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^A calm descends over the fort as night falls.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^A chill breeze cuts through you as the sun sinks below the hills.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^A deep orange sunset heralds the end of the day.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^A dim orange glow spills over the land as the sun rises to the east.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^A dismal light is cast across Shayol Ghul with the rising of the sun.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^A dismal light is cast with the rising of the sun.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^A dull light is cast through the sickly trees as the sun rises.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^A feeble light casts shadows across the ruined landscape.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^A gloomy light is cast across the twisted landscape.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^A harsh light emerges as the sun rises.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^A light, airy blue through the trees heralds the sunrise.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^A rainbow of colors springs to life above the hills.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^A red sun rises in the east, coloring the forest in shades of red and gold.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^A shadow is cast over the land as the sun vanishes beyond Garen's Wall.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^A sickly reddish glow spreads over the world as the sun returns.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^A warm glow bathes the Illian road in a bright light.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^A warm glow is cast by the rising sun.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^A yellow glow from above descends beneath black spires.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Amidst soft colors the sun rises above the mountains in the east.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^An eerie howl breaks the silence as the sun slowly sets below the horizon.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^An orange glow covers the grassland as the sun slowly sinks into the horizon.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^An orange hue paints the sky as the setting sun glints off the Aryth Ocean.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^As a glorious ball of brightly minted gold, the sun rises in the east.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^As if by a painter's brush, the sun sets in a sky of violet, red, and blue.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^As the night falls the cool of night refreshes the land.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^As the sky burns in shades of fuchsia and gold the sun sets in the west.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^As the sun dips below the horizon, the sounds of the forest take over.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^As the sun lowers beneath the horizon, a gloomy darkness descends on the long road.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^As the sun sets in the west, darkness descends on the forest.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^As the sun sets over the Fortress of Light, torches blaze to bring the Light again.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^As the sun sets, its rays fall blindingly on the Sea of Storms.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^As the sun sets, the nocturnal sounds of the forest take over.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^As the sun starts to set, the sounds of the night take over.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Birds begin to chatter as the sun rises.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Birds chirp merrily as the sun rises in the east.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Black peaks create looming shadows as the sun drops beneath the horizon.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Casting jagged shadows, the sun rises over the Mountains of Mist.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Colorful birds chirp happily as the sun rises out of the eastern seas.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Creatures begin to stir among the grass as the sun rises in the east.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Dank shadows shroud the trees, the sun dipping beneath the horizon.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Dapples of sunlight fall onto the forest floor.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Darkness covers the land, hiding the corruption of the Blight.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Darkness descends on the land.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Darkness descends upon the Spine of the World with the setting of the sun.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Darkness embraces the land once again.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Darkness engulfs the terrain as the sun disappears behind the black mountains$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Darkness falls across the road.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Darkness falls, casting pitch black shadows.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Darkness fills the Blight as the sun sets.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Darkness flees as the sun rises.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Darkness gently falls as the sun slips behind the rolling hills.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Darkness sets in as day turns to night.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Darkness settles on the land with the setting of the sun.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Darkness shrouds the island as the sun dips below the edge of the horizon.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Darkness spreads across the Spine of the World as the sun sets in the west.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Dawn breaks, painting the sky with pink and amber hues.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Dawn glints through the leaves of Stedding Tsochan.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Dawn heralds another storm on the horizon.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Day breaks over the hills.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Daylight breaches the foliage overhead.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Dew settles on the grasslands as darkness descends.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Dew settles on the ground as the sun sets west of the mountains.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Dusk approaches, bringing glorious darkness upon the land.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Dusk gathers like a cloud over Stedding Tsochan.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Ebbing red and gold, the sun slowly sinks beneath the horizon.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Everything becomes a little darker.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Gilded rooftops shimmer as the sun rises above the Tower of Morning.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Gloomy light is cast through the dark skies as the sun rises.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Gnarled trees cast jagged shadows as the sun drops beneath the horizon.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Golden rays of morning sun peak from behind the horizon.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Golden rays of sunshine peek over the hills of the surrounding countryside.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Golden rays of the sunshine peek over the treetops to the east.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Heatwaves shimmer as the blistering sun arcs into the sky.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^In the west, the setting sun shows the dark silhouette of the Mountains of Mist.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Light begins to peak from behind the hills.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Light breaks over the horizon through waves of heat as a new day begins.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Light fades as the red evening sun slowly drops below the horizon.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Light splashes across the sky as the sun rises above the rooftops of Emonds Field.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Long shadows are cast as the sun rises behind the mountains to the east.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Long shadows are cast throughout the forest as the sun slowly sets.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Long shadows rise along the hills as the sun sets.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Low deep bronze tones fill the air as a wind blows from the north.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Morning dew glitters in the days first sunrays.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Mountain peaks hide the sun as it sets in the west.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Night falls over the ruined city, casting eerie shadows.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Radiant hues permeate the horizon as the sun sinks in the west.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Rays of light spread over the grasslands, stirring animals to life.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Rays of the golden sun spreads over the rugged hills as the sun rises.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Ruddy amber hues streak across the vanishing horizon as night falls.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Scarlet and gold paint the sky as the sun sets in the west.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Shadows dance as the sun makes its way into the sky.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Shadows descend upon the land as the sun drops behind the hills to the west.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Shadows embrace the city as twilight falls over Seandar.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Shadows grow beneath the peaks as dusk arrives.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Shadows lengthen along Garen's Wall as the sun sets.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Shadows lengthen as the sun approaches the horizon.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Shadows lengthen as the sun gently sinks behind the horizon.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Shadows lengthen as the sun sets beyond the mountains.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Shadows thicken as the sun sets behind the mountains.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Soft rays of morning sun peak from behind the rolling hills.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Sparkles of light dance upon the sea as the sun rises.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Sparkling light draws a track toward the eastern horizon, heralding the sunrise.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The Dark One releases the sun to illuminate his minions.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The Dark One's hand covers the sun.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The Imperial Capital is bathed in a warm glow as the sun rises.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The White Tower is bathed in a reddish orange light as the sun sets.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The White Tower's spire gleams softly in the first light of a new day.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The air catches a chill as the sun falls below the horizon.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The area becomes extremely dark.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The blazing hot sun sinks beneath the horizon of the Waste.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The blazing sun fades into greyness behind the towers.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The blazing sun rises over the eastern horizon.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The blistering sun scorches the parched ground.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The blistering wind gusts with the first rays of dawn over the mountains.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The blood red sun disappears behind the mountains.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The blush of a new dawn replaces the darkness.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The blustery plains are lit up with the sunrise.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The boiling red sun slowly rises over the blighted lands.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The burning sun rises above the mountains to the east.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The burnished disk of the sun settles behind the spires of Tar Valon.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The clouds brooding above darken as the sun sets.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The clouds in the east burn pink and violet with the rising of the sun.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The darkness comes.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The darkness leaves.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The darkness turns to a bright haze as the sun breaks the horizon to the east.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The day breaks, and sunlight starts to stream down onto the jungle floor.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The day has begun.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The desert air begins to cool with the setting of the sun.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The dull red sun becomes visible over the high peaks.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The dust of the plains in the air turns golden with the falling hush of dusk.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The evening sun sinks behind the horizon.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The faint rosy hue finally fades away as the sun dips below the horizon.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The fiery colors of dawn settle into the forest with the rising sun.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The fires of the sun begin to extinguish as it disappears on the horizon.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The first light of dawn illuminates Tarwin's Gap.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The first light of morning glows in the eastern sky.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The first light of morning shines on Amador.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The first rays of dawn appear in the east.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The first rays of light peak across the waters of the great sea to the east.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The first rays of sun shine on the broken gorge.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The forest comes to life with the rising of the sun.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The forest comes to life with the song of the forest birds and the chattering of squirrels.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The glorious darkness is broken by the rising of the sun.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The glow of the morning sun filters through the cracks of Garen's Wall.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The golden rays of dawn slowly appear over the palace walls.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The golden sun breaches the horizon, burnished rays burning away the night.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The golden sun sinks down behind the rugged hills.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The hills are awash in shadows as the sun sinks in the west.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The hot sun rises above the hard, cracked ground.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The howls of wolves fill the air as the sun sets.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The last rays of light begin to fade into blackness.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The last rays of light burn red against the foothills.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The last rays of light disappear as the sun sets in the west.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The last rays of the red sun disappear below the sea of green grass to the west.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The last ships sail from the harbor as the sun dips below the Calpene Peninsula.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The light becomes a little brighter.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The light begins to filter through the trees.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The lilac blue of dawn begins to grace the sky from the east.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The night chases the sun over the edge of the world.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The night has begun.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The nocturnal sounds of the forest begin to rise as the sun sets in the west.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The orange disk of the sun sinks below the grassy horizon.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The orange glow of the sun decends below the horizon.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The orange sun slowly rises from the Sea of Storms.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The piercing rays of dawn peek above the eastern horizon.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The piercing rays of the sun streak across the morning sky.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The pink hues of dusk slowly descend over the palace towers.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The plains are covered in a harsh red light as the sun sinks below the horizon.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The plains grow dark and lonely with the day's end.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The rising sun announces another day.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The rising sun casts both warm light and long shadows across the mountains.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The rising sun colors the Westwood red and gold.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The setting sun casts a dim red glow throughout the forest.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The setting sun frames the famed blue dome of Far Madding.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The shadows lengthen as the sun sinks beyond the horizon.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The shrill call of a jungle bird breaks the silence as the sun rises.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sinking sun dips below the moss covered tree limbs.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sky brightens as the sun rises over the Tower of Morning.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sky darkens as the sun sets in the west.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sky glistens with beams of light as the sun rises over Tamika.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sky glows with subdued light as the sun dips below the horizon.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sky glows with the rising of the sun.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sky grows brighter as the sun peeks above the mountains.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sky is awash in a burst of burning gold and crimson glory as the sun sets.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sky is awash in shades of red and purple as the sun sinks behind the mountains.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sky is painted in shades of red and purple as the sun slowly descends.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sky turns orange and pink as the sun sinks into the Aryth Ocean.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sky turns red as a fiery sun sets in the west.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sky turns the color liquid gold as the sun sets beyond the plains.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sound of roosters crowing greets the rising sun.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun begins its journey to its peak in the sky.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun begins to cast an orange glow on the trees as it rises.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun breaks into view as it rises over the walls.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun breaks the darkness as it rises over the eastern peaks.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun bursts into the eastern skies.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun casts a dim glow across the barren hills.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun casts a dim light through dismal skies.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun casts a golden glow over the city.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun casts its dreary morning light through the hazy sky.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun casts its yellow light over the long road.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun casts rays of burnished gold over the Spine of the World.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun climbs above the eastern horizon, sparkling on the city and the sea.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun climbs slowly above the trees in the east.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun creeps up from below the black towering peaks.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun creeps up over the trees.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun crests over the towers of Mayene, flooding the city with light.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun crests the horizon and light breaks through the trees.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun crests the horizon lighting the sky afire.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun crests the peaks of the Dragonwall to the east.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun descends below the treeline.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun descends beyond the horizon.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun descends past the horizon, striking red fire through the fetid air.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun dips behind the mountains in the west, enveloping the land in shadow.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun drops below the flat horizon of the plains.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun drops below the walls of the keep.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun drops quickly in the west in a glory of color.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun falls behind the jagged snowy peaks.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun falls slowly behind the walls of the city.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun lowers beyond the trees, lengthening the shadows.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun lowers in the sky, covering the landscape in eery twilight.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun paints the sky as it sets.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun peeks above the mountains washing the prairie in a yellow glow.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun peeks across the scorched hills of Kandor.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun peeks over the Mountains of Mist.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun peeks over the eastern seas.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun peeks over the eastern wall of the city.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun peeks over the high watchtower of the keep.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun peeks over the topless towers of the city.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun peeks over the trees, heralding the dawn of a new day.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun peeks over the treetops, shedding light across the land.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun rises above the tops of the black mountains.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun rises from behind the distant Spine of the World.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun rises gloriously above the Menagerie.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun rises in the east above the Spine of the World.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun rises in the east breathing life into a new day.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun rises in the east.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun rises in the eastern sky, setting it afire with color.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun rises in the eastern sky.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun rises over the eastern hills.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun rises over the eastern walls of the castle.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun rises over the peaks of the Spine.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun rises over the water, sending it into glittering shards of clear light.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun rises slowly from behind the Mountains of Mist.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun rises through the lilac and gold tinged clouds in the east.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun rises, bathing the Fortress of Light in a wash of gold.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun rises, casting bright light to drive away the shadows.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun rises, casting light into the shadows.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun rises, cutting through the sharp profiles of rocky mountains.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun rises.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun sets behind the Spine of the World.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun sets behind the city's western wall.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun sets below the water, turning it into a blaze of glorious colors.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun sets in the west as a blaze of dark gold and bronzed red.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun sets in the western sky, throwing everything into twilight color.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun sets in the western sky.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun sets on the hazy western horizon.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun sets over fields of grain to the west.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun sets over the broken gorge.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun sets over the river.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun sets the plains afire as it rises in the east.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun sets with a vivid display of colors over the western sky.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun sets, allowing shadows to creep forward.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun sets, casting the streets into cool, violet shadows.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun sets, painting the skies over Seandar in a multitude of shades of red.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun sets, washing the city in fiery colors.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun sets.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun sinks behind the Spine of the World.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun sinks behind the Westwood to the west$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun sinks behind the towering trees.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun sinks behind the waving plains of grass in the west.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun sinks behind the western wall of the city.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun sinks below the western horizon.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun sinks into a cloudbank in the western sky.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun sinks into the hills.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun sinks over the sea to the west.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun sinks quietly beneath the western horizon.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun sinks slowly beneath the Aryth Ocean on the western horizon.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun sinks slowly beneath the rolling hills to the west.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun slides gently behind the Menagerie tent spires.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun slides out of sight behind the walls of the Keep.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun slips below the hills to the west.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun slips slowly below the city walls.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun slowly descends behind the hills.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun slowly disappears in the western horizon.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun slowly rises above the plains.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun slowly rises, casting a warm glow across the Saldaean fields.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun slowly sets over the castle walls to the west.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun slowly sets.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun slowly sinks behind the majestic towers of Mayene.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun slowly sinks in the west, casting long shadows across the city.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun starts to rise above the walls of the city.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun vanishes amongst the trees, letting night sweep the land.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun's blinding light is reflected in the lake's waters as it sets.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun's first rays touch the eastern slopes of Garen's Wall.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun's golden rays glisten over the Aryth ocean as it rises.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun's light fills the sky as it rises.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun's orange rays streak the landscape as it sets.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sun's rays flash across the grass as it sets in the west.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The sunlight sweeps across the plains with the dawn.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The symphony of bird song fills the air as the sun filters through the trees.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The tall towers above you shimmer brightly in the light of the rising sun.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The towers of the palace are painted in burning reds as the sun sets.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The twisted forestland darkens as the sun slowly sets.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The warmth of the morning sun heats the air.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The western horizon glows in shades of red and violet as the sun sets.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The western sky blazes in shades of red as the sun slowly sets.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^The world is submerged into coolness as the sun sinks into the horizon.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Thin rays of sunlight pierce the sky over the marshes.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Unseen watchers howl as the sun hides behind the horizon.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Violet hues light the snow-capped peaks to the west as the sun dips below them.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Vivid colors flood the sky as the sun sets over the hills.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Warm golden light embraces the palace as the sun rises.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Weak daylight fades to black as the sun slowly sets.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Weak light is cast through the grove as the sun rises.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Weak sunlight strains to brighten this blighted wasteland as the sun rises.$} {#RAISE eventTimingTic} "" {case}
Last edited by Taziar on Wed Oct 16, 2019 3:14 am, edited 2 times in total.
House of Medakan cMUD Scripts: Table of Contents

House of Medakan zMUD Scripts: Table of Contents
Posts: 157
Joined: Tue Apr 07, 2015 8:24 pm
Location: Seattle

Re: House of Medakan cMUD Scripts

Post by Taziar »

Type helpTracking to view help file in client.


Type helpTrackCase to view tracking case help file in client.


Type helpTrackColor to view tracking color help file in client.


Direct download: TrackingCMUD.txt

Code: Select all

#CLASS {Tracking}
#ALIAS helpTracking {
	#PRINT {%crlf <C dodgerblue>-----Tracking Help File-----</C>}
	#PRINT {       <C dodgerblue>[Update:10/12/19]</C>}
	#PRINT { Places directional characters around direction word to aid in quick visualization of tracks.}
	#PRINT {}
	#PRINT {  Type <C dodgerblue>helpTrackColor</C> for track color specific commands list.}
	#PRINT {  Colors specific text in both auto track and manual track lines.}
	#PRINT {}
	#PRINT {  Type <C dodgerblue>helpTrackCase</C> for caps specific commands list.}
	#PRINT {  Changes the upper and lower case of specific text in track lines.}
	#PRINT {}
#ALIAS helpTrackColor {
	#PRINT {%crlf -----Track Color Help File-----}
	#PRINT {}
	#PRINT { Type <C dodgerblue>trackColor <type> <color></C> to set color for specified track type.}
	#PRINT { Note: trackColor entered without a type and color will display list of available types.}
	#PRINT {}
	#PRINT { Available types:}
	#PRINT { <C dodgerblue> bloody</C>     text color for bloody traces.}
	#PRINT { <C dodgerblue> character</C>  text color of symbols that encompass track direction}
	#PRINT { <C dodgerblue> direction</C>  text color of the cardinal directions {north|south|east|west|up|down}}
	#PRINT { <C dodgerblue> dreadlord</C>  text color when tracking a dreadlord.}
	#PRINT { <C dodgerblue> human</C>      text color when tracking a human.}
	#PRINT { <C dodgerblue> mount</C>      text color when tracking a ridden mount.}
	#PRINT { <C dodgerblue> myrddraal</C>  text color when tracking a myrddraal.}
	#PRINT { <C dodgerblue> player</C>     text color when tracking player names.}
	#PRINT { <C dodgerblue> trolloc</C>    text color when tracking a trolloc.}
	#PRINT {}
#ALIAS helpTrackCase {
	#PRINT {%crlf -----Track Case Help File-----}
	#PRINT {}
	#PRINT { Type <C dodgerblue>trackCase <type></C> to toggle the upper and lower cases for track types.}
	#PRINT { Note: trackCase entered without a type will display list of available types.}
	#PRINT {}
	#PRINT { Available types:}
	#PRINT { <C dodgerblue> bloody</C>     toggle the upper and lower case of bloody traces.}
	#PRINT { <C dodgerblue> direction</C>  toggle the upper and lower case of the cardinal directions.}
	#PRINT { <C dodgerblue> dreadlord</C>  toggle the upper and lower case of dreadlord.}
	#PRINT { <C dodgerblue> human</C>      toggle the upper and lower case of human.}
	#PRINT { <C dodgerblue> mount</C>      toggle the upper and lower case of ridden mount.}
	#PRINT { <C dodgerblue> myrddraal</C>  toggle the upper and lower case of myrddraal.}
	#PRINT { <C dodgerblue> player</C>     toggle the upper and proper case of a players name.}
	#PRINT { <C dodgerblue> trolloc</C>    toggle the upper and lower case of trolloc.}
	#PRINT {}
#ALIAS trackColor {
	#PRINT {}
	#IF (%null(%1)) {
		#PRINT {  Usage: <C dodgerblue>trackColor <type> <color></C>}
		#PRINT {}
		#PRINT { Available types:}
		#PRINT { <C dodgerblue> bloody</C>}
		#PRINT { <C dodgerblue> character</C>}
		#PRINT { <C dodgerblue> direction</C>}
		#PRINT { <C dodgerblue> dreadlord</C>}
		#PRINT { <C dodgerblue> human</C>}
		#PRINT { <C dodgerblue> mount</C>}
		#PRINT { <C dodgerblue> myrddraal</C>}
		#PRINT { <C dodgerblue> player</C>}
		#PRINT { <C dodgerblue> trolloc</C>}
		#PRINT {}
		} {
		#IF (%class(%concat(trackColor,%1))=-1) {
			#PRINT {%1 is an invalid type selection...}
			} {
			#IF (%colorname(%2)=536870911 AND %color(%2)=0) {
				#VAR %concat(trackColor,%1) {}
				#PRINT { %2 is an invalid color. %concat(trackColor,%proper(%1)) variable cleared.}
				} {
				#IF (%len(%3)) {
					#VAR %concat(trackColor,%1) {%concat(%2," ",%3)}
					} {
					#VAR %concat(trackColor,%1) {%2}
				#PRINT {Color set: <C %eval(%concat("@",trackColor,%1))>%1</C>}
#ALIAS trackCase {
	#PRINT {}
	#IF (%null(%1)) {
		#PRINT {  Usage: trackCase <type>}
		#PRINT {}
		#PRINT { Available types:}
		#PRINT {  bloody}
		#PRINT {  direction}
		#PRINT {  dreadlord}
		#PRINT {  human}
		#PRINT {  mount}
		#PRINT {  myrddraal}
		#PRINT {  player}
		#PRINT {  trolloc}
		#PRINT {}
		} {
		#IF (%class(%concat(trackCase,%1))=-1) {
			#PRINT {%-1 is an invalid type selection...}
			} {
			#IF (%eval(%concat("@",trackCase,%1))) {
				#VAR %concat("@",trackCase,%proper(%1)) {0} {_nodef} "Tracking"
				} {
				#VAR %concat("@",trackCase,%proper(%1)) {1} {_nodef} "Tracking"
			#IF (%lower(%1)=bloody) {
				#IF (@trackCaseBloody) {
					#PRINT {BLOODY TRACES are now upper case.}
					} {
					#PRINT {bloody traces are now lower case.}
				} {
				#IF (%lower(%1)=direction) {
					#IF (@trackCaseDirection) {
						#PRINT {NORTH|EAST|SOUTH|WEST|UP|DOWN are now upper case.}
						} {
						#PRINT {north|east|south|west|up|down are now lower case.}
					} {
					#IF (%lower(%1)=mount) {
						#IF (@trackCaseMount) {
							#PRINT {RIDDEN MOUNT is now upper case.}
							} {
							#PRINT {ridden mount is now lower case.}
						} {
						#IF (%lower(%1)=player) {
							#IF (@trackCasePlayer) {
								#PRINT {PLAYER NAME is now upper case.}
								} {
								#PRINT {Player Name is now proper case.}
							} {
							#IF (%eval(%concat("@",trackCase,%1))) {
								#PRINT {%upper(%1) is now upper case.}
								} {
								#PRINT {%lower(%1) is now lower case.}
#VAR trackCaseBloody {0}
#VAR trackCaseDirection {1}
#VAR trackCaseDreadlord {0}
#VAR trackCaseHuman {0}
#VAR trackCaseMount {0}
#VAR trackCaseMyrddraal {0}
#VAR trackCasePlayer {0}
#VAR trackCaseSeanchan {0}
#VAR trackCaseTrolloc {0}
#VAR trackCharacterDirectional {}
#VAR trackCharacterDown {--}
#VAR trackCharacterEast {>>}
#VAR trackCharacterNorth {^^}
#VAR trackCharacterSouth {vv}
#VAR trackCharacterUp {++}
#VAR trackCharacterWest {<<}
#VAR trackColorBloody {red}
#VAR trackColorCharacter {darkorchid}
#VAR trackColorDirection {steelblue}
#VAR trackColorDreadlord {firebrick}
#VAR trackColorHuman {steelblue}
#VAR trackColorMount {blue}
#VAR trackColorMyrddraal {firebrick}
#VAR trackColorPlayer {firebrick}
#VAR trackColorSeanchan {magenta}
#VAR trackColorTracks {}
#VAR trackColorTrolloc {red}
#VAR trackColorType {}
#VAR trackDirectionSub {}
#VAR trackManualTime {fresh|recent|fairly recent|almost day-old|day-old|two day-old|three day-old|half week-old|week-old}
#VAR trackManualType {obvious |clear ||faint |rather faint |very faint }
#VAR trackTracesSub {}
#VAR trackTypeList {dreadlord|human|myrddraal|ridden mount|trolloc}
#VAR trackTypeSub {}
#TRIGGER "trackExitsTrigger" {^~[ obvious exits: *~]$} {
	#T+ trackAutoTrigger
	#T+ trackAutoPrompt
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "trackAutoPrompt" {{o|*} * > } {
	#T- trackAutoPrompt
	#T- trackAutoTrigger
	} "" {case|disable|nocr|prompt}
#TRIGGER "trackAutoTrigger" {^There are some ({tracks|bloody traces}) of a ({@trackTypeList}) leaving (%w).$} {
	#IF (%1=tracks) {
		#VAR trackColorTracks {}
		#VAR trackTracesSub {%1}
		} {
		#VAR trackColorTracks {@trackColorBloody}
		#IF (@trackCaseBloody) {
			#VAR trackTracesSub {%upper(%1)}
			} {
			#VAR trackTracesSub {%1}
	#IF (%2=ridden mount) {
		#IF (@trackCaseMount) {
			#VAR trackTypeSub {RIDDEN MOUNT}
			} {
			#VAR trackTypeSub {ridden mount}
		#VAR trackColorType {@trackColorMount}
		} {
		#IF (%eval(%concat("@",trackCase,%2))) {
			#VAR trackTypeSub {%upper(%2)}
			} {
			#VAR trackTypeSub {%2}
		#IF (%ismember(%2,@trackTypeList)) {
			#VAR trackColorType (%expand(%concat("@",trackColor,%2)))
			} {
			#VAR trackColorType {}
	#IF (@trackCaseDirection) {
		#VAR trackDirectionSub {%upper(%3)}
		} {
		#VAR trackDirectionSub {%3}
	#VAR trackCharacterDirectional (%expand(%concat("@",trackCharacter,%3)))
	#SUB {There are some <C @trackColorTracks>@trackTracesSub</C> of a <C @trackColorType>@trackTypeSub</C> leaving <C @trackColorCharacter>@trackCharacterDirectional<C @trackColorDirection>@trackDirectionSub<C @trackColorCharacter>@trackCharacterDirectional</C>}
	} "" {case|disable}
#ONINPUT {^{tr|tra|trac|track}$} {
	#T+ Tracking|TrackManual
	#T+ trackSomeTrigger
	} "" {}
#CLASS {Tracking|TrackManual} {disable}
#TRIGGER {^Cancelled.$} {
	#T- Tracking|TrackManual
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^You could find no tracks at all.$} {
	#T- Tracking|TrackManual
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "trackSomeTrigger" {^Some} {
	#T- trackSomeTrigger
	#T+ trackManualPromptTrigger
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {You can't track indoors or in cities.$} {
	#T- Tracking|TrackManual
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "trackManualPromptTrigger" {{o|*} * > } {
	#T- trackManualPromptTrigger
	#T- Tracking|TrackManual
	} "" {case|disable|nocr|prompt}
#TRIGGER "trackBloodyTrigger" {^Some ({@trackManualType}{@trackManualTime}) bloody traces of a ([A-Z]%w) leaving (%w).$} {
	#IF (@trackCaseBloody) {
		#VAR trackTracesSub {BLOODY TRACES}
		} {
		#VAR trackTracesSub {bloody traces}
	#IF (%eval(%concat("@",trackCase,%2))) {
		#VAR trackTypeSub {%upper(%2)}
		} {
		#VAR trackTypeSub {%2}
	#IF (%ismember(%2,@trackTypeList)) {
		#VAR trackColorType (%expand(%concat("@",trackColor,%2)))
		} {
		#VAR trackColorType {}
	#IF (@trackCaseDirection) {
		#VAR trackDirectionSub {%upper(%3)}
		} {
		#VAR trackDirectionSub {%3}
	#VAR trackCharacterDirectional (%expand(%concat("@",trackCharacter,%3)))
	#SUB {Some %1 <C @trackColorBloody>@trackTracesSub</C> of a <C @trackColorType>@trackTypeSub</C> leaving <C @trackColorCharacter>@trackCharacterDirectional<C @trackColorDirection>@trackDirectionSub<C @trackColorCharacter>@trackCharacterDirectional</C>}
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "trackPlayerTrigger" {^Some ({@trackManualType}{@trackManualTime} tracks of) ([A-Z]%w) leaving (%w).$} {
	#IF (@trackCasePlayer) {
		#VAR trackTypeSub {%upper(%2)}
		} {
		#VAR trackTypeSub {%2}
	#IF (@trackCaseDirection) {
		#VAR trackDirectionSub {%upper(%3)}
		} {
		#VAR trackDirectionSub {%3}
	#VAR trackCharacterDirectional (%expand(%concat("@",trackCharacter,%3)))
	#SUB {Some %1 <C @trackColorPlayer>@trackTypeSub</C> leaving <C @trackColorCharacter>@trackCharacterDirectional<C @trackColorDirection>@trackDirectionSub<C @trackColorCharacter>@trackCharacterDirectional</C>}
	} "" {case}
#TRIGGER "trackRiddenTrigger" {^Some ({@trackManualType}{@trackManualTime} tracks of {a|an}) (*) ~(ridden~) leaving (%w).$} {
	#IF (@trackCaseMount) {
		#VAR trackTypeSub {%upper(%2)}
		} {
		#VAR trackTypeSub {%2}
	#IF (@trackCaseDirection) {
		#VAR trackDirectionSub {%upper(%3)}
		} {
		#VAR trackDirectionSub {%3}
	#VAR trackCharacterDirectional (%expand(%concat("@",trackCharacter,%3)))
	#SUB {Some %1 <C @trackColorMount>@trackTypeSub</C> (ridden) leaving <C @trackColorCharacter>@trackCharacterDirectional<C @trackColorDirection>@trackDirectionSub<C @trackColorCharacter>@trackCharacterDirectional</C>}
	} "" {case}
Last edited by Taziar on Wed Oct 16, 2019 3:14 am, edited 3 times in total.
House of Medakan cMUD Scripts: Table of Contents

House of Medakan zMUD Scripts: Table of Contents
Posts: 157
Joined: Tue Apr 07, 2015 8:24 pm
Location: Seattle

Re: House of Medakan cMUD Scripts

Post by Taziar »

Type helpTreasury to view help file in client.


Direct download: TreasuryCMUD.txt

Code: Select all

#CLASS {Treasury}
#ALIAS helpTreasury {
	#PRINT {%crlf <C dodgerblue>-----Treasury Help File-----</C>}
	#PRINT {      <C dodgerblue>[Updated: 8/29/2019]</C>}
	#PRINT {}
	#PRINT { Type <C dodgerblue>withGold <amount> <name></C> to autowithdraw from clan coffer.}
	#PRINT {   Notes: only council can authorize withdrawl, use your character name in <name> field.}
	#PRINT {    Automatically rounds <amount> to the nearest amount divisable by 250. }
	#PRINT {}
#ALIAS withGold {
	#VAR goldAmount {}
	#VAR goldCount 0
	#VAR goldName {}
	#IF (%null(%1)) {
		#PRINT {%crlf Usage: <C dodgeblue>withGold <amount> <name></C>}
		} {
		#IF (%null(%2)) {
			#PRINT {%crlf Who are you authorizing!?}
			} {
			#VAR goldAmount (%1/250)
			#VAR goldName %lower(%2)
			#PRINT {%crlf Withdrawing %eval(@goldAmount*250) gold crowns...}
			#T+ goldAuthorize
			#SEND {say authorize @goldName withdrawal}
#VAR goldAmount {}
#VAR goldName {}
#VAR goldCount {}
#TRIGGER "goldAuthorize" {A treasurer says 'I have recorded an authorizaton for withdrawal by %w.'} {
	#T- goldAuthorize
	#T+ goldGiven
	#SEND {say withdraw coffer}
	} "" {case|disable}
#TRIGGER "goldGiven" {A treasurer gives you 250 crowns.} {
	#T- goldGiven
	#VAR goldCount (@goldCount+1)
	#IF (@goldAmount=@goldCount) {
		#PRINT {%crlf %eval(@goldAmount*250) withdrawn from clan coffer.}
		} {
		#T+ goldAuthorize
		#SEND {say authorize @goldName withdrawal}
	} "" {case|disable}
Last edited by Taziar on Wed Oct 16, 2019 3:15 am, edited 2 times in total.
House of Medakan cMUD Scripts: Table of Contents

House of Medakan zMUD Scripts: Table of Contents
Posts: 157
Joined: Tue Apr 07, 2015 8:24 pm
Location: Seattle

Re: House of Medakan cMUD Scripts

Post by Taziar »

Type helpVote to view help file in client.


Direct download: VoteCMUD.txt

Code: Select all

#CLASS {Vote}
#ALIAS helpVote {
	#PRINT {%crlf  <C dodgerblue>-----Vote Help File-----</C>}
	#PRINT {    <C dodgerblue>[Updated: 10/12/2019]</C>}
	#PRINT { On connection Vote script detects if you have voted on Top Mud Sites}
	#PRINT {  in the last 12 hours, if not script will open WoTMUD vote page in browser.}
	#PRINT {}
#VAR voteCurrentTime {}
#VAR voteTimeLastVote 0
#EVENT onConnection {
	#VAR voteCurrentTime %eval((%time(hh)+(%time(dd)-1))*24)
	#IF (%eval(@voteCurrentTime-@voteTimeLastVote)<0) {
		#VAR voteTimeLastVote 0
	#IF (%eval(@voteCurrentTime-@voteTimeLastVote)>12) {
		#VAR voteTimeLastVote @voteCurrentTime
House of Medakan cMUD Scripts: Table of Contents

House of Medakan zMUD Scripts: Table of Contents
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